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Essay | The Lifelong Power of Close Relationships. . The rumor spread quickly anyway," Jan. 7, 2021, PolitiFact, "Tucker Carlson guest airs debunked conspiracy theory that COVID-19 was created in a lab," Sept. 16, 2020, PolitiFact, "What is QAnon, the baseless conspiracy spilling into US politics?" The general pointed especially to Pennsylvania and Arizona, reporting that 330 thousand votes were shifted from Dr. Oz to Fetterman, and in Arizona about 36,000 were shifted from Kari Lake to Hobbs. [9], McInerney has been a member of the Boards of Directors of military contractors, including Alloy Surfaces Company, Kilgore Flares Co, Nortel Government Solutions Inc. Pan American International Academy (Flight Simulators), Agusta Westland NA, and Crescent Partnerships. Fact-checkers Lead Stories and USA Today debunked this conspiracy theory. Following the events of In Danger's Path, nothing more is known of General McInerney's life and career. He is a West Point graduate who flew combat missions over Vietnam. It falls to General Pickering to determine if the secret has been compromised, which sends him around the world to make the determination. Executive Order No. He entered West Point in 1948 with the class of '52 and was the Eastern Intercollegiate Boxing Champion in 1951 and 1952. While on a visit to Tokyo, he is contacted by Captain Ken McCoy. McInerney is not just any retired general making these claims. We need your help. McInerney was a staunch advocate for the Iraq War. After writing a self-serving report on the missionary convoy mission where Corporal Ken McCoy earned the nickname "Killer McCoy," Banning sent him home from China with an efficiency report that should have seen him thrown out of the Corps. McInerney assumed command of Alaskan Command upon its activation in July 1989 and became commander of Eleventh Air Force when Alaskan Air Command was redesignated Eleventh Air Force in August 1990. He graduated from the U.S. Military Academy in 1959 and later earned a. Nothing further of Fleming Pickering's life or career is known. St. Petersburg, FL WASHINGTON The Marine Corps is promoting Col. Anthony Henderson, a combat-tested Iraq and Afghanistan veteran, to brigadier general, a move that cracks the doorway for the service to. When the U.S. goes to war, TV networks call on the warheads, Fact check: Claims of electoral fraud in Rome, dubbed 'ItalyGate,' are baseles. His viral video on an episode of Two Mikes has been taken down on YouTube and suppressed on Facebook, but we have it on Rumble and other platforms where it has combined for over 200,000 views. Books online: America's End Game for the 21st Century: A Blueprint for Saving Our Country, 2022, This is wrong we rated a similar claim False. He also talked about the Wuhan Flu and his contention that it was intentionally released as a biological weapon by the Chinese Communist Party. [13], On September 6, 2016, McInerney was 1 of 88 retired military leaders who endorsed the Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump. Killer McCoy arranges for Ludmilla to be brought out of China as part of Operation Gobi, and Banning reunites with herand with his son, Edward Edwardovich Banning, whom he had never seen. McInerney was a forward air controller and fighter pilot during the Vietnam War and had flown 407 combat missions during his four tours of duty. By his own admission, Pick can do any job in the hotel except pastry chef, claiming he could not master handling pastry dough.[11]. Behind The Lines (New York: G.P. World War II gave him a stay of execution. When Colonel Frank Goettge, Division G-2 of the First Marine Division, was killed on Guadalcanal, Stecker was assigned as the acting G-2 until a replacement for Goettge could be sent to the island.[25]. !, he told Military Times. He claimed that the election was being stolen from Trump and treasonous parties should be arrested and charged and a "full investigation" must be done by President Trump. Putnam's Sons), 1998; page 548), Griffin, W.E.B. [23][24][25] After the show, Payne apologized on Twitter to Senator McCain and his family for what McInerney had said which he himself did not hear or challenge because he was being told at the same time by the control room to "wrap the segment". Meanwhile, plans to "storm the Capitol" were drawn up in the open on social media forums and pro-Trump websites. The general pointed especially to Pennsylvania and Arizona, reporting that 330 thousand votes were shifted from Dr. Oz to Fetterman, and in Arizona about 36,000 were shifted from Kari Lake to Hobbs. Thomas G. McInerney was once a highly respected military leader who became the Air Force assistant vice chief of staff. Pickering was aboard the destroyer following service as the Acting G-2 of the First Marine Division on Guadalcanal, which volunteering for the job had seriously annoyed Secretary Knox. In a video viewed tens of thousands of times on Facebook, a retired Air Force officer makes a slew of inaccurate and baseless claims about everything from the Capitol insurrection to the coronavirus pandemic. Blown off the dock in the assault on Gavutu and wounded in the face and the leg, he had to be pried loose from a dock piling by the corpsmen. From the November 2, 2020 article: The false claims about the Armys role in the election put out by McInerney have gained a lot of traction. This results in McCoy setting up an intelligence operation generally similar to that of Mac MacMillan in The Brotherhood of War series. He takes part in an evaluation mission to General Wendell Fertig in the Philippines to determine if Fertig is sane and in a position to wage guerrilla warfare against the Japanese. The family is evacuated to the United States after General Pickering uses his influence with Senator Fowler of California (a longtime personal friend) to write a private bill granting non-quota immigrant visas to the family. No unit in the battalions lineage has gone overseas for combat operations much less to surveil or fight the CIA since World War II. Following the successful establishment of Station Nowhere in the Gobi Desert, Rickabee is not seen again in the series. FDA & CDC told pregnant women to take the shot. Leonardo used a military satellite to change votes from Trump to Biden in key battleground states. After graduating from OCS, he is assigned as an officer courier for intelligence in the Pacific while working for the Marine Corps Office of Management Analysis, a special, little known intelligence group run by Lieutenant Colonel (later Brigadier General) Fritz Rickabee. Veterans can be of any age. Your vote does not count. PRESIDENTIAL UNIT CITATION. Published: 19:09, 21 Oct 2020. There is no evidence that a foreign country hacked voting machines in Georgia. His viral video on an episode of Two Mikes has been taken down on YouTube and suppressed on Facebook, but we have it on Rumble and other platforms where it has combined for over 200,000 views. 20006, Florida Official govt docs expose Michelle Obamas 14 year history as a man., "Woody Harrelsons 60 seconds in the middle of his monologue was cut out of the edits released after the show., BREAKING Trump preps Marines to stop presidential coup.. Following this, he is assigned to help McCoy set up a weather station in the Gobi Desert. The Marine Corps Combat Utility Uniform, or "Cammies," is the standard uniform Marines wear in garrison, during training, and while deployed overseas. The general completed Armed Forces Staff College in . He earned a BS degree from the United States Military Academy in 1959 and a master's degree in international relations from George Washington University in 1972. When it looked as if the Killer was about to be involuntarily separated from the Corps, she tried to tempt him into joining the Bannings and the Zimmermans in a real estate project which would have had the families building estatelets on land owned by the Bannings on a couple of South Carolina islands. We have all this information.. General David H. Berger assumed the duties of Commandant of the Marine Corps on July 11, 2019. As Chairman of P&FE, he modernized the company, assigning officers where the company needed them instead of permitting them to monopolize one ship. "[8], In 2006, McInerney advocated for regime change via military action against Iran and North Korea. He is also a ladies' man who is sought out by women, whom he frequently beds without considering the consequences. Coming To Light! A person is considered to be a veteran if they were a former member of the United States Armed Forces (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard) who served on active service before being dismissed under terms that were not considered to be dishonorable. A Medal of Honor recipient during World War I, Jack (NMI - No Middle Initial) Stecker served with Fleming Pickering and Doc McInerney when they were all enlisted men. The 305th Military Intelligence Battalion is a training unit based at Fort Huachuca, Arizona, and has been assigned to Army Training and Doctrine Command meaning that it hasnt been participating in any operational missions since 1990. The command has not had a fatal incident since two soldiers died in a helicopter crash in California this August, and the most recent Special Forces combat deaths resulted from an insider attack that killed two in Afghanistan on Feb. 8. Today, The Two Mikes again spoke with Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney about the current state of security and division in the United States. In a popular video on Facebook and YouTube, retired Air Force Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney makes several false and baseless claims about the Capitol insurrection, coronavirus pandemic and 2020 election. Last edited on 15 February 2023, at 15:28, Learn how and when to remove these template messages, Learn how and when to remove this template message, US Army Command and General Staff College,, This page was last edited on 15 February 2023, at 15:28. ", RELATED:Heres why Georgias Republican officials are confident in their presidential election results. McInerney made these claims in an interview with Brannon Howse of Worldview Radio & WVW-TV, a conspiracy-tinged website with stories like Voter Fraud, Treason, Psychological Gaslighting Enemies Inside the Wire and The Existential Threat to Our National Security; Is the CIA Using Technology to Enslave and Control The American People? and The Democrats Plan For Secession if They Lose the 2020 Presidential Election and Their Partnership with China to Defeat America From Within., In his interview with Howse (which was preceded by an exclusive first interview with retired Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn since his pardoning by Trump) McInerney said that Trump and attorney Sidney Powell have got the 305th Military Intelligence Battalion working with them, because in all of this, we have not seen any footprints of the DOJ or the FBI, nor the CIA on the friendly side.. [10] During the Korean War, he serves with McCoy in the CIA in Korea, directly under the command of General Pickering. Thomas McInerney (born March 7, 1937)[2] is a political commentator and a retired United States Air Force Lieutenant General, who served in top military positions under the President of the United States and Secretary of Defense. Griffin, W.E.B. Its just coming out, but I understand my initial report is that there were U.S. soldiers killed in that operation. WASHINGTON All things being equal, Col. Anthony Henderson has the military background that the Marine Corps says it prizes in a general: multiple combat tours, leadership experience and the . He is temporarily blinded and transferred off Corregidor by submarine with other seriously wounded US servicemen; fortunately, his sight returns before reaching port. During his World War I service, he was also awarded the Silver Star, the World War I Victory Medal, and the French Legion of Honor in the rank of Chevalier, plus the Croix de Guerre. McCoy gives him an intelligence analysis that concludes the North Koreans are readying an attack on South Korea. After The Basic School he was sent to NAS Pensacola for flight training. That's significantly above normal miscarriage rate. We also discussed the utter idiocy of allowing any American travel to China for the 2022 Winter Olympic Games. Jan. 4, 2021, PolitiFact, "Debunking the Hammer and Scorecard election fraud conspiracy theory," Nov. 10, 2020, PolitiFact, "Fact-checking claims about the Insurrection Act, martial law after Capitol riot," Jan. 11, 2021, PolitiFact, "Fact-checking hoaxes and conspiracies about the coronavirus," Jan. 24, 2020, PolitiFact, "Heres how we know Trumps repeated claim of a landslide victory is wrong," Jan. 7, 2021, PolitiFact, "How Pizzagate went from fake news to a real problem for a D.C. business," Dec. 5, 2016, PolitiFact, "Meet Donald Trump's 88 military advisers," Sept. 7, 2016, PolitiFact, "No, facial recognition didnt confirm antifa infiltrated Trump supporters at the Capitol," Jan. 7, 2021, PolitiFact, "No, Georgia election workers didnt kick out observers and illegally count suitcases of ballots," Dec. 4, 2020, PolitiFact, "Theres no proof antifa stormed the Capitol. Ken has a great affinity for languages and in China learns Japanese, Wu, Mandarin, and Cantonese, which leads to his being assigned to intelligence-gathering convoys by Captain Edward Banning, USMC, the Fourth Marine Regiment's intelligence officer. Ken promised he and Ernie would be married on his return from the mission. Like Ken McCoy, he is co-opted into the CIA by General Pickering, serving on his personal staff until the General, following a meeting with Director Walter Bedell Smith, the new head of the CIA, reassigns him as the CIA's Tokyo station chief.[8]. Thomas G. McInerney was once a highly respected military leader who became the Air Force assistant vice chief of staff. Veterans are now Who Are Considered Military . "I've been . Chicago, Illinois, United States. Pick is the son of Fleming Pickering, owner of Pacific and Far East (P&FE) shipping, and Patricia Foster Pickering, heir to the Foster hotel chain (allowing Pick to stay at the exclusive hotels at no cost). Like McInerney, Stecker was offered an appointment to the United States Naval Academy; but he turned it down because he wanted to marry. Their parents hoped that Ernie and Pick would fall in love and marry, but they ended up being friends rather than lovers. McInerney then was deputy chief of staff for operations and intelligence, Headquarters Pacific Air Forces, Hickam Air Force Base, Hawaii, from June 1983 to July 1985, when he became commander of Third Air Force, Royal Air Force Station Mildenhall, England. A career infantry officer, his assignments in the operating forces include Rifle Platoon Commander and 81mm Mortar Platoon Commander in 2d Battalion, 1st Marines; Logistics Officer and Rifle Company Commander in 1st Battalion, 3d Marines; and . Georgia officials said no one was told to leave; some observers exited after election workers had finished their jobs. Pickering takes the report to the Director of the CIA, who is skeptical of its accuracy but orders an investigation by his station chiefs. Like McCoy, he is fluent in Wu, Cantonese, and Mandarin. The general completed Armed Forces Staff College in . Thomas G. McInerney (born March 15, 1937) is a retired United States Air Force Lieutenant General and well-known war hawk. When Fleming Pickering was transferred from the Navy back into the Marines at the direction of President Roosevelt and assigned to head up the Office of Management Analysis, Rickabee was seriously annoyed. "mRNA is not a vaccine" it's "actually an operating system" that's run by Bill Gates to program humans. If anyone had asked me, I would have voted 'yes.' 801 3rd St. S However, she has worked her way up to creative director on the APP account at the agency on her own. As The Corps' final book to date (Retreat, Hell!) After running a second war bond tour, Macklin volunteered for the OSS, believing he could salvage his career by so doing. (Stecker had served multiple tours in Nicaragua during the Banana Wars of the 1920s.) During boot camp, he was pulled out of training by Lieutenant Ken McCoy, promoted to Sergeant, and assigned to act as Brigadier General Pickering's personal bodyguard. The audit found "no sign of foul play. Ernie's desire for children was thwarted by a series of miscarriages. ", "Schools are trying to make a law that teachers can see girls' private parts to make sure they're not trans. "Somebody senior to Macklin if Macklin is the idiot everybody seems to think he is, I don't think he should be in a position to give orders. Never in his history. Prospect Partners is a leading, Chicago-based private equity firm that partners with passionate entrepreneurs in high potential . MAJOR GENERAL JAMES E. MCINERNEY JR. Major General James Eugene McInerney Jr., is director of programs, Deputy Chief of Staff Programs and Analysis, Headquarters U.S. Air Force. VIEW BIO. As a result, he is one of a very few people who can call McCoy "Killer" without incurring McCoy's wrath. The two of them flew together from Henderson Field during the Battle of Guadalcanal until Dick was injured in a crash landing of his Wildcat. The general pointed especially to Pennsylvania and Arizona, reporting that 330 thousand votes were shifted from Dr. Oz to Fetterman, and in Arizona about 36,000 were shifted from Kari Lake to Hobbs. General David H. Berger assumed the duties of Commandant of the Marine Corps on July 11, 2019. Fact: 9,000 illegals all of 2020. [24][26] Afterward, Fox News announced that McInerney would never appear on Fox News or Fox Business again. 2. Fishpond United States, America's End Game for the 21st Century: A Blueprint for Saving Our Country by LTG Thomas McInerney MG Paul E VallelyBuy . (New York: G.P. In 2016, then-President Barack Obama tapped Air Force Gen. Lori Robinson to lead U.S. Northern Command, a role she served in for two years. He is a command pilot with more than 4,100 flying hours, including 407 combat missions (243 in O-1s as a forward air controller and 164 in F-4C's, D's and E's) during the Vietnam War. General McInerney was born in Springfield, Mass., in 1930, and graduated from Georgia Military Academy. He is married with one son. Spokespeople for the U.S. Special Operations Command and the U.S. Army Special Operations Command told the outlet that they had no information about such an incident. What is QAnon, the baseless conspiracy spilling into US politics? Unlike the majority of pre-World War II regular Marine Corps officers, Banning is a graduate of The Citadel, the Military College of South Carolina. He became commander of Alaskan Air Command, Alaskan NORAD Region, and Joint Task Force Alaska in May 1988. No evidence McCain helped enemy in Vietnam", "Fox Military Guest: Torture Is Good, 'It Worked on John McCain', Fox military analyst McInerney touted military strike "that will take Iran down very quickly" -- but he said same thing about Iraq Research, Fox News Conspiracy Theory: Russia Moved Saddam's WMD To Syria, "For Diehards, Search for Iraq's W.M.D. Between the end of World War II and the start of the Korean War, McCoy is assigned to Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers, General MacArthur's headquarters in Japan as part of its naval element, still working in Intelligence and specializing in Korea. This updated version of a weeks-old theory originally amplified by U.S. Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, came from an interview with McInerney, who offered no evidence to support his claim. Fluent in Wu, Cantonese, and graduated from Georgia military Academy had asked me I! Task Force Alaska in May 1988 their parents hoped that Ernie and Pick would fall in and! 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