6-16. 4-71. Captured, detained, and protected persons fall into several different categories that include the following: Salute Report Consider how to exploit the FMs. - MP monitor likely enemy avenues of approach and LZ and DZ in critical areas to give early warning of rear-area enemy activity. Reconnaissance operations. Crossing areas are controlled-access areas that decrease congestion at the river. US policy demands that all persons who are captured, interned, evacuated, or held by US forces are treated humanely. The platoon has limited antiarmor capability and normally uses antiarmor weapons for self-protection and to break contact. DODDOA-009813 4-2. general location of the central collecting point is given in the division OPORD or OPLAN. The observer needs- Sets up the company CP where it can best control the company, be well defended, and have LOC to the subelements. are organized and equipped basically the same. Ambush Collocated DODDOA-009801 Plan ways to 4-81. 2-24. 7-24. Normally, civilians are not allowed to cross the river or move along the edge of the river during the river crossing operation. Drill books. SHOOT X x x x x It enables similar units to simultaneously or sequentially train on mission-related scenarios. Can accommodate all the unit's vehicles and equipment. They enhance the capability of US A base's defense priorities include- The platoon can perform any of the five functions. Builds fighting positions for protection and concealment. The forward edge of the battle area. Sample DA Form 1355-1-R. PATROLS 5-21. Use a hand grenade or direct fire to detonate mines. Attack positions. army.mi l/portal/ati a/adlsc/vi ew/public/297074-1/fm/3-19.4/chan4.htm .12/27/2004. in traffic control by reporting and regulating the movement of units and convoys. 1-45. Choose sites for halts and RPs. TEAM AND SQUAD LEADER 4-21. Band Augmentation Other. qpiw. Once the enemy is located, the friendly force is fully prepared to engage and destroy it, especially if surprise is achieved. DODDOA-009807 Chapter 1 MILITARY POLICE OVERVIEW, Introduction DODDOA-009829 The quartering party leader ensures that the equipment and supplies are available to clear, secure, and set up the new site. MP may have to direct the capturing The squad leader checks the range cards and the squad sector sketch for gaps or other flaws in the fire plan. In-depth OP/LP placement (Figure 4-6) allows the platoon to observe the entire sector by placing OP/LP sites where the platoon can observe the most likely avenues of approach in the sector as well as along the sector flanks. Figure 5-2. Defenses are placed where the threat is greatest. Some countries have special uniforms and headgear. NLW is an additional means of employing force for the particular purpose of limiting the Some of these tasks will require groupings For -area coverage, begin with an estimate of one mobile MP team per 55 square kilometers. fundamentals. The ammunition bearer digs a one-man fighting position to the flank. . Communication equipment (wire and radio). The platoon increases the intensity of fire as the enemy closes within range of additional weapons. Ensure that it includes the following five elements: An antenna increases the transmission distance and is located based on OPSEC principles. 1. The PM FM 7-0 Training was released June 14, 2021, Soldiers training in North Carolina, - November, 2021, Schofield Barracks, HI Soldiers from 1st Platoon, Charlie Battery Copperheads, 3-7 Field Artillery, 25th Infantry Division Artillery conducted platoon level live-fire certifications and qualifications at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii, June 3, 2021. NO. policy. The target acquisition is more difficult (such as, aiming stakes and layered fires are used extensively). They are likely to hit enemy armored vehicles on the top or the side where armor is thin. Ensure that platoon leaders plan the use of messengers, visual signals, personal contact, or whistles to communicate with the squad leaders. army.mil/portal/ati a/adl sc/vi ewinubli c/297074-1/fm/3-19.4/chan4litrn .12/770004 For brigade crossings, the MP leader may collocate with the brigade staff to form a All teams meet at a linkup point at the far side of the It is located near the division support area (DSA), preferably close to an MSR. The platoon leader positions the antiarmor weapons where they can engage the target from the rear, flank, or top. 7-17. The MMS function involves numerous measures and actions necessary to support the commander's freedom of movement in his AOR. Briefs the leader of the main body on the situation and the operational status. 4-15. 4-14. To maintain security during the march. 7-28. Captives may keep the following items found in a search: (Refer to Appendix E for precombat inspection checklists.) IFin each 1-11. An MP platoon may collocate with a company HQ or an existing base. The BSA TOC reports the exact location of the collecting point to the brigade TOC. Send patrols forward to maintain contact. Protective clothing and equipment (such as helmets, protective masks and clothing) for use during evacuation from the combat zone. The platoon must seize and maintain control of the situation. Although the base's reaction force usually would not fight beyond the perimeter of the base, the reaction force must be ready to assist the response force or TCF when it arrives. A SP gives the vehicles of a march column a common point for starting their movement. The Army has changed from linear fights to the global war on terrorism. Normally, MP are employed as squads; however, individual teams may execute many MP tasks. Chapter 5 MANEUVER AND MOBILITY SUPPORT Maneuver Support Mobility Spport The enemy threat to the rear area requires commanders to issue mines as an For equipment data, see the applicable technical manual (TM). Emplace the mines- G-15 G-15 whether as part of an established base or base cluster or separately as a company or a Bases coordinate and synchronize their defense efforts to enhance their strengths and reduce their vulnerabilities. Refer to FM 20-32 and FM 21 775 . Fire is terminated by the command or signal for cease fire, end of mission. 7-9. 3. Focusing your efforts on enemy vulnerabilities. reconnaissance in force (precision techniques) conserves ammunition, speeds up the Assume C2 of incoming MP forces or, if operating under a division, relinquish C 2 to a division or corps PM (if appropriate for effective employment of MP forces). Figure 5-2 shows the Appendix G MK19 QUALIFICATION TABLES PrimaiT Gunner, MK19 Qualification and Zero/Practice Tables Assistant Gunner, MK19 Firing Table, Mounted MK19 Scorecard G-15 Use AT weapons on mounted avenues of approach. 3-12. Portable Sign-Making Kit, Appendix J NUCLEAR, L CHEMICAL DEFENSE 7. Once they are discovered, if ordered to do so, MP can lay ambushes on likely routes to destroy them. Designate a route for each reconnaissance element, a location for the rendezvous, and a linkup time at the rendezvous point. 5-14. As used in river crossing operations, RLs are used to delineate the crossing area. SURVEILLANCE DODDOA-009846 Covered and concealed routes to and from the OP/LP. Set up and maintain communication with all the outlying sites. During these movements, the battalion supports the company and the company supports and monitors the platoons with the movement plan. DISTRIBUTION RESTRICTION: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. operational standards in the execution of BiH military missions and operations. The crew-served and antiarmor weapons positions and sectors of fire, including FPL or PDF for the crew-served weapons and target reference points for the antiarmor weapons. that might not be related to the entire function. Units make crossing preparations and receive briefings on vehicle speed and spacing in the staging areas. In such cases, a platoon leader could elect to set up a temporary platoon base as a rally point to report, resupply, and reorganize the platoon's resources. Other control measures which may include-. 4-76. It is a point on the march route that is easy to recognize on the map and on the ground. The squad leader carefully plans how each soldier receives rest. http://atiam.train.army.mil/portal/atia/adlseview/public/297074-1/fin/3- http://atiam.train.armv.mil/vortal/atia/adisciview/nublic/297074-1/fm/1-19. it easier to obtain supplies, transportation, and additional medical support from the DSA. -Staples and anchors http://atiam.train.army.mil/portal/atia/adlsc/view/oublic/297074-1/fm/3- htrn 1 7070004 OPs are established and sectors of fire are assigned to each vehicle. 1-32. Covered and concealed positions that are effective. To prevent the enemy from a surprise attack on other friendly forces. MAGNETIC CO _&_ NORTH FM 7-0, Training, defines a MET as a collective task on which an organization trains to be proficient in its designed capabilities or assigned mission. As a collective task, each MET has an associated T&EO that provides the doctrinal task, conditions, standards, and performance steps and measures to which units must train in order to attain proficiency. FM 3-19.4 Cl 2 AUGUST 2002 The METL is a compilation of tasks critical to mission accomplishment. Table 7-1. Good visibility of the avenues of approach and the kill zone. Organize and dispatch reconnaissance and quartering parties. Never allow the 3-4. This makes it easier to get supplies, such as water, food, and barrier material from the BSA. probability of death or serious injury to noncombatants or belligerents. These actions should be automatic and part of the unit SOP. Coordinates with the perimeter on the reentry procedures to the perimeter from the withdrawal route. When the unit approaches likely danger areas (such as bridges and tunnels), have one or more teams dismount. Moving a maneuver unit through the positions of an emplaced unit that is in contact with the enemy is a critical action. His 4-28. The BDOC initiates contingency planning that enables the base to- Base their plans on objective planning factors. Individual Critical Task List Training Management at Company Level Any Approved 27 Aug 2018 Effective Date: 27 Aug 2018 Distribution Restriction: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. As other units may be planning to use the route, each unit must cross the SP on time. Fan Method of Zone Reconnaissance equipment and supplies were available and. Are located to support the crossing plan. To plan a perimeter defense, evaluate the situation. building, and if most or all noncombatants are clear, employ overwhelming firepower to Have strong floors to keep the structure from collapsing under the weight of debris. . 1-39. Nonlethal options are a complement to, not a replacement for, lethal force and seek to expand a proactive response across the range of military operations. Studying implications and interrelationships of probable requirements. Enemy reconnaissance capabilities in any given situation must be compared to the MP unit's capabilities to determine if additional maneuver or CS assets are required. vary based on the situation. response and counterreconnaissance operations with fire support from field artillery or The platoon's radio transmission range is increased with an 0E-254 antenna. 4-66. Economic development and demographics, as well as the progression of social and cultural movements, will encompass an array of threat forces including nonnation forces (ethnic conflicts and terrorist activities) which challenge traditional nation and state environments. maneuver. obtain information. new information becomes available, review and revise the plan accordingly. DODD0A-009811 6-8. The kind of equipment it has may be peculiar to a certain type of unit. IP *. Holding areas. The techniques and principles of defense are the same for defending a separate squad, platoon, company, or base. A division central collection point is established outside of the crossing area. http://atiam.train.army.mil/portal/atia/adlseviewinublic/297074-1/fin/3- .1 2/27/7(104 An MP platoon collocates with a base or a base cluster for logistical support and a means to conduct operations. OPs/LPs are selected locations from which to look and listen for enemy activity within an assigned area of observation. Each rendezvous point becomes the ORP for the next phase. Complete the plan. A small tent houses the platoon's HQ. Ensure that items taken from detainees for security or intelligence reasons are signed over to the guards taking the detainees to the rear. contains both active and passive elements and includes combat action to destroy or repel Change overgarments, overboots, and gloves without spreading contamination to the uncontaminated set of MOPP gear. Refer to Refer to Chapter 5 for more information about route reconnaissance. modified to suit METT-TC and vehicle and trailer capacities. Route Execution immediate voice communication. During temporary halts, the MP teams move their vehicles to alternate sides on or off the road in a herringbone pattern that lets vehicles pass down the center of the column. However, the use of 5-10. Some leaders have developed a misconception that it is necessary to apply an aggregate of SCT proficiency ratings to determine the MET proficiency rating. http://atiam.train.anny.mil/portal/atialadlsc/view/public/297074-1/frn/3 12/27/2004 PLAN A TACTICAL ROAD MARCH SELECT OBSERVATION POST/LISTENING POST SITES It is designed as a mounted or static position The platoon must deliver a large volume of fire into the kill zone, using individual and crew-served weapons, mines, demolitions, and indirect fire (if available), and isolate the kill zone to keep the enemy from escaping or being reinforced. 2 Mission analysis 16 COA approval are consolidated and forwarded to the RAOC. attack (high-intensity techniques), with its devastating suppressive and preparatory fire DODD0A-009820 http://atiam.train.anny.mil/portal/atia/adlsc/view/nublic/297074-1/fm/3- .12/27/2004 The platoon leader selects the general location for the platoon's OP/LP after analyzing . DODD0A-009840 Area reconnaissance. FPF is usually used as a last resort to stop Existing structures like vacant schools, apartments, or warehouses should be used when Avoid obvious firing locations like church steeples (remember the elements of OCOKA) by Become an effective planner and anticipator of MP requirements. 1-16. 4-75. Each of the principles of precision room-clearing has a synergistic relationship to the others. Overlapping searches provide random coverage not easily predictable by simp 4-11. Currency will only be confiscated on the order of a commissioned officer ( AR 190 http://atiam.train.army.mil/portal/atia/adlsc/view/public/297074-1/firi/ 12/27/2004, Enemy Prisoners of War and Civilian Internee United States Military Prisoner Handlingffield Detention Facilities) Populace and Resource Control (PRC) Dislocated Civilian Resettlement Evacuation Operations LAY HASTY PROTECTIVE MINEFIELDS These supplies must be the same as to that of US and allied forces. the gunner engages the targets. The platoon must know how and when to use the equipment. Use OPs/LPs for the following: When collocated with a base or a base cluster, the platoon is integrated into that base's or base cluster's self-defense planning and operations. Release Point. The increase in traffic and the more diverse forces with different During combat operations or anytime there is a threat, the team leader quickly assesses the Change MOPP gear without either yourself or your buddy becoming a casualty. Each MET T&EO includes a list of SCTs and other associated tasks. MP confiscate the following items when searching a captive: on the load diagram in the vehicle. DODDOA-009855 Providing enough space between vehicles to allow a vehicle to bypass another vehicle that is inoperable. 6-17. Once the brigade receives MP augmentation, the PM then becomes a staff planner and coordinator for all MP activities. While built-up, 4-22. CLEARING TECHNIQUES Squad sector sketches show the following: Chapter 4. Iconstruction supplies quickly after that time. The platoon leader may task organize the squads according to mission, enemy, troops, terrain, time available, and civilian considerations (METT-TC), and provide one squad to operate the EPW collecting Refer to Chapter 8 for more information about L&O. to right and from front to rear. Figure 6-2. tactical situation calls for room-by-room clearing of a relatively intact building in which There are two basic MP platoon organizations, corps and division. MP support to a separate brigade is normally provided by a four-squad MP platoon. TCP Coordination of fire support before, during, and after linkup. The driver concentrates on the area directly in front of the vehicle looking for any unexploded munitions, scatterable mines, or other road hazards. The leader tells the soldiers the range to the target in meters. The 1-50. It can stop, delay, or restrict movement. 7-3. C2 its squads. If MP are to balance the benefits of detailed planning against the need With the old battlefield missions, the term "operations" was used extensively and 4-51. Units move into these areas when directed by TCP personnel and disperse rather than stay on the roads. More often, travel is When gunners change their fires Use the converging-routes method from each ORP to each rendezvous point. "The role that we served prior was a combat MP role, which has a completely different mission essential task list (METL)," said 1st Lt. Patrick Slaney, commander, 172nd LED. The team quartering party, the work to be done, and METT-TC. Figure 2-1 , page 2-4 shows the relationship between MDMP and TLP. The commander collocates guides or TCPs at the far recognition marker when he feels the situation requires more positive control. information requirements. If the vehicles cannot leave the road, they are parked at an angle so alternate vehicles face opposite sides of the road. The name, service number, grade, unit, and signature of the MP who accepts custody of the detainee. Initial. Submits requests for support based on the forecast developed during the briefing. At the first ORP halt and set up security. Sets up the wire communication net. In general, an MP platoon may be required MP may be required to establish unit holding areas (battalion and company size) in COORDINATE AND DIRECT THE MARCH primarily for employment in small-scale contingencies operations (SSCO) in complex and Date of the capture. 7-7. http://atiam.train.anny.mil/portal/atia/adlsc/view/nublic/297074-1/fin/3 12/27/2004 information requirements (CCIR). The speed of the firing vehicle, the time of flight, and the angle of engagement affect the amount of lead required. MP in GS are responsible for establishing and maintaining the division central collecting point. Despite the brigade's early time lines, the PM must Based on METT-TC, the platoon leader may task organize the platoon for certain missions. The fragmentation or concussion grenade can be thought of as the preparatory fire used before the assault. http://atiam.train.anny.mil/portal/atia/adlsc/view/nublic/297074-1/fin/3 htm.12/7712A04 Orders and Reports The platoon leader considers Covered and concealed withdrawal routes. Reports to higher HQ when the ambush is in place. MP may provide TCPs and guide support to lanes at any level of marking. In heavy divisions, where highly mobile forces are designed to move quickly over open ground, the overall need for MMS is significant. Allocated forces. Move tactically and silently while securing the corridors to the room to be cleared. Figure 4-7. dispatched one at a time or in small groups at irregular intervals to keep traffic density low 4-12. Traffic control posts (TCPs) and temporary route signs at- Modifying and moving the brackets to meet mission or unit requirements. If Generally, MP are tasked to observe specific avenues of approach or, more precisely, NAI. MP can switch units over different routes or hold them in waiting areas as directed by The platoon bases are set up the same. 4-4. The COA statement is the "how" of the operation. 6-25. DODDOA-009822 requires detailed planning for uninterrupted communications. They make frequent checks of temporary signs to prevent the enemy from tampering with MP do not use coercion of any kind to obtain any information from the captives. 2-22. Weak locks may fly apart with the first shot, but the gunner should always fire When collocated, the platoon leader coordinates with the base A division forward collecting point must be mobile and modular and able to set up, expand, and move quickly with little or no notice. Several of the steps may be accomplished concurrently. Time allowed for conducting the mission. Direct the squad leaders to let the enemy pass through the kill zones until the central Civilian internees. The locations of primary, alternate, and supplementary positions and sectors of fire for automatic weapons, antiarmor weapons, and subordinate elements. Maintain security and be prepared to react to more enemy contact at any moment. Captured, detained, and protected persons fall into several different categories that include the following: Field sanitation. leader determines if the platoon can destroy the enemy from its assigned positions. Units whose assistance to the main effort is vital normally receive the highest priority for protection. When preparing for a tactical road march, the company uses the following planning sequence when time permits: Figure 3-1. PREPARE FOR COMBAT The Continue fires into the platoon sector (engagement area). does not blind the driver of the next. EEPs should be located where they do not interfere with the traffic to the crossing sites and where equipment can be concealed and dispersed. It is often associated with training requiring movement . Table 2-2. Ensures that radio communication is kept to a minimum during movement. Overview No single dominating threat will be the undisputed focus of US security policy. army.mil/portal/ati a/adlsciview/publ ic/297074-1/finJ3-19.4/chan6.htm 12/27/2004 http://atiam.train.army.mil/portal/atia/adlseview/public/297074-1/fin/3- .12/27/2004 US military prisoner. The platoon leader keeps a reserve at the ORP. It bypasses mined areas whenever possible, but considers how the delay will affect the outcome of the mission. The MP platoons are augmented by the division band and/or by the corps MP. Conduct a reconnaissance before picking the exact location for the collecting point. avoid friendly casualties. Report 10 enemy infantrymen (not an infantry squad). 1-44. their fellow soldiers, or personnel in their charge are threatened with death or serious bodily The platoon leader plans for the possible need to establish a forward EPW collection conduct building and room clearing during high-intensity combat. Analyzing the mission to determine tasks, their complexity, and their relative importance. In river crossings, TCP personnel assist the crossing-area HQ Spc. Peacetime training must replicate battlefield Figure 5-1 shows the following control measures. the process to explore the full range of probable and likely enemy and friendly COAs and to counterreconnaissance, MP operate either offensively or defensively using whatever tactics ERPs are technical checkpoints used to ensure that vehicles do not exceed the capacity of the crossing means. During surveillance the platoon's ability to report is critical. Demolitions are often needed to defeat more elaborate barriers or to produce a desired effect to aid the initial entry. Command to fire. When the number of soldiers that will defend a 360-degree perimeter is small, theplatoon leader must-- He directs the day-to-day Setting up fighting positions if the situation calls for them. Why are mission essential task list ( Metl ) development? Breaching operations normally require the maximum use of TCPs to assist support,.breach, and assault forces to move along various lanes. conditions and conform to Army doctrine. Through this training, the commander gets to know the soldiers. Infiltration Infiltration is the best passive defense against enemy observation and attack, although it may be difficult to control. MP leaders must consider the following: Prepare fighting positions so that their CAPABILITIES DODDOA-009768 Refer to FM 90-40 . (2) training personnel engaged in demining and countermine operations. as communications nodes; and air bases. AT4s and M203 grenade launchers work well in built-up areas. When used properly, a temporary defensive position can enable the platoon to rest, recover, repair damaged equipment, and plan for future operations. Silence Do not allow the captives to speak or let anyone speak to them. MAINTAIN AND MOVE A COMBAT LOAD NLW doctrine and concepts of operation are designed to reinforce deterrence and Initially the collection point will be on the entry bank. The FSO METL represents those fundamental doctrinal tasks a unit is designed to perform. If a unit is assigned a mission outside of 4-7. missions have been redefined into the following five functional areas: Dismounts all personnel except drivers at the dismount point. Take steps to keep the enemy from observing or surprising the platoon. tactical road march to be successful. 5-7. b. NOTE: When possible, conduct same gender searches; however, this fewer personnel greatly increases the combat strain and risks. 4-96. opportunities afforded by weather while minimizing its adverse effects. Position guides at the RP to meet the main party. Establish the dismount point and perimeter security. As an early warning security measure in a defensive perimeter. Jessica Scott), Paratroopers assigned to the 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division engage in a Culminating Training Event (CTE) on Fort Bragg, N.C., November 4, 2021. The team leader designates a specific location and primary direction of fire for the crew-served weapon. MP then process the detainees using the stress method . The commander positions himself where he can guide and motivate the soldiers and influence the outcome of the missions. Advantages of Employing Nonlethal Weapons . The SP is a recognizable place along the route of march (such as a road intersection). When aiming from a moving vehicle or at a moving vehicle, or both, the gunner must lead the target. 4-46. reduce the threat or move the team. Main supply route (MSR) regulation enforcement. logistics and supply operations are kept on time and arrive at the right place. 4-16. %. combine the efforts of different resources, like enhancing the combat power for the base platoon by itself does not have enough assets to both acquire and kill an enemy On key terrain when the surveillance of a specific area is required. It attempts to mass fire and initiate them at the same time to achieve surprise. A platoon leader must know normally gives OPCON of all units entering the crossing area to the crossing commander. threats including famine, health epidemics, illegal immigration, illegal drug traffic, and If the enemy gets through the FPF, repel it by 'close combat. Combat loading also lends to a fast set up at the new site. 4-54. 6-6. of 15 minutes is usually taken after the first hour of marching. stationary units. The platoon provides support and security. Firing on the move is less accurate than firing from a halt. battalion or company quartering party. Ensure that the position has more than one exit route and provides communication with the train.army.mil/portal/atiaiadl seview/public/297074-1/fm/3-19.4/chaD5.htm 112/27/2004 Law enforcement. combat, CS, and CSS forces and taking control of EPWs and CIs. until relieved. As in a deliberate attack against any objective, the assaulting element moves into position using covered and concealed routes. DODDOA-009777 All personnel watch for enemy aircraft. Forecasting requirements by analyzing and evaluating facts and trends to predict what may occur. Conventional reconnaissance elements are usually squad-size or smaller. JNTC. MP use existing structures when possible to reduce construction requirements. Because of extensive police training and law enforcement missions, the MP are highly skilled in the use of force and the employment of lethal and nonlethal technologies, information-collecting and dissemination, observation and surveillance, and crowd control. MP operate TCPs on both banks of the river Positioning vehicles so that key equipment can be moved or removed without displacement of the entire unit. Sometimes prompt evacuation would be more dangerous to their survival than retention in the combat zone. Select fairly secure locations for halts ; Choose a site that-. A great deal of intelligence is provided to a BDOC and BCOC through the rear operations net, which helps in planning the defense. larger than squads quickly become unwieldy. When the using. However, MP must be prepared to go forward to accept EPW from capturing units. Coordinates the road march through the chain of command with the local movement control unit. Route characteristics may make it necessary to halt at a particular point on the route rather than simultaneously at a fixed time. COMBAT PATROLS Lane training uses multiechelon techniques to maximize the efficient use of limited terrain and control conditions for formal or informal evaluations. Evacuate all wounded and any friendly dead. criminals, or gangs may try to observe installations, deep-water ports, or other facilities to Mission Essential Task Lists (METL) - Standardized Mission Essential Task Lists (METL) are the Headquarters, Department of the Army official listings of the fundamental tasks that units are designed to perform in any operational environment. Company supports and monitors the platoons with the traffic to military police metl tasks RAOC produce a desired to! The movement plan linear fights to the others standards in the execution of BiH missions. 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