I threw open the breech lock of my carbine to throw the shell out, but it was stuck fast. "I will trade horses with you if you will." That was the last I ever saw of Custer alive. Nicknamed by some as the "King of Kalashnikovs". Although the Indians denied it, there are several eye-witness accounts that suggest that there were one or more whites fighting on the Indians' side at the Little Bighorn, although not with the Sioux. A s you've likely heard, the ocean's health is . I called Watson's attention to it, but he did not think it was the same horse. Kanipe said Custer was "gone two hours. Thomson won the British Open in 1954, 1955, 1956, 1958, and 1965, matching the number of wins by John Henry Taylor and James Braid and . I found in the center of our place of defense that we had a surgeon busily attending to the wounded and dying. We had two spades, the others having been either broken or lost, so our means of digging rifle pits were limited and natural defenses there were none. It may seem hard to take human life, but he had been trying to take mine, and self preservation is the first law of nature. From his decorations of paint and feathers, I judged he was a chief. My answer is, a sense of duty, and love for our comrades in arms. But we ourselves were no better off. Hearing an oath behind me, I looked back and saw my comrade Watson trying to get his horse on its feet. [Note: August De Voto and an Anonymous Sixth Infantry Sergeant also spoke of white men fighting on the Indians' side at the Little Bighorn. A white man capturing an enemy usually spares his life but if captured by hostile Indians, his days are numbered and he is known of men on earth no more. I was not the only one to run for the head of the ravine. Where we made our stand there was nothing but sand, gravel, and a little sagebrush. Being in our present predicament, we were utterly powerless to help as we wished we could. [Note: Curley also spoke memorably of the continuous roar of battle.] This was good news to me. So intent were we in our endeavor to escape the attention of the Indians by the river, that we did not perceive another party which was in the road we wished to take until the gutteral language of the savages called our attention to them. On March 3, 1934, Dillinger escaped from the "escape-proof" (as it was dubbed by local authorities at the time) Crown Point, Indiana county jail, which was guarded by many police officers and national guardsmen. Here is Arikara scout Red Bear's account of the incident, complete with the scouts' humorously insolent backtalk to the "Great Man.". We were repulsed at the ford; we were surrounded by Indians on the bluffs; we were without horses; and when we did make the attempt we did so at nearly the cost of our lives. The savages seemed loathe to let us go. I made some inquiries of some skulkers who I found among the horses and from what they told me I concluded that the ravine route was the only safe one to take. Then -- before he had his wounds bandaged -- Thompson went on the extremely dangerous water detail to get a drink for a dying friend, Pvt. Tom Custer, 1st Lieut. And thus we were brought to the fording place near the center of the village. Mr. Thomson brings a distinguished experience in diplomatic services and is familiar with the work of the United Nations, including as Permanent Representative of Fiji to the UN and President of. Our way to the river was cut off excepting by way of the ravine out of which eleven brave men drove the Indians. They must have suspected our intentions. I knew that if anyone needed such an implement they were liable to take it. Benteen seemed to be aware of the impending danger, and was forming all the men he possibly could into line at the point where it was expected that the Indians would attack us. In spring 2017, Rick tried to have Supergirl free Peter by threatening Alex Danvers ' life. I was disappointed with my place of defense. And, the pop star's son Junior Andre, 17, took to Instagram on Monday, where he shared shirtless snap of the duo with just towels around their waists. He studied for a moment and then waded out of the stream leaving his horse with everything on it as I had done. Curley and Kanipe both stated that Custer rode apart from his men to scout the countryside after the Battle of the Little Bighorn had started, and the Seventh Cavalry was charging to attack the Indian village at Medicine Tail Coulee, as did White Man Runs Him and Medal of Honor winner Fred Goldin. Pausing for a moment I looked cautiously around the bend and there before me was running water, the Little Horn River, on the opposite side was a thick cover of cottonwood timber, the sight of which made me hesitate for a moment. The best result we found for your search is Peter Thomson age 70s in Laconia, NH. On June 7, 2014, Serge Pomerleau, 49, Denis Lefebvre, 53, and Yves Denis, 35, escaped from a Quebec detention center with help from a helicopter. He was one of 12 convicts who escaped the institution through a tunnel. On coming close, I saw they were our Ree scouts and two Crow Indians, one of whom was Half Yellow Face or Two Bloody Hands. Marking: [label] Peter Thomson, Philadelphia - New York The Metropolitan Museum of Art. To say that we were astonished would faintly express our feelings. Capt. So, loading my carbine which was done in a moment, I took aim at him as he turned to go to his pony which was about thirty feet back of him on a slight elevation winding up his rawhide rope as he did so, I fired, but missed him because Watson who was on the line with the Indian made a movement which distracted my aim. This, for a time, seemed to deter him for he laid down his gun and commenced work at his former occupation. Tom Custer and other Seventh Cavalry troopers riding across the river in the moonlight, but it turned out to be Indians in captured Army uniforms.]. The horses were held back behind and inside of the circle of skirmishers. When I reached the place of our defense, I found that the firing was not so brisk. 5. I struggled to my feet and staggered after Watson. The men only fired where they thought they were going to do execution. Sumas, WA 98295 The heat at this time seemed to be intense, but it might have been on account of my exhausted condition. Thompson and Watson had spied a Seventh Cavalry guidon in the huge free Sioux and Cheyenne village across the river, and they were under the mistaken impression that they could rejoin their Seventh Cavalry comrades there. Meanwhile, I was persuing my way along the trail on foot leading my horse for I was afraid he would fall down under me, so stumbling and staggering was his gait. Near the water's edge, some distance up the river, we saw a large body of Indians holding a council, and that we might avoid them we kept as close to the cover of the brush as possible and went as rapidly as we could towards the face of the bluff. Or at least that's one plausible way to read the eye-witness record of the battle. After his second escape he was captured on September 21, 2007. Before we reached the foot of the bluff we came upon an opening in the timber and brush with several large cottonwood trees lying upon the ground, stripped of their bark. By Peter Thomson. See Mysteries of the Little Bighorn for more info.] George A. Finckle] of our company sitting calmly on his horse looking on and making no effort to help Watson in his difficulty. "Heritage and Horizon: American Painting, 1776-1976," May 5, 1976-June 13, 1976. I could not but wonder what sort of fix I would be in if the horse under which I was lying happened to get shot and fell down on me. The ball plowed through his body, and buried itself in the ground under the horse, throwing the dirt in every direction. Actually, these aren't "impossible" either. In addition to describing the valiant actions he participated in, Thompson's account contains a lot of significant detail, such as the fatigue of Custer's men and their horses as they rode into battle (Thompson got separated from Custer because his mount gave out). However, there's also another, equally plausible but much, much darker read on the scene with Custer and the roped squaw, namely that Curley was Custer's procurer and they were both there to rape and murder the Sioux woman. He came to the same conclusion. I offered to divide the water of one canteen with some of the men of Company C. They refused my offer when I told them that my effort was made in behalf of the wounded members of our company. Copyright 1973 - 2020 by Bruce Brown and BF Communications Inc. Astonisher, Astonisher.com, Conversations With Crazy Horse, 100 Voices, Who Killed Custer?, The Winter Count of Crazy Horse's Life, and Mysteries of the Little Bighorn are trademarks of BF Communications Inc. BF Communications Inc. Suddenly they broke up and advanced toward my place of concealment. See Mysteries of the Little Bighorn for more info.]. After we had climbed nearly half way up the bluff, the Indians commenced to fire at us, but that did not trouble us, because we knew that the Indians when excited were very poor shots; and in our case the bullets went wide of the mark. [Note: according to Edward Godfrey, Weir did not ask permission, but did, in fact, lead a foray in Custer's direction, but was quickly driven back by the Sioiux and Cheyenne.]. " F orty years after his death, Alfred Hitchcock is still the best known film director there ever was, or perhaps will ever be. The sun reflecting on the sand and gravel made it very hot. There we sat aiming at one another; the Indians did not fire and I couldn't. 2. The firing in the direction of the battlefield had just now ceased, showing this act of the tragedy was ended. I made my way slowly over the small place in which we huddled together and was very pleased to see some of the men stretching canvas over the wounded and dying. This is very trying to a cavalry man, for next to himself, he loves his horse, especially on a campaign of this kind. When we came to the fording place, we found that the water was rushing very rapidly. "Ten dollars for a drink," said one. John Brennan], and Watson [Pvt. It was just the way Custer and his mercinary scouts did business. It was clear that the Indians still held the village, and it would be foolish for us to again attempt to enter it. Beyond the village was a black mass of ponies grazing on the short green grass. He escaped two times with a helicopter. From the Belle Fourche Bee, Belle Fourche, SD, December 1913. A volley was fired but again I escaped. [Note: the accounts of Arikara scouts Soldier and an Anonymous Ree Scout both reported seeing Seventh Cavalry troopers kicking their downed horses just before the battle was about to begin.] After I had travelled a considerable distance, I came to a turn in the ravine. He escaped but was captured at an airport five hours later. So with renewed energy we made our way up amid showers of lead. We had scarcely got clear of the underbrush before we became aware of the fact that we had run into a hot place. One of the Indians mounted his pony and rode on the edge of the bluff abreast of us. Both Brennan and Fitzgerald survived. It was not a question of days but of hours. Knipe added, "They all thought you was a gonner." At the other end of the rope, straining and tugging to get away, was a Sioux squaw. And he did and gradually left me behind. The eye-witness record of the battle says there were actually four more survivors who left Custer's command after Curley. This animated Bible story is based on Acts 12:1-17.We tell the story through Slapstick Theater - a popsicle stick theater. He had received this latter name from the fact that on the back of his buckskin shirt the print of two human hands was visible, either put there by red ink or blood. It was utterly impossible to move our wounded, as we had no means at hand with which we could do so. Share. The trail we had followed had been made by buffalo, when going to and from the river. Beside him, I saw Sergeant Finkle [Sgt. Facebook gives people the power to. We were ever on the alert, but could see very little on account of the underbrush. After meeting Thompson and the Crow scout with the roped enemy squaw on the banks of the Little Bighorn -- and finding no better alternative crossing places -- the eye-witness record says Custer then returned to the ford at Medicine Tail Coulee in this scenario, tried to cross there, got shot by White Cow Bull, and died "in the water of the Little Bighorn." When he saw that I was fully awake, he told me I would have to render some assistance at the head of the ravine up which the Indians were trying to sneak. AMONG SURVIVORS of the Little Bighorn, a few veterans like William Slaper dismissed Thompson's story out-of-hand, while others -- such as John McGuire, Daniel Kanipe, Curley, Goes Ahead and an Anonymous Ree -- corroborated parts of what Thompson said. World Ocean Summit speech by Ambassador Peter Thomson, UNSG's Special Envoy for the Ocean. I gave them the other canteen and told them that if they should not require all the water that I would like it to be passed around to some other wounded ones lying close by, which was so done. We kept very close to the underbrush, which lined the bank of the river. I ventured to rise myself and scanned the top of the bluffs to see if there were any Indians in sight. The cartridge was very dirty, a nice predicament for a man to be in when at close quarters with an enemy. When I got close enough to Watson, I called to him in a guarded voice. Of course we all wondered at this but said nothing. They had closed in around us on three sides and so close were they, that we could hear them talking. Related Goals. On September 11, 2014, T.J. Lane, 19, serving three life sentences for, In June 2015, two convicts escaped maximum security in the, On November 3, 2019, Samuel Fonseka, 21, and Jonathan Salazar, 20, both convicted murderers, escaped from the Monterey County Jail, located in, On April 16, 2020, James Newman and Thomas Deering escaped the, On December 1, 2021, a group of gangsters, On April 29, 2022, Alabama murder suspect, On January 1, 2023, gunmen stormed a prison in, This page was last edited on 15 February 2023, at 04:51. I discovered a pool of blood a short distance from him which had come from a terrible wound in his leg. So here's a belated salute to a great American, Peter Thompson: he was courageous in battle, and courageous in telling America the truth about the battle afterwards. Jerking off his blanket he waved it in a peculiar manner and shouted out some lingo to those in the village and then pointed towards us. But I knew he was a hostile and we stood no show whatever on foot with such a number against us. The Sargeant told me of the hopelessness of the undertaking telling me if I should ever attempt to make the trip I would never get back alive. Our retreat was covered by Company D commanded by Capt. In that case, I told him, that he had better leave it as it would take us all our time to take care of ourselves. They picked the wrong place", "Six Palestinian prisoners escape Israeli jail through tunnel", "Gangsters use vehicles to ram into Mexico prison and free nine inmates", "Jail Officer and Murder Suspect Missing After Heading to "Bogus" Appointment", "Details emerge about man and 4 grandsons killed by fugitive murderer in Texas: "Good, salt of the earth people", "Roberto Jos Carmona ya ingres al penal de Cruz del Eje", "Armed attack on Mexican jail leaves 14 dead", "George Feigley escapes from jail after being recaptured in West Virginia", "George Feigley recaptured in Tennessee after second escape", I love you Phillip Morris: a conman's story, "City Press, Sondag 23 November 2003, p. 4: The trials and tribulations of a cash heist tycoon", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_prison_escapes&oldid=1139444815. Are they really "impossible?". The cavalry dashed into the village where one of the noncommissioned officers halted and struck up the company's guidon alongside of a teepee before he was shot from his horse. In 2005, he succeeded to escape by hiding in a container, with the complicity of workers from the waste collection services. We also know that Curley was there at the river too from what he described of the beginning of the Custer fight. The noise in the village was as great as ever, which told us that the Indians still held it. To see them, please click on the underlined portion at the right side below. When I fell I managed to roll over on my face and place my carbine under me. 2. In 2017 he initiated the transition of the program's Environment desk to the Livable Planet desk. I soon turned the bend of the ravine, but no signs of them did I see. I had lost sight of Watson and thinking that I could make my horse go faster by mounting, I did so. He manage to escape from Pretoria prison with five others in December 1997. Sentenced to life imprisonment as a fourth time offender, he was transferred to the Philadelphia County Prison. He escaped by crawling through a ventilation duct. We reached the fording place as soon as possible, but all signs of Custer were gone. He was recaptured the same day by Philadelphia police officers, his fifth escape attempt at this prison. One party of Indians were dashing down the river; others were rushing toward the upper end of the village. This canvas the officers had brought along for their own use, but it was given by them for the humane purpose of sheltering the helpless. But this soon passed out of my mind, as there was always something going on which attracted my attention. I answered, "If you don't get off your horse at once, you will get shot." New York. said he, "Let's move." He said he was sick. Faulkner was not far behind after shooting 71 in his first round, with Scotland's Jimmy Adams and Australian Norman Von Nida leading the way on four under. The poor brutes were tired and hungry. No doubt they were coming this way in order to enter the village by the ford. As I ran up the hill, which was but a short distance, I was seized with a tendency to shrink up and was under the impression that I was going to be struck in the legs or feet. Looking in the direction of the battle, I saw that the cavalry were being driven towards the foot of a small hill; their number greatly reduced. I told him that I was afraid my horse was entirely played out. This sickness was caused by the loss of blood and the pain in my hand, which at this time had swelled to great size. Thomas McDougall] Sargeant Knipe then told me that my horse had been found and was in charge of Fitzgerald, the horse farrier. I told him I was too good a runner for that. Last edited on 15 February 2023, at 04:51, escaped from the Curry County Adult Detention Center, indiscriminately killing fellow students at his Ohio high school in 2012, revolted and attempted to escape from Drik prison, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Behind Bars in Old Pacific County, 1902: The Hanging of Lum You", "Appendix 5 The Prison Break at Cowra, August 1944", "Murderer caught after 37 years on run World NZ Herald News", "Martuteneko espetxetik ihes egin zuten ETA (pm)-ko hiru presok - ARGIA", "Escapee Who Killed 2 Is Executed in Florida", "Martuteneko espetxetik ihes egin zuten Joseba Sarrionandia eta Iaki Pikabea presoek, Imanol Larzabalek emandako kontzertua profitatuz haren bozgorailuen barruan ezkutatuta - ARGIA", "To by mj syn - mwi Sabina Najmrodzka, matka krla zodziei z PRL-u", "Zdzisaw Najmrodzki: krl zodziei i ucieczek. For his valor at the Battle of the Little Bighorn, Thompson was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor. Though we may be far apart I celebrate the fact that we are in each other's virtual company and are able to share our ideas over the next half an hour. He answered, "To our scouts, of course." Coming out of the river was one of our Crow scouts, mounted on his horse with the end of a rawhide rope over his shoulder, which he held firmly in his right hand. The first two were John Fitzgerald and John Brennan, whose tired mounts faultered so much that they "turned their horses toward the rear when they had gone two miles beyond the lone teepee," according to Thompson, whose horse was the next to go down. We all knew that the Indians never fought after night fall. Peter Thompson 96K views 3 years ago. It was our intention to hide ourselves in our former place of concealment, but the Indians were watching us; so passing it we came back again to the fording place. While I was thus engaged and when Watson had forded to the middle of the stream, I heard the crack of three rifles which caused me to straighten up quickly and look around to see what the trouble was. When the companies came in sight of the village, they gave the regular charging yell and urged their horses into a gallop. See Sioux and Cheyenne Military Tactics for more info.] I then looked across the river at the Indian Village, it was all in commotion. I felt exceedingly thirsty and said to Watson that I proposed to have a drink. They have also lived in Nashua, NH and Burlington, MA. A short distance from me was a man belonging to Company A. But there was something that made us move sooner than I wished; a large body of Indians had crossed the river and were coming across the flat toward the hill we were climbing. Some of the men, seeing his action, begged him to stay telling him that it would go hard with the command if anything should go wrong with him and to enforce their arguments a wounded man was brought in who needed his immediate attention. About Peter Thomson Peter lives in Canberra, which most people mistake for the capital of Australia, and passes the time writing and telling stories to children. The red devils seemed determined to crush us. BUT WHAT ABOUT the "problematic passages" in Thompson's story? Looking to my right, I saw a ravine and at the bottom of it a small clump of wild cherry bushes. When I was handing his back to him I noticed that the three Indians had discovered us and were watching our every movement. A man, by the name of McVey [Trumpeter David McVeigh], to whom I handed the canteen that he might drink seemed determined to keep it in his possession. The Indian threw up his hands and fell with his head between the legs of his pony. Originally reprinted in The Black Hills Trails, by Jesse Brown and A.M. Willard, Rapid City Journal Co., Rapid City, SD, 1924. After Custer excused the scouts from further service, Goes Ahead said he and Hairy Moccasin and White Man Runs Him went together to the river on their own, and Sioux warrior White Cow Bull said he saw three Crows on the bluffs above Medicine Tail Coulee just before Cuter attacked the village. He released my hand and seemed satisfied and then I began to realize what the promise I had made meant. But before we could reach it, they fired at us but as usual missed; but the twigs and leaves were cut by the bullets and we came to the conclusion that we were not to be killed by the Indians. P.O. Hughes and Johnson are currently serving life in prison for Binder's murder, and Truehill is sitting on Florida's death row for the same offense. Newspapers reported that Dillinger had escaped using a fake gun made from wood, blackened and shined with shoe polish. I then asked Watson if that did not account for Custer's presence away from his command. Two accomplices of Palaiokostas hijacked a sight-seeing helicopter and forced the pilot to fly to the prison where Palaiokostas was being held. I made my way to the head of the ravine which ran down to the river. . He later turned himself in to authorities after being diagnosed with cancer in an attempt to take advantage of free medical care he would receive in prison. I finished putting on my spurs, mounted my horse again, and rode on after my company, but my progress was very slow. I then drew his attention to the orderly manner in which they moved, and the guidons they carried and told him that we better try to join them before they passed us. I had gotten so far without being hit that I thought I was going to get through safe, but as I was entering the mouth of the ravine, a volley was fired by the Indians who occupied it and over I tumbled shot through the right hand and arm. When we looked into the village we could see the guidon fluttering in the breeze. After aiming at me for a few seconds, they slid off their ponies and sneaked after the other three. Being very thirsty I forgot everything else, and stooping down, began to dip water from the river in my hands and drink. But when I looked closer, I could see a few Indians sneaking around here and there, and every once in awhile an Indian would dash out of the village as if anxious to get to some given point in the least possible time. The canvas had to be stretched very close to the ground. Some of them were so close to us that their fire was very affective. ", "Slayings of two California women in the 1970s are linked to dead inmate", "Bulldozer Breaks Opening in Jail Wall, 12 Prisoners Escape", "BBC News EUROPE Dutroux re-enacts escape", "FindLaw's Court of Appeals of Indiana case and opinions", "Convicted killer Edward Salas captured in Mexico", "One Henry County killer caught near Chicago mayors home", "Last of three prison escapees captured in Indiana", "Quentin Marcus Truehill v. State of Florida", "First Inmate Sentenced in Arizona Prison Escape", "Arizona inmate gets 43 years for his escape", "Inmate convicted of killing retired couple while on the lam", "Woman Sentenced to Prison for Hercules Murder", "Contra Costa: Death penalty for Southern California man", "U.S. Ve likely heard, the Ocean & # x27 ; life of hours had a surgeon busily attending to ground... Trail we had scarcely got clear of the village was as great as ever, which told us that fire! 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