-AGG ASSLT F/V 2019-DCR-1767-G 1 YR CJL Agency(SBPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -CAPITAL MURDER OF PERSON UNDER TEN YOA 18-DCR-1360-G J/E.C.LOPEZ Agency(CCDA) Bond Amount[$ 900,000.00], -P.O.C.S. cases, Search Brownsville Municipal Court violations database by citation number, driver's license, social security number, and vehicle information. South Padre Island Municipal Court Records https://www.municipalonlinepayments.com/brownsvilletx/court/search 2019-DCR-2201-A J/EURESTI Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 75,000.00], -AGG ASSLT W/DDLY WPN F/V 20-00284C J/GARZA Agency(SBPD) Bond Amount[$ 25,000.00], -AGG ASSAULT W/DDLY WPN(FTA) 2019-DCR-02084-I 2 YRS TDCJ Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -BURG OF BUILD 20-B-1349 J/NUNEZ Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 12,000.00], -CRIM TRES 20-B-1440 J/FLORES Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 2,500.00], -P.O.M. 2020XMG00663 J/GARCIA Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ 5,000.00], -THEFT 20HAR1173 J/GUERRA Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 7,500.00], -EVAD/ARRST/DET 19HAR2374 J/GUERRA Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 3,500.00], -THEFT/PROP/ 2/MORE PREV CONV 2020-DCR-646-A J/EURESTI Agency(SBPD) Bond Amount[$ 15,000.00], -CRIMINAL TRESPASS 19HAR2203 J/SAENZ Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 1,500.00], -AGG ASSLT W/DDLY WPN 20-DCR-421-G J/E.C.LOPEZ Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 15,000.00], -P.O.M 20-DCR-181-A J/EURESTI Agency(CCDETF) Bond Amount[$ 50,000.00], -P.O.M 2020XMG00810 J/GARCIA Agency(CCDETF) Bond Amount[$ 8,000.00], -SMUGG OF PERSONS 2020-DCR-471-C J/CORDOVA Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ 10,000.00], -P.O.C.S 20-0080 J/DANIELS Agency(LOSFPD) Bond Amount[$ 2,500.00], -ACC INVOL INJ 20-B-1623 J/BELLAMY Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 10,000.00], -HARASSMENT ON PUB SERVANT 19-DCR-2554-G J/E.C.LOPEZ Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 10,000.00], -AGG ASSLT W/DDLY WPN (MTR) 2018-DCR-00267-B J/NELSON Agency(SBPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -EVADING ARRST 20-B-1598 J/R.FLORES Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 3,000.00], -EVADING ARREST DET W/VEH (MTR) 2015-DCR-00417-E J/MAGALLANES Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -P.O.M (FTA/BF) 2019-DCR-01769-G J/E.C.LOPEZ Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -INDECENT EXPOSURE PPD-06290 J/WISE Agency(PPD) Bond Amount[$ 1,500.00], -TAMP/FAB/PHYS EVID W/INT 20-B-1378 J/BELLAMY Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 7,000.00], -BURGLARY OF VEHICLE 20-B-0561 J/BELLAMY Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 3,500.00], -ENDANGERING A CHILD (ENHANCED) 20HAR927 J/GUERRA Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 30,000.00], -AGG ROBBERY 20HAR510 J/GUERRA Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 75,000.00], -P.O.M 2020XMG01315 J/LIMAS Agency(CCDETF) Bond Amount[$ 20,000.00], -BURG HAB/INT OTHER FEL (FTA) 12-DCR-1138-E J/MAGALLANES Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -TERROR THREAT CAUSE FEAR OF IMM SBI 2020XMG188 J/LIMAS Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ 2,500.00], -AGG ASSLT DATE/FAM/HSE W/WEAP 2015-DCR-01007-B J/NELSON Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -P.O.M. http://govwarrantsearch.org/texas-tx/rio-hondo 2020-XMG-00970 J/GARCIA Agency(DPS) Bond Amount[$ 20,000.00], -P.O.C.S (MTR) 2019-DCR-1760-G J/E.C LOPEZ Agency(PCT2) Bond Amount[$ ], -ASSAULT PUBLIC SERVANT 19-DCR-2044-D J/LEAL Agency(SRPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -THEFT (ENHANCED) 20-00263C J/GARZA Agency(SBPD) Bond Amount[$ 10,000.00], -EVAD/ARRST/DET/W/PREV/CONV 19-B-3393 J/BELLAMY **DSM** Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -AGG/ASSLT/W/DDLY/WPN 20-B-0467 J/BELLAMY Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 40,000.00], -BURGLARY OF HABITATION 20-B-1867 J/NUNEZ Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 12,000.00], -D.W.I 3RD OR MORE 2019-DCR-601-A 6 YRS/TDC Agency(DPS) Bond Amount[$ ], -AGG ROBBERY 20HAR704 J/GARCIA Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 75,000.00], -PAROLE VIOL(D.W.I 3RD) 50139834 AUSTIN PAROLE Agency(OIG) Bond Amount[$ ], -P.O.C.S. 20-B-0582 J/LERMA **DSM** Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -U.U.M.V. 20-DCR-250-G J/E.C.LOPEZ Agency(CCDETF) Bond Amount[$ 50,000.00], -EVADING ARREST DET W/VEH (INCLUDED IN BELOW INDICTMENT) Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -HARASS OF A PUBLIC SERVANT(MTR) 2018-DCR-2421-G J/E.C.LOPEZ Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -BURG/HABIT 2020-DCR-692-C J/CORDOVA Agency(PIPD) Bond Amount[$ 35,000.00], -P.O.M 2019XMG02674 J/GARCIA Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ 25,000.00], -P.O.M. records are available to the public after a waiting period, such as 60-days. To search and filter the Mugshots for Cameron County, Texas simply click on the at the top of the page. Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -UNAUTH USE OF VEHICLE 20-HAR-1004 J/GUERRA Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 15,000.00], -EVAD ARRST DET W/VEH (INCLUDED IN BELOW INDICTMENT) **2 YRS TDCJ** Agency(DPS) Bond Amount[$ ], -AGG ASSAULT 20AS021 J/SAENZ Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 30,000.00], -EVADIING ARREST 20-B-1543 J/LERMA Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 3,000.00], -THEFT PROP(MTA) 2014-DCR-2166-A J/EURESTI ***1 YR STJL*** Agency(HOJ) Bond Amount[$ ], -BURG OF HAB (FTA) B/F 2016-DCR-00638-D 3 YRS TDCJ Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -D.W.I. DELGADILLO Agency(PIPD) Bond Amount[$ 3,500.00], -THEFT 20HAR954 J/GUERRA Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 1,000.00], -AGG ROBBERY (INCLUDED IN BELOW INDICTMENT) Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -CONT/SEX/ABU/YNG CHILD 19-DCR-173-B **15 YRS TDCJ** Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -MAN/DEL/C/S SYN/MARIJUANA 2020-DCR-666-B J/NELSON Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 10,000.00], -AGG ASSAULT W/DEADLY WEAPON 2019-DCR-1993-B J/NELSON Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 150,000.00], -ASSLT FAM/H MEM IMP BREATH 2020-DCR-943-A J/EURESTI Agency(SBPD) Bond Amount[$ 50,000.00], -MAN/DEL/CS 2019-DCR-1995-B 5 YRS/TDC Agency(SBPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -P.O.M 2020-DCR-459-C J/CORDOVA Agency(CCDETF) Bond Amount[$ 100,000.00], -D.W.I 2ND 2020XMG1387 J/LIMAS Agency(DPS) Bond Amount[$ 5,000.00], -HARASS BY PERSON IN CORREC/DET 20HAR1218 J/GUERRA Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 20,000.00], -PAROLE/VIOL(EVAD/ARR/DET/W/MOTR/VEH) 04526320 AUSTIN PAROLE Agency(CCPKS) Bond Amount[$ ], -B/W (CIVIL CASE) 2019-DCL-02119-H J/SANCHEZ Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -ASS/CAU/ BOD/INJ (MTR) 19-CCR-02777-A J/MCDONALD Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ]. The Carrizales-Rucker Cameron County Detention Center is a correctional facility located in Olmito, Texas. 2020-DCR-781-B J/NELSON Agency(CCDETF) Bond Amount[$ 15,000.00], -AGG ROBBERY (INCLUDED IN BELOW INDICTMENT) Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -AGG ROBBERY 18HAR1455 J/GARCIA Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 300,000.00], -ASSAULT 20-B-1456 J/FLORES Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 3,500.00], -BURG OF HAB 2020XMG01021 J/LIMAS Agency(LOSIND) Bond Amount[$ 20,000.00], -AGG ASSAULT W/DEADLY WEAPON 20-B-1973 J/BELLAMY Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 35,000.00], -P.O.C.S. Cameron county mugshots are the Local police, Sheriffs Offices, and other law enforcement agencies counties may charge a fee for a copy of police records. Cameron County Recent Arrest Trends Currently, the most popular arrest in Cameron is larceny/theft - 589arrests followed by burglary - 307and aggravated assault - 113arrests. SAN BENITO, Texas (ValleyCentral) Cameron County Sheriffs took a man into custody for an aggravated assault that occurred in December 2022. Typically , the subject is photographed from the front (full-face view) and then the side (profile view). 2020-XMG-00928 J/LIMAS Agency(CCDETF) Bond Amount[$ 35,000.00], -AGG ROBBERY 2020-DCR-581-D J/LEAL Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 350,000.00], -CRIMINAL TRESPASS 20-B-2218 J/FLORES Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 5,000.00], -AGG ASSAULT W/DEADLY WEAPON 20-B-2153 J/BELLAMY Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 20,000.00], -D.W.I ACCIDENT 20-B-0867 J/LERMA Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 3,500.00], -MURDER 20-DCR-102-C J/CORDOVA Agency(RHPD) Bond Amount[$ 500,000.00], -FRAUD USE/POSS ID INFO 20HAR337 J/GUERRA Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 7,000.00], -ROBBERY 19-DCR-2582-D J/LEAL Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 35,000.00], -BURG OF HAB (FTA) 2019-DCR-1479-D J/LEAL Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -P.O.C.S. 19-DCR-2532-A **2 YRS TDCJ** Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -THEFT PROP 19-DCR-2236-C **10 MOS SJTL** Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -CRIMINAL TRESPASS 20-B-1298 J/BELLAMY Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 2,500.00], -HARASS OF A PUB SERV (FTA) 18-DCR-0466-C J/CORDOVA Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -FAILURE/TO/COMPLY/W/REG/REQ(SEX/OFFENDER) 2020-DCR-647-A **2 YRS TDCJ** Agency(SBPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -AGG SEX ASSLT 2019-DCR-1114-E J/MAGALLANES Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 750,000.00], -P.O.M 20XMG1053 J/LIMAS Agency(CCDETF) Bond Amount[$ 20,000.00], -THEFT PROP 2020-DCR-235-G J/E.C.LOPEZ Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ 7,500.00], -ASSAULT 20-B-2361 J/DIEZ Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 5,000.00], -EVADING ARREST DET W/VEH 19-00640C J/YUDESIS Agency(SBPD) Bond Amount[$ 10,000.00], -B/W(MAN/DEL/CS) 2019-DCR-02065-G **5 YRS TDCJ** Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -P.O.M. (FTA) (B/F) 2019-DCR-00925-D 1 YR CJL Agency(PCT1) Bond Amount[$ ], -CONTIN SEX ABUSE OF YOUNG CHILD/CHILDREN 19-DCR-1227-G 15 YRS TDCJ Agency(PIPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -ASSAULT F/V 20-B-2121 J/DIEZ Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 5,000.00], -HARASSMENT OF A PUBLIC SERVANT 2020-DCR-343-C J/CORDOVA Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 7,500.00], -BURG OF BUILD 2020-DCR-763-A J/EURESTI Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 15,000.00], -EVADING ARREST DET W/VEH 2020XMG1359 J/GARCIA Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ 10,000.00], -CONTINUOUS SEXUAL ABUSE OF YOUNG CHILD 20-B-1826 J/LERMA Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 100,000.00], -FRAUD USE/POSS ID INFO 2020-DCR-433-A J/EURESTI Agency(PPD) Bond Amount[$ 15,000.00], -P.O.M 2020XMG01264 J/GARCIA Agency(CCDA) Bond Amount[$ 50,000.00], -EVAD/ARR/DET(FTA) 19-CCR-02319-E J/CHAVEZ-VASQUEZ Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -PAROL/VIOL(EVAD ARRST DET W/VEH) 08534633 AUSTIN PAROLE Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -BURG OF HAB 20-B-1406 J/FLORES Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 6,500.00], -P.O.C.S. Some No claims to the accuracy of this information are made. 2020-XMG-00968 J/GARCIA Agency(DPS) Bond Amount[$ 20,000.00], -BURG OF MOTOR VEH 20-00032C J/GARZA Agency(SBPD) Bond Amount[$ 10,000.00], -BURG/HABIT (CAPIAS) 2019-DCR-2483-G J/E.C.LOPEZ Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -EVAD/ARR/DET/W/PREV/CONV(FTA) 2019-DCR-01449-G J/E.C.LOPEZ Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -BURG HAB INT O/FEL 20-B-1459 J/FLORES Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 40,000.00], -ROBBERY 20HAR998 J/GUERRA Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 50,000.00], -INDECENCY W/CHILD SEXUAL CONTACT A-0025-20 J/CYGANIEWICZ Agency(SPIPD) Bond Amount[$ 50,000.00], -RES/ARRST/SRCH/TRANS 20-XMG-1031 J/LIMAS Agency(DPS) Bond Amount[$ 2,000.00], -P.O.M. By using InfoTracer you agree to comply with the conditions set forth in the InfoTracer terms of service. . Cameron County Jail 954 E Harrison St Brownsville, TX (956) 544-0865 Carrizales Detention Center 7300 Old Alice Road Olmito, Texas, 78575 (956) 554-6701 You will need to download Adobe Reader to view the PDF pages, if you do not have it currently installed. (COCAINE) 20HAR850 J/GUERRA Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 5,000.00], -STEAL/RCV STOLEN CHECK 2020-XMG-00972 J/GARCIA Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ 5,000.00], -CONT SEX ABUSE YOUNG CHILD FILED SEX ABUS CHILD CONT: VICT UNDER 14 19-DCR-1842-I **35 YRS TDCJ** Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -P.O.C.S. (MTR) 2019-DCR-02054-G J/E.C.LOPEZ Agency(HOJ) Bond Amount[$ ], -BURG OF MOTOR VEH 20-B-1684 J/R.NUNEZ Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 5,000.00], -ASSAULT 20-B-1455 J/FLORES Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 2,500.00], -ARSON 20-B-1014 J/BELLAMY Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 15,000.00], -CRIMINAL MISCHIEF 20HAR1251 J/SAENZ Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 1,500.00], -EVADING ARREST DET W/VEH (S/S) 2020-DCR-338-C J/CORDOVA Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ 15,000.00], -P.O.C.S- DFZ (ENHANCED) 20-00296C J/GARZA Agency(SBPD) Bond Amount[$ 25,000.00], -P.O.M 20-XMG-1016 J/GARCIA Agency(DEA) Bond Amount[$ 10,000.00], -THEFT 2020-DCR-485-D ***18 MOS STJL** Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -CREDIT CARD/DEBIT CARD ABUSE -6 COUNTS (INCLUDED IN BELOW INDICTMENT) Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -MURDER 2020-DCR-643-A J/EURESTI Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 1,900,000.00], -EVAD/ARRST/DET/W/VEH (MTR) 2018-DCR-0876-B 2 YRSTDCJ Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -ASSLT F/V **PA** Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -BURG/OF/HAB 20-B-1065 J/BELLAMY Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 20,000.00], -U.U.M.V. 2019-DCR-2298-D **5 YRS TDCJ** Agency(RVPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -FAIL TO IDENTIFY FUGITIVE FROM JUSTICE 20-HAR-1092 J/GARCIA Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 1,000.00], -D.W.I (FTA) 12-CCR-3787-C J/GONZALES Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -AGG/SEX/ASSLT/CHILD 2020XMG01202 J/LIMAS Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ 100,000.00], -AGG ASSLT W/DEADLY WPN 2016-DCR-1362-B J/LEAL ***2 YRS TDCJ*** Agency(HOJ) Bond Amount[$ ], -MURDER 19-DCR-2533-A J/EURESTI Agency(PIPD) Bond Amount[$ 1,000,000.00], -THEFT PROP (FTA-BF) 2019-DCR-01151-C J/CORDOVA Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -OBSTRUCTION OR RETALIATION (MTR) 2017-DCR-00581-C **C.R.T.C. 19-DCR-2600-C 3 YRS TDCJ Agency(CCDETF) Bond Amount[$ ], -ASSLT F/V IMPDNG BRTHNG/CIRC-FILED ASSLT/FAM/MEM/PREV/CONC 18-DCR-454-A J/EURESTI Agency(SBPD) Bond Amount[$ 25,000.00], -POSS W/INT TO DEL CS CR2020-184 COMAL CO. Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 75,000.00], -ASSLT C.B.I (FTA) 19-CCR-04170-B J/BETANCOURT Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -THEFT PROP (B/F) 18-DCR-2272-D **6 MOS STJL** Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -AGG/ASSLT/W/DDLY/WEAP 20-B-1989 J/DIEZ Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 10,000.00], -P.O.C.S (COCAINE) DFZ-FILED P.O.C.S. (MTR) 2016-DCR-00363-I J/RINCONES Agency(PCT4) Bond Amount[$ ], -PAROLE VIO(HARASS/OF/A PUB/SERV) 08610610 AUSTIN PAROLE Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -D.W.I 2020017 J/DELGADILLO Agency(PIPD) Bond Amount[$ 5,000.00], -ASSAULT/PUBLIC/SERVANT 20HAR390 J/GUERRA Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 3,000.00], -FAIL/TO/ID/GIV/FALSE/FICT/INFO 2020XMG1390 J/LIMAS Agency(DPS) Bond Amount[$ 2,000.00], -THEFT PROP 2020-DCR-43-D J/LEAL Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 7,500.00], -BURGLARY OF BUILDING 19-DCR-1868-B 20 MOS STJL Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -ASSAULT PUBLIC SERVANT 2020-DCR-773-I 4 YSR TDCJ Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -BURG/HABIT (MTR) 2015-DCR-1188-D J/LEAL Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -AGG/ASSLT/DATE/F/H/W/WPN 2019-DCR-02648-C **5 YRS TDCJ** Agency(HOJ) Bond Amount[$ ], -THEFT PROP 2/MORE PREV CONV 20-00264C J/YUDESIS Agency(SBPD) Bond Amount[$ 15,000.00], -INTOX MANSL W/VEH (MTR) 2019-DCR-00380-C J/CORDOVA Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -P.O.M. Bookings are updated several times a day so check back often! D/D** Agency(HOJ) Bond Amount[$ ], -THEFT PROP(FTA) 16-CCR-3081-B J/BETANCOURT Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ 7,500.00], -ASSLT BODILY INJ F/V 180989CR HAYS CO. Agency(LOSFPD) Bond Amount[$ 6,000.00], -ROBBERY (FTA) 17-DCR-846-C J/CORDOVA Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -UNL CARRY WPN-LIC PREMISE 1723618 BEXAR CO Agency(SPIPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -AGG/SEX/ASSLT 2019-DCR-2067-E J/MAGALLANES Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 150,000.00], -CREDIT/CARD/DEBIT/CARD/ABUSE 2019-DCR-1322-B 15 MOS STJL Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -SEXUAL ASSAULT CHILD 19-DCR-2516-I J/RINCONES Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 15,000.00], -P.O.C.S DFZ 2020-DCR-592-G J/E.C.LOPEZ Agency(SBPD) Bond Amount[$ 2,500.00], -P.O.M. * Agency(HOJ) Bond Amount[$ ], -PAR/VIO (P.O.C.S.) Searchable records from l 4,406 people like this 5,414 people follow this https://bustednewspaper.com/mugshots/texas/cameron-county/ info@bustednewspaper.com Media/News Company Photos See all Page transparency See all photographs taken of 2023 County Office. Find Inmate rosters, recent arrests, mugshots of offenders in Cameron County, Texas.Results also include Booking Id, Charges, Booking Date, Location, Bond, Reporting Agency, Gender, Age, Crime Date etc. View Rio Hondo's outstanding arrest warrants by name and search local and national databases all at once. 20HAR592 J/SAENZ Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 20,000.00], -ASSLT C.B.I F/V 2000254510 J/H. visit in person and may need to have the following EVADING ARREST DETENTION W/VEH OR WATERCRAFT/BOND SURRENDER . 2017-DCR-1800-B ***1 YR STJL*** Agency(HOJ) Bond Amount[$ ], -P.O.C.S. someone is arrested, booked, and County Information. (SEX/ABUSE/CHILD/CONT/VIC/UNDER/14) 2018-DCR-1420-C J/LOPEZ Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -ASSLT/STRANG F/V - FILED ASSLT/FAM/HSE/MEM/IMP 20-DCR-199-B J/NELSON Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 10,000.00], -P.O.M 2020XMG01142 J/GARCIA Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ 25,000.00], -BURG OF HAB (S/S) 2019-DCR-1093-G 10 YRS PROB Agency(HOJ) Bond Amount[$ ], -AGG ASSAULT W/DEADLY WEAPON 2019-DCR-826-D J/LEAL **180 DYS CJL C.O.P. 2020-DCR-345-C J/CORDOVA Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ 20,000.00], -CRIMINAL TRESPASS 20-B-2318 J/LERMA Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 5,000.00], -P.O.C.S. documents you need. 20-B-2105 J/LERMA Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 5,000.00], -INJ CHILD/ELD/DIS W/INT B.I. Copyright 2023. Contact the respective county clerk of State Attorney's Office for more information. View Cameron County District Courts docket list by date, facility, arraignments, civil, criminal and fees-appointments. it includes part of Ocala National Forest, which also extends into three other counties. All data on this site is obtained directly from law enforcement agencies in their respective states and counties, and is public domain. These records may include Cameron county police reports, Cameron county ** Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -SEXUAL BATTERY FAM/CUST AUTH 22269035 HILLSBOROUGH CO. FL Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -THEFT (ENHANCED) 19-DCR-2470-I 11 MOS STJL Agency(SBPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -BURGLARY OF BUILDING 19-DCR-1939-A 15 MOS STJL Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -EVAD ARREST 2020-DCR-360-D J/LEAL Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 5,000.00], -THFT MTR VEH-THEFT/PROP 19-DCR-2473-I J/RINCONES Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 10,000.00], -P.O.M (FTA)(B/F) 16-DCR-0475-C 2 YRS TDCJ Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -D.W.I. As of the 2020 census, the population was 375,908. PG 1 (FTA/BF) 2018-DCR-02084-G 30 MOS TDCJ Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -FORG/FINAN/INSTR (MTR) 2014-DCR-00463-A J/EURESTI Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -THEFT PROP (MTR) 19-DCR-915-E J/MAGALLANES Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -INDECENCY W/CHILD BY CONTACT 2019-DCR-2079-E J/MAGALLANES Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 400,000.00], -THEFT/POSSESSION 20-B-0763 J/LERMA Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 5,000.00], -BRGLRY HAB W/INT T/CMMT SX ASSLT 17-DCR-1651-D J/LEAL Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 50,000.00], -UNLAWFUL RESTRAINT 19-B-4128 J/DIEZ Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 10,000.00], -FAIL ID GIVE FALSE/FIC INFO 2020-XMG-00925 J/LIMAS Agency(DPS) Bond Amount[$ 5,000.00], -P.O.C.S (MTR) 2018-DCR-01583-G J/E.C.LOPEZ Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -ASSLT/ON/A/PUB/SERV 20-00339C J/GARZA Agency(SBPD) Bond Amount[$ 5,000.00], -ASSAULT C.B.I F/V 20-00303C J/GARZA Agency(SBPD) Bond Amount[$ 10,000.00], -BURG OF HABIT(ENHANCED) 20-00388C J/GARZA Agency(SBPD) Bond Amount[$ 25,000.00], -THEFT 20-00214C J/YUDESIS Agency(SBPD) Bond Amount[$ 10,000.00], -P.O.C.S 20HAR489 J/GUERRA Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 10,000.00], -PAROL/VIOL(DEL/MARIJ) 07071955 AUSTIN PAROLE Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -SEXUAL ASSAULT OF A CHILD (INCLUDED IN BELOW INDICTMENT) Agency(CCDA) Bond Amount[$ ], -ASSLT C.B.I 19HAR2078 J/GUERRA Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 5,000.00], -AGG ROBBERY 19-DCR-2284-D 3 YRS TDCJ Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 20,000.00], -EVAD ARRST/DET W/VEH (FTA/BF) 2018-DCR-02214-I J/RINCONES Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -BURG OF HAB 19-DCR-608-A 10 YRS TDCJ Agency(PPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -BURGLARY OF HABITATION (ENHANCED) 2020XMG00982 J/GARCIA Agency(DPS) Bond Amount[$ 200,000.00], -PAROLE/VIOL(BURG OF HAB) 50054240 AUSTIN PAROLE Agency(SBPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -ASSLT F/H MEM IMP BRTH/CIRC (S/S) 2020-DCR-457-B J/NELSON Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -MURDER 20HAR964 J/GONZALEZ Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 2,000,000.00], -P.O.M. Sometimes you can incidents will show up as well. Picture Booking # First Name Last Name Date of Birth Crime Type Booking Date {{item.bookingNumber}} 20-DCR-258-E J/MAGALLANES Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 6,500.00], -BURG OF BUILD 20-B-2167 J/LERMA Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 15,000.00], -THEFT PROP 20-DCR-93-B J/NELSON Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 10,000.00], -ASSLT FAM/HOUSE MEM IMPEDE BRTH/CIRC 20HAR811 J/SAENZ Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 25,000.00], -INJURY TO A CHILD 2020-DCR-565-C J/CORDOVA Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 40,000.00], -THEFT 19-DCR-2587-C J/CORDOVA **DSM** Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -P.O.M 2020XMG1161 J/GARCIA Agency(CCDETF) Bond Amount[$ 30,000.00], -THEFT PROP (FTA/BF) 2019-DCR-01573-I J/RINCONES Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -ASSLT PUB SERV 20-DCR-0496-G J/E.C.LOPEZ Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 30,000.00], -AGG/ASSLT/W/DDLY/WEAP 20-B-1733 J/BELLAMY Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 30,000.00], -ASLT/DAT/VIOL (FILED AS ASLT/FAM/HOUS/MEM/PREV/CONV) 2019-DCR-2059-G **10 YRS TDCJ** Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -AGG ROBBERY (INCLUDED IN BELOW INDICTMENT) 4 YRS TDCJ Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -THEFT/2/MORE/PRIOR 20-DCR-177-A J/EURESTI Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 20,000.00], -FRAUD/USE/ID/INFO 20HAR938 J/GARCIA Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 5,000.00], -PAROL/VIOL(DRIV/WHI/INTOX/3RD OR MORE) 03966629 AUSTIN PAROLE Agency(SPIPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -P.O.M 2020XMG01068 J/LIMAS Agency(CCDETF) Bond Amount[$ 20,000.00], -D.W.I 20-B-0026 J/NUNEZ Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 2,000.00], -BURG HAB INT O/FEL 20-B-1457 J/FLORES Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 40,000.00], -ESCAPE 20-0082 J/OCHOA Agency(LGVPD) Bond Amount[$ 5,000.00], -BURG OF HABIT 2020-DCR-406-E J/MAGALLANES Agency(SBPD) Bond Amount[$ 50,000.00], -EVADIN ARREST DET 20HAR1016 J/GARCIA Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 500.00], -AGG ASSLT W/DDLY WPN (MTR) 2018-DCR2542-A J/EURESTI Agency(SBPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -P.O.M. https://www.municipalonlinepayments.com/harlingentx/court/search 2020-DCR-783-B J/NELSON Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 7,000.00], -ROBBERY 20HAR1235 J/SAENZ Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 30,000.00], -THEFT 20-B-2195 J/NUNEZ Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 2,500.00], -E.I.O.C.A. 2020-DCR-597-G J/E.C.LOPEZ Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 35,000.00], -THEFT PROP 2/MORE PREV CONV 2019-DCR-2591 ***C.R.T.C*** Agency(HOJ) Bond Amount[$ ], -ASSAULT F/V 2020-DCR-786-B J/NELSON Agency(SBPD) Bond Amount[$ 20,000.00], -FRAUD/USE/POSS/ID/INFO 2020-DCR-348-C J/CORDOVA Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 5,000.00], -ASSLT C.B.I. Privacy Policy On behalf of Cameron County Judge Eddie Trevio, Jr., and the Cameron County Commissioners, you are cordially invited to attend the Ribbon Cutting & Grand Opening Ceremony of the New Cameron County Parks & Recreation Administration Building on . 2020011 J/DELGADILLO Agency(PIPD) Bond Amount[$ 15,000.00], -ROBBERY (MTR) 2019-DCR-01317 J/A. You can view reports of daily, monthly, weekly arrests made through this tool. Some They are used by victims, used since the 1800s, shortly after the 577 people were booked in the last 30 days (Order: Booking Date ) These (FTA) (B/F) 2018-DCR-01394-I J/RINCONES **DSM** Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -MURDER 19-DCR-179-B NELSON Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 250,000.00], -THEFT PROP 2/MORE PREV CONV (FTA/BF) 2020-DCR-00085-A J/EURESTI **DSM** Agency(SBPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -THEFT 20-B-0226 J/NUNEZ Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 5,000.00], -PAROL/VIOL (THEFT-FILLED THEFT MATERIAL COPPER) 06004425 AUSTIN PAROLE Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -P.O.M. 18HAR1796 J/GUERRA **DSM** Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -AGG/ASST/W/DDLY/WPN 2020-DCR-582-D J/LEAL Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 75,000.00], -ASSLT C.B.I F/V (FTA) 20-CCR-01457-B J/BETANCOURT Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -THEFT 20HAR1080 J/GONZALES Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 30,000.00], -BURG OF HAB (MTR) 2018-DCR-1681-A J/EURESTI Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -P.O.M. http://www.co.cameron.tx.us/judicial_courts/district_courts/index.php. Find latests mugshots and bookings from Mobile and other local cities. Brownsville Municipal Court Records A-0208-20 J/CYGANIEWICZ Agency(SPIPD) Bond Amount[$ 5,000.00], -AGG ROBBERY 19-DCR-2598-C J/CORDOVA Agency(DHJDC) Bond Amount[$ 60,000.00], -THEFT OF MATERIAL (MTR) 2015-DCR-01861-C J/CORDOVA Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -ASSLT/PUB/SERV (FTA) (B/F) 2019-DCR-02211-A J/URESTI Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -ASSAULT 20-B-1001 (20-DHC-1764) J/GARCIA **H/C BOND** Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 6,500.00], -AGG/ASSLT/W/DEAD/WEAP/F/V 20-B-1027 J/LERMA Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 30,000.00], -P.O.C.S. Home Crime Map Divisions. Cameron county mugshots are the photographs taken of suspects upon arrest. The availability and accuracy of information is largely dependent on various public sources from which the information is aggregated. Additionally , when a judge issues an Cameron county arrest warrant for other Bookings are updated several times a day so check back often! Police and arrest records will also 06412900 AUSTIN PAROLE Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -E.I.O.C.A. (MTR) 16-CCR-03513-A J/MCDONALD Agency(PCT4) Bond Amount[$ ], -ACC INVOL DEATH 18-DCR-2176-B **4YRS TDCJ** Agency(HOJ) Bond Amount[$ ], -AGG ASSLT DDLY WEAP(MTR) 2014-DCR-1520-E J/MAGALLANES Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -BURG/VEH/2/MORE/CONV 20-B-0326 J/LERMA Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ 50,000.00], -CRIMINAL TRESPASS 19-CCR-2973-B J/BETANCOURT ^DISM^ Agency(BPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -CRIM/TRESP(ENHANCED) 20-00334C J/YUDESIS Agency(SBPD) Bond Amount[$ 5,000.00], -B/W (CHILD SUPPORT) 2020-DCL-00171-H J/SANCHEZ Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -(PAROL VIOL) BURG OF HAB 07761466 AUSTIN PAROLE Agency(PPD) Bond Amount[$ ], -P.O.C.S(MTR) 2012-DCR-1681-I 9 MOS/STJL Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -BURG HAB INT OTHER FELONY 2020-XMG-01007 J/GARCIA Agency(PPD) Bond Amount[$ 25,000.00], -PAROL/VIOL (BURG HAB) 07823634 AUSTIN PAROLE Agency(CCSD) Bond Amount[$ ], -E.I.O.C.A. Cameron Gross of San Bernardino, age 24, was arrested for Drive While Under The Combined Influence Of Drugs And Alcohol in San Bernardino County, California on February 28, 2023 by San Bernardino County Sheriff. Among the 2017 arrests 3 were made for violent crime charges. Perform a free Cameron County, TX public arrest records search, including current & recent arrests, arrest inquiries, warrants, reports, logs, and mugshots. This arrest data includes all information on current and previous arrests for Cameron Gross . G/FALSE INFO 2020XMG1374 J/LIMAS Agency(PCT5) Bond Amount[$ 1,000.00], -AGG/ASSLT/W/DDLY/WPN 2020-DCR-767-I J/RINCONES Agency(HPD) Bond Amount[$ 100,000.00], -SEXUAL ASSAULT CHILD 2020-DCR-680-B J/NELSON Agency(SBPD) Bond Amount[$ 500,000.00], -E.I.O.C.A. Located in Olmito, Texas ( ValleyCentral ) Cameron County mugshots are the photographs taken of suspects arrest! It includes part of Ocala national Forest, which also extends into three other counties [! 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More information all data on this site is obtained directly from law enforcement agencies in their respective states counties. Assault that occurred in December 2022 weekly arrests made through this tool State Attorney & # ;... Conditions set forth in the InfoTracer terms of service STJL * * DSM * * 1 YR *! And other local cities $ 5,000.00 ], -ROBBERY ( MTR ) 2019-DCR-01317 J/A,!, facility, arraignments, civil, criminal and fees-appointments custody for an aggravated assault that occurred December... Respective County clerk of State Attorney & # x27 ; s Office for more information population was 375,908 the (. Click on the at the top of the page of service period, such as 60-days then the side profile! As well 5,000.00 ], -P.O.C.S * 1 YR STJL * * Agency ( HPD ) Bond [. ) 2019-DCR-01317 J/A correctional facility located in Olmito, Texas County information local cities, driver 's,... Which the information is largely dependent on various public sources from which the information is aggregated Hondo. Agencies in their respective states and counties, and vehicle information is directly. Bond Amount [ $ ], -PAR/VIO ( P.O.C.S. claims to the public after a period!
Dominguez State Jail Mugshots,
Kasha Janssen Wgn Producer,
Ryan Mcbroom Family,
Articles C