AIOU Degree Tracking System Online. Track AIOU Books. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Above all you may face, some problems regarding the AIOU tutor address. Now After the few weeks you will able to check your aiou degree status by using this link: Allama Iqbal Open University, Sector H-8, Islamabad- 44000, Pakistan Helpline: 051-111-112-468 So all the candidates don’t feel any trouble or loneliness when they were not receiving their certification of the relevant fields are Matriculation, intermediate, bachelor, master including 9th 10th classes, FA, ICS, ICOM, DCOM, FSC, BA, BBA, BSC, BCOM, B.Ed, MA, MBA, MCOM, M.Ed, PHIL, Ph.D. the whole trade when complete and passed the examinations from them. Allama Iqbal Open University Degree Tracking System (DTS) is introduced for the help of the students who can online check the current location of their degree dispatched and where arrived now all the information is available at Sir my details are not correct on my aiou result. After entering your Roll Number, your result will be opened online. If you have passed metric, FA, BA, BEd , MA, or other exam from Allam Iqbal Open University. If your books are ... She loves to share information and updates regarding AIOU Tutor, Result, Admissions, Date Sheets, Roll No Slips etc. First of all fill the CHALAN and print it. Allama Iqbal Open University, Sector H-8, Islamabad- 44000, Pakistan Helpline: 051-111-112-468 Within the B.ed and education programs Like M.ed, M-Phil and Phd, aiou … We also offer Fortnite Challenges, have detailed stats about Fortnite Events like the Worldcup, and track the daily Fortnite item shop! The container tracking page lets you track containers for 136 companies. 3, Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad. Yes, if your AIOU result is not showing here then you should visit your Allama Iqbal Open University Regional Office. You can check your AIOU Tutor now. What is the Aiou degree tracking tool? Allama Iqbal Open University has started the books tracking system. Allama Iqbal Open University, Sector H-8, Islamabad- 44000, Pakistan AIOU Help Desk AIOU Challan Form Download for Fee Submit, Allama Iqbal Open University FA Subjects List 2021, Allama Iqbal Open University Jobs Portal AIOU, How to Change Course after Confirmation AIOU, How to Check AIOU Registration Number 2021, AIOU Assignment Marks 2020-21 Check Autumn/Spring Semesters, AIOU Tutors 2020-21 Find Names & Address Phone Number, AIOU BA Result 2021 Autumn & Spring Semesters, AIOU Workshop Schedule 2020-21 Autumn & Spring, AIOU Admission Fee 2020-21 Form Download Fee Schedule, AIOU Result Matric FA BA B.Ed MA M.Ed 2021 Autumn. Learn how to track, manage and return your home deliveries with this helpful guide. It is now working and result is updated on Allama Iqbal Open University website. AIOU matric students can check their result by providing their Roll Number. © AIOU Online Degree / PRC Verification System | Developed By : Muhammad Naveed (Dy. Looking for a package? aiou admission tracking, AIOU Tracking Your Books Spring & Autumn Semesters all the students can get your exam syllabus material is receiving from the Open University Allama Iqbal Books Information 2020 Tracking Status Check Here Online. please help me sir. DHL, Fedex, UPS, TNT, sowie viele weitere internationale Zusteller wie z.B. AIOU Result Card Matric, AIOU Result Card FA, AIOU Result Card BA, AIOU Result Card B.Ed, AIOU Result Card MA, AIOU Result Card M.Ed, can be found here at this page below. It is depending on us you can apply for the further procedure to acquire the aiou ba sanad and aiou ma degree catch out the method is explained here it so easy procedure is describing for the students. Assignments result for matric spring 2019 is also chain of it. Enter tracking number to track 4PX shipments and get delivery status online. I think that you can understand the whole procedure of the AIOU Degree Tracking System Online to check the location where it arrived in her sanad of your program. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Simply you have to download Certificate or degree form and bank chalan form , from AIOU website. The AIOU has lately declared a latest computerized tracking system for the facility of students along with assistance of which they can check out the position of their application regarding the issuance of certificate and for degrees.. Because of that, another latest website ( has been revealed to allow the students to check out of their application. Sir, my AIOU result 2020 of spring is not showing help me plz. Ask your Question . You have to attach the aiou copy along with your document and CNIC and send to to below address of allama iqbal open university. SEARCH INCOMPLETE RETURNED APPLICATIONS . Ok, let us send your Roll Number if it is not showing your AIOU Result. How To Track your AIOU Books? I want to download my aiou result card but my aiou result is not appearing there. Are you a creator? Assalamualaikum sir I’m not been able to find my results for F.A spring 2020 please help…. We will guide you after checking it. Use your UPS InfoNotice® or tracking number to get the latest package status and estimated delivery date. Very soon Allama Iqbal Open University is going to announce the result. We have provided you a complete guide for AIOU Provisional Certificate, AIOU Result Card, AIOU Degree, AIOU Degree Tracking System, etc. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); You have entered an incorrect email address! Sir, please update my AIOU result, allama iqbal open university result is not show on website. Hi, you can easily check your AIOU Result by Roll Number via the above page. This is a poor result, as 50% of websites can load faster. AIOU Books Tracking System by Roll No procedure for aiou books ba of AIOU Books Dispatch Autumn 2020. aiou books complaints number Helpline: 051-111-112-468 Call Timing: 08:00 to 04:00 PM Days: Monday to Friday Email Address: In addition such infringements may be punished by law. Huma is a tutor at Allama Iqbal Open University. tutor, books, admission, Aaghi LMS Portal, Asslam o alaikum sir.. AIOU Solved Assignments Available For Free Download for All Programs by. Here a facility for you that you may check the AIOU Degree Tracking System online here. Understand tracking terminology. A new computerized tracking system (AIOU LMS) has also been launching through which the student using AIOU website can simply enter his/her roll number and registration number to track the mailing package. AIOU TUTOR INFORMATION SPRING 2020 Matric FA BA B.ED M.ED Master classes tutor information details for semester spring 2020 address not found profile letter online allama iqbal open university name and address, latest news AIOU BOOK DISPATCH STATUS TRACKING SPRING AND AUTUMN 2020 Tutor Adress not Found. Open the official website for checking AIOU Degree Tracking Status Online and enter her Degree Tracking ID or Roll no to get the latest info of them. So I hope you will get all information regarding AIOU Tutor Information, Results, Workshop, Tutorship information, Roll No Slip, Result, Assignments, Tutor confirmation, application form, contact, AIOU complaint cell, Degree tracking system, regional offices, workshop information, etc. Visit AIOU Website for further information. 4.3 sec. Here we are providing you the complete AIOU Result History where you can download your complete result of all semesters at one place. Course Code: DateLastModified: Download: 0109: Monday, October 19, 2020: 0110: Monday, October 19, 2020: 0112: Thursday, December 10, 2020: 0114: Monday, October 19, 2020 Here below is the page to check your AIOU Result for semester Spring 2020. AIOU schedule to Workshop for all programs students must be present AIOU workshop more than 79% attendance. 17TRACK ist die größte und umfassende Paketverfolgungs-Plattform. We track more Fortnite players than any site! AIOU Tutor Are Those tutors where you submit your aiou assignments. AIOU Result BA 2020 & AIOU Result B.Ed 2020 is now available for the students along with BS & B.Com programs. Additional shipping resources. For graduation we are uploading the AIOU BA Subjects Code List 2021 for all fresh and old candidates... © 2020 | All AIOU Results Datesheets Old Guess Papers, All AIOU Results Datesheets Old Guess Papers, AIOU Degree Tracking System Online Check Location, How to Know AIOU Degree Tracking Location Status, It is two methods you can obtain her degree from Allama Iqbal University we will be described both here for the people who can know about him easily and self-choose one of them and paying the, AIOU Urgent Degree getting time Duration is one week, Normal AIOU Degree getting duration of time is one month, Download AIOU Degree Form for All Programs, I think that you can understand the whole procedure of the AIOU Degree Tracking System Online to check the location where it arrived in her sanad of your program. So, if you appeared in the exams of semester Spring & Autumn then you can download your result here. How to correct my name on aiou result? Roll no BR676252, Why my aiou result is not showing? Here below is the page to check your AIOU Result for semester Autumn 2020. If during your semester you try to find your tutor and as a result you get an answer that no tutor found in short you would be thinking of a solution right. When you can submit the fee then wait some days after the few days the department of section degree is sending your mailing address and home is write in the application form through UMS post or TCS currier service. If this page is not working then open official AIOU website for result here, (Check result). Click on the link provided below to check your AIOU Result MA 2020, AIOU Result M.Ed 2020, AIOU Result MPhil & PhD 2020. AIOU Result Correction. AIOU Results For Spring and Autumn 2020. Required fields are marked with * Students Mobile Number: * ( at 03XXXXXXXXX) has yet to be estimated by Alexa in terms of traffic and rank. SEARCH INCOMPLETE RETURNED APPLICATIONS . Follow us on our Facebook Page or Join our Facebook group for AIOU updates, Follow us on Twitter or Join our WhatsApp Group for AIOU Help. Now you can also check your Degree Status by Tracking it online. The result is announced officially and finally available to all students here. Since the new role of HS are during this regard you want to attend the workshop. If you are a student of Bachelors at Allama Iqbal Open University and want to check your result then you can check here after providing your Roll Number. Required fields are marked with * Students Mobile Number: * ( at 03XXXXXXXXX) Case Type: * **Recheck Fee Rs. Thanks. Then applying for the credential for submitting the application pay with required dues to the bank challan form and get the token number save in themself for any terms and conditions when you can need it in the feature. Sir my name is Isha and I am a student of BEd of Allama Iqbal Open University, but my AIOU result is not showing. Please provide me my allama iqbal open university result. Sir, can I check my aiou result with my roll number. Enter your Roll Number in below Result Card section and in the first option, select All Programs. You can also now download your AIOU Result Card & Provisional Certificate by your roll number. Can you provide us your roll number to check your AIOU Result. Allama Iqbal Open University result is not showing. You can check Incomplete or Returned Application and In process Application etc. All Programs AIOU Books Information 2020 Autumn and Spring AIOU Books Complaint Contact Number It provides an option of online tracking of books at the official website of it. They will inform you about the status of your books. You can check your Allama Iqbal Open University Result & download Result Card here. When the officials will make any declaration, you will be allowed to check it here. 3.2 sec. AIOU Online Degree Tracking System. Basically, this is a modern book inquiry online system that is useful to gather information about the mailing educational material. AIOU Degree Tracking System. understanding tracking terminology. RELATED ARTICLES MORE FROM AUTHOR. It is two methods you can obtain her degree from Allama Iqbal University we will be described both here for the people who can know about him easily and self-choose one of them and paying the AIOU Fee to the bank deposit in the bank’s list is also mentioned under the below. ALLAMA IQBAL OPEN UNIVERSITY, ISLAMABAD Contact 4PX and get REST API docs. Check AIOU Tutor Address Online by Roll Number, Scholarships in USA 2021 for International Students, CSC Scholarship 2021 at Tsinghua University (Fully Funded), AIOU Spring 2020 Exams are postponed (All Programs), AIOU Solved Assignments: Spring & Autumn Semester 2020, AIOU Contact number | Phone Number [Whatsapp & Facebook group]. Masters students of AIOU can also check their result of semester spring & autumn 2020 here. Sir my name is Sami ullah And I am a student of BA Now my result is not showing Please be kind to me How do i check my result. Can u tell me what is wrong with it? Result Correction & Rechecking Tracking System. Start here to receive tracking events and carrier information. AIOU Result Correction. In the event of any breach of these conditions the access rights to Tracking can be withdrawn and the passwords / user codes may be deleted. Can you send us your Roll Number so that we may check why you can see download your AIOU Result. You can easily ask your questions in the comments below. AIOU-DTS: AIOU Degree Tracking System > AIOU-DTS : Incomplete / Returned Applications : In Process Applications . I searched AIOU result 2020 and enter my roll number but did not find my result. GLS, ARAMEX, DPD, TOLL, uvm. Results Detail for Semester Spring 2020 Program: Select ATTC Program Diploma in Forensic Science Arabic/Open Tech Programs Matric Programs F.A Programs Bachelor Programs Post Graduate Programs Post Graduate Diploma Overseas Programmes (O.P.S) Also, check the AIOU Admission Entry Test Result. Allama Iqbal Open University, Sector H-8, Islamabad- 44000, Pakistan Helpline: 051-111-112-468 It has the objective to provide distance education for the students. So, the students around the country take admission to it and study from their homes. Customized By: AIOU, Directorate of ICT in Cooperation with Examinations Department. AIOU Result Correction & Rechecking Tracking System > Result Correction & Rechecking Tracking System : Online application form for Result Correction & Rechecking : Status of Result Correction & Rechecking Application . Here you can discover Allama Iqbal Open University’s latest results for both Spring and Autumn groups. Let’s check first the issues regarding AIOU Result. AIOU Books Tracking. The students have been advised to contact their relevant post offices in case of delay in the hard books’ delivery. Result 2020 5th & 8th class, PEC & FDE, Matric 9th & 10th class result 2020, BISE Inter & Intermediate Board Results 2020 DAE BSc BA MSc MA Entry Test Exam Result B.Ed M.Ed College Results Pakistan (Pk) Online, HSSC, FA, FSc, BBA, BA, BCom, B.Ed, BIT, BSc, BCS, MSc, MA, MBA, MIT, M.Ed, MCS, BEd, BE, LLB, MBBS, MPhil, PhD University examination result 2020. Respected sir, How to Download Challan Form For AIOU Result (Paper) Rechecking. We track all the Fortnite stats available, leave your page open to auto-refresh and capture all of your Fortnite matches. Collect On Delivery Hold For Pickup 9303 3000 0000 0000 0000 00. It is really a modern computerized way that is launched for the coordination of the people who can’t worry when their AIOU Sanad is not received. Page rendered. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Check now, it is working fine. So, let’s start to your results. You have entered an incorrect email address! Allama Iqbal Open University has announced the students results for 2020. AIOU Degree Certificate. Aiou semster spring 2020ka result kB tq ay GA. If you have your roll number then you can check your result right here. Sir, kindly provide my result card, I am doing BA from Allama Iqbal Open University but my result is not shown bu AIOU. In the manual system, it is practically hard to give prompt response to each and every student, so as a result student has to suffer a lot. AIOU-DTS: AIOU Degree Tracking System > AIOU-DTS : Incomplete / Returned Applications : In Process Applications . Search by Roll No You can check your AIOU Result 2020 here by entering your Roll Number. Is the official website of Allama Iqbal Open … Check Also: Check AIOU Tutor Address Online by Roll Number. A track-trace service. You can track your status of books any time by just enter your roll number in their database. All fees information are available on chalan. per mail karo mil jaye gi don’t worry. Allama Iqbal Open University Degree Tracking System (DTS) is introduced for the help of the students who can online check the current location of their degree dispatched and where arrived now all the information is available at I can also hope that this page is very helpful and useful for you. AIOU Matric Result is going to be announced very soon. Whether for your personal shipments or your business, we have the tools to help make every delivery a little easier. Through the official site of AIOU, the students can track their books by entering their roll no or form no. After the completion of the papers, the students are very excited to get results. Recently Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad, has announced that the students can check their admission confirmation online after this, Now students will be able to check their books using aiou online books tracking or aiou books tracking system. Here you can check latest AIOU results for 2020 online for all classes including Matric, SSC, Inter, BA, … For Matric students, the Open University announced its result including the both marks of assignments and marks obtained in exams. Matric Spring 2019 Assignments marks results. AIOU announcing results for matric in march and November through the year. .iframe-container iframe { border: 0; height: 100%; left: 0; position: absolute; top: 0; width: 100%;}. Please tell me my Allama Iqbal Open University result information. Login. And then you will be able to download your AIOU Result Card in PDF for semester Spring & Autumn 2020. LOGIN ADMINISTRATOR Powered by Help Desk Software HESK, brought to you by SysAid. i got error when i try to download my aiou result 2020…. This is the updated record of all students with the Final Result for students of all programs. The best way to minimize inefficiencies is to use automated systems. Successful tests; 1. Here I will show all information about it. As it is already mentioned that the result of FA & I.Com students also has been announced by Allama Iqbal Open University. AIOU SSC roll number slips are provided to the students on their mailing addresses so that they can appear in the AIOU 9 th and 10 th annual exams. Contact Allama Iqbal Open University if there is anything incorrect with your AIOU Result. Then after opening your Allama Iqbal Open University Result History you will be able to download your result card in PDF. You have to either register a support ticket or visit your nearest Allama Iqbal Open University regional office and ask them to track your Result Card status. Global Express Guaranteed ® 82 000 000 00 What kind of error you are seeing when the search for AIOU Result- FA Spring? AIOU Books Not Received or Dispatched . Ok, we are going to make mass changes and update the AIOU Result as soon as possible. Provide your Email and other information, please. Asst. Get the mobile app. As a result your right to use the Tracking shipment tracking system or the shipment tracking data cannot be assigned to another party. I want to check my AIOU result by roll number. We analyzed page load time and found that the first response time was 962 ms and then it took 3.3 sec to load all DOM resources and completely render a web page. All of the students can now download their official AIOU Result cards in PDF here. Right now we are tracking 88,520,170 players. Degree tracking System. Service / Sample Number. As it is the chance of happiness for the students to check the output of his course work during the whole semester. Which could be some of the following. AIOU BA Result 2020 Part 1, 2. Is it showing “Record not Found”? AIOU Result Correction & Rechecking Tracking System > Result Correction & Rechecking Tracking System > Submit online application form for Result Correction & Rechecking : Use this form to submit a support request. You just need to choose print option to download this result in PDF file. The students happy for this act of kindness of the Allama Iqbal Open University Degree Tracking Method and the, AIOU MA Fee Structure 2020 Online Calculate, AIOU MA Prospectus 2020 MSc M.Ed PGD Download, AIOU B.ED Prospectus 2021 for All Programs, AIOU FA Prospectus 2021 FSC ICOM Intermediate. AIOU Tutors 2020 will get your assignments 2020 and give you markes that will count in final Result. If you cannot receive an AIOU degree within one month then the students can check AIOU Sanad Tracking online at DTS (Degree Tracking System) is established only at Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad for the help out of the children. Students are unable to find the result for “AIOU Result 2020 FA, AIOU Result 2020 BA, AIOU Result 2020 MA, AIOU Result 2020 B.Ed, AIOU Result 2020 M.Ed, AIOU Result 2020 Associate Degree, AIOU Result 2020 BS, etc.” So here below is the complete and updated official AIOU semester Spring & Autumn 2020 Result. Asslamo alaikum sir mera name HURR ABBAS h sir mera result card abi tak nahi aya F A ka sir pichle lockdown me promot hua tha abi tak ni aya my roll nmbr BB381461. Allama Iqbal Open University now provides this facility to its students that they can track their degree easily by this system just entering their Roll Number. Then after a few seconds, the result will be on the screen. After entering your Roll Number, your result will be opened online. Certified Mail ® 9407 3000 0000 0000 0000 00. Provide the below-required information to get all the latest AIOU Latest Updates right into your inbox by our team. Sir I have completed my B.Ed but my result is not shown on website. This website has a positive reputation and thus it’s safe for browsing. Degree Tracking System (DTS) to improve the Efficiency and Effectiveness of ODL System – A case study of AIOU. Sir, I passed my BEd in 2019 but still my AIOU result is not showing on Allama Iqbal Open University website and also here on your website my result is showing. Customized By: AIOU, Directorate of ICT in Cooperation with Examinations Department. Di you check it online by entering your Roll Number? As you know, there are two semesters for the AIOU students each year, Spring & Autumn. You can check result of matric class from official website of Alama Iqbal Open University. Just enter your Roll Number there and select your program. Allama Iqbal Open University provides an Online Tracking option to its students. Ma ne degree verification k liye apne documents bank challan k sath 1 month pehle uni ko send kiye thy but abi tk koi reply nhi plz guide kr den k us me kya issue hai ya kya duration h.. In this way, you will be able to download your AIOU Result. Es können mehr als 170+ Zusteller für Einschreiben, Paket, EMS und mehrere Express-Kuriere verfolgt werden, wie z.B. AIOU Result Correction & Rechecking Tracking System > Result Correction & Rechecking Tracking System > Submit online application form for Result Correction & Rechecking : Use this form to submit a support request. We are glad that we made a access through this website for aiou student. Login. Pitney Bowes is a global logistics services provider for major marketplaces and retailers. LOGIN ADMINISTRATOR Powered by Help Desk Software HESK, brought to you by SysAid. Provides an option of “ all Levels/Programmes ” and in the hard ’. 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