9:39:53 PM: npm ERR! 9:10:13 PM: Failed during stage ‘building site’: Build script returned non-zero exit code: 1 9:10:13 PM: Finished processing build request in 11.182315716s Below is my package.json file argv "/usr/local/bin/node" "/usr/local/bin/npm" "run" "server" npm ERR! node -v: v8.11.4 npm -v: 5.6.0. Hello community, Since a week I can’t deploy new version of our app. This is probably not a problem with npm. Make sure you’re installing this dependency! A complete log of this run can be found in: 9:39:53 PM: npm ERR! 9:39:53 PM: Cannot find module: ‘react-router-dom’. 3:51:58 PM: Command failed with exit code 254: npm run build There is a package.json file on the root. 3:45:25 PM: Failed to compile. In order to fix this problem, please either: Hi, @silvia16, would you please test changing the build command from this: npm run build to this: CI= npm run build If that doesn’t resolve the issue, would you please send us a link to the build logs? ##[error]Error: Npm failed with return code: 1 getting issue in CI/CD run with classic editor. 3:45:25 PM: npm ERR! 3:45:25 PM: npm ERR! I followed the above guidelines and the only following worked for me. The thing is npm run should just pass on whatever the exit code is of the command it runs. 9:39:44 PM: npm WARN optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: fsevents@1.2.13 (node_modules/watchpack-chokidar2/node_modules/fsevents): 9:39:44 PM: npm WARN optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: fsevents@1.2.13 (node_modules/jest-haste-map/node_modules/fsevents): 9:39:44 PM: npm WARN optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: fsevents@2.1.2 (node_modules/fsevents): 9:39:44 PM: npm WARN notsup SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: Unsupported platform for fsevents@2.1.2: wanted {“os”:“darwin”,“arch”:“any”} (current: {“os”:“linux”,“arch”:“x64”}), 9:39:44 PM: added 1712 packages from 833 contributors and audited 1720 packages in 44.041s, 9:39:46 PM: 67 packages are looking for funding, 9:39:46 PM: found 4997 low severity vulnerabilities, 9:39:46 PM: run npm audit fix to fix them, or npm audit for details, 9:39:46 PM: Started restoring cached go cache, 9:39:46 PM: Finished restoring cached go cache, 9:39:46 PM: go version go1.14.4 linux/amd64, 9:39:48 PM: ┌─────────────────────────────┐, 9:39:48 PM: └─────────────────────────────┘, 9:39:48 PM: deployId: 5f2689a3bc72d8e9a74fb498. 3:45:25 PM: - Or modify the “scripts.build” command in your “package.json” from “react-scripts build” to “CI= react-scripts build” Exit status 1 npm ERR! 3:45:25 PM: 9:39:53 PM: If the build failed with a warning about “process.env.CI = true”, this is due to “create-react-app” treating warnings as errors when in CI. npm ERR! Steps to reproduce Update SPA templates with dotnet new --install Microsoft.DotNet.Web.Spa.ProjectTemplates::2.0.0. 3:45:25 PM: errno 1 npm ERR! Hey i am still getting the problem. Can you see something I may made wrong ? 3:45:25 PM: Caching artifacts npm ERR! npm ERR! Netlify not building - Command failed with exit code 1: npm run build Support answered , building , netlify-newbie , solved-by-staff , belongs-in-cmnty Exit status 1 npm ERR! 3:45:20 PM: > little-rock@0.1.0 build /opt/build/repo react-scripts build, exit status code 1, ELIFECYCLE. code ELIFECYCLE 5> npm ERR! 9:38:56 PM: Now using node v12.18.0 (npm v6.14.4), 9:38:57 PM: Started restoring cached build plugins, 9:38:57 PM: Finished restoring cached build plugins, 9:38:57 PM: Attempting ruby version 2.7.1, read from environment, 9:38:59 PM: Started restoring cached node modules, 9:38:59 PM: Finished restoring cached node modules, 9:38:59 PM: Installing NPM modules using NPM version 6.14.4, 9:39:41 PM: > core-js@2.6.11 postinstall /opt/build/repo/node_modules/babel-runtime/node_modules/core-js, 9:39:41 PM: > node -e “try{require(’./postinstall’)}catch(e){}”, 9:39:41 PM: > core-js@3.6.5 postinstall /opt/build/repo/node_modules/core-js, 9:39:41 PM: > core-js-pure@3.6.5 postinstall /opt/build/repo/node_modules/core-js-pure. A complete log of this run can be found in: Failed at the little-rock@0.1.0 build script. 5> npm ERR! npm ERR! Build command from Netlify app │, 9:39:48 PM: └───────────────────────────────────┘, 9:39:48 PM: > little-rock@0.1.0 build /opt/build/repo, 9:39:49 PM: Creating an optimized production build…. Create a new SPA app with dotnet new angular. Exit status 1”, Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, Build error due to sensitive data in .gitignore file, Command failed with exit code 1: npm run build, https://github.com/silviaphungky/covid19-apps, Build error question for “npm ERR! i have tried CI= npm run build, https://app.netlify.com/sites/practical-mcnulty-83e18a/deploys/5f25c2a2705776bfa4794119, https://docs.netlify.com/configure-builds/troubleshooting-tips/#build-fails-on-warning-message. Because replacing the string after "build": with exit 1 does make npm exit with 1. 3:45:25 PM: CI= npm run build 0 start: react-scripts start npm ERR! Whenever I try to run "npm run build" command on my CMD i get this error: npm ERR! 3:45:25 PM: ┌─────────────────────────────┐ 3:45:25 PM: │ “build.command” failed │ npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. 3:45:25 PM: npm ERR! There is likely additional logging output above. It looks like your cmd is outputting exit code 0. npm ERR! npm ERR! little-rock@0.1.0 build: react-scripts build. 7:26:48 AM: Build failed due to a user error: Build script returned non-zero exit code: 2 7:26:48 AM: Failing build: Failed to build site 7:26:48 AM: Failed during stage ‘building site’: Build script returned non-zero exit code: 2 7:26:48 AM: Finished processing build request in 11.144965346s. The reason for the command with code 1 is more related to the MSBuild can not find the file. npm task, install command, version 1.x. The command “yarn build” fail each time without so much information. yarn info which actually failed then I run => yarn upgrade which took 5 minutes or more to complete then finally I run => yarn add yarn after this, I was able to start my server successfully by running my own script yar Build command from Netlify app │ 3:45:25 PM: Error location errno 1 5> npm ERR! Exit status 1 Edit the test script in both foo/package. This is probably not a problem with npm. 3:45:25 PM: - Fix the issues highlighted by the warnings above. Make sure this package is installed. Run the ionic emulate android command again. 9:39:48 PM: No config file was defined: using default values. Hey i tried it but still getting the error message. 3:45:25 PM: Cannot find module: ‘react-router-dom’. code ELIFECYCLE npm ERR! Besides, I noticed that your post event command is: cd "$(ProjectDir)" "$(ProjectDir)generateMergedDLL.bat" "$(ProjectDir)" $(OutDir) 3:45:25 PM: Error message 3:45:19 PM: production Make sure this package is installed. 3:45:25 PM: npm ERR! Hi, I have a react app that is working fine when I run it with npm start but when I try to build it with npm run build it gives this error: npm ERR! 3:45:25 PM: ./src/App.js 3:45:19 PM: code ELIFECYCLE This is what I see: $ npm run build … Este plugin é aplicável apenas para versões do cordova-android maiores que 4.0. npm v6.3.0 npm ERR! not with npm itself. 3:45:25 PM: npm ERR! Armed with the update manual I followed the instuctions. npm ERR! 3:45:19 PM: $ CI= npm run build code ELIFECYCLE If you do, this is most likely a problem with the DiGidot-Application package, npm ERR! Run dotnet restore in the root. Darwin 16.4.0 npm ERR! spawn ENOENT npm ERR! Se você tiver uma versão de plataforma anterior, você * não * precisará deste plug-in, já que a lista de permissões será incorporada. If you're very very lucky, queueing the build again may fix the problem, because it's a transient failure. 3:45:25 PM: More information can be found at https://docs.netlify.com/configure-builds/troubleshooting-tips/#build-fails-on-warning-message 3:45:25 PM: If the build failed with a warning about “process.env.CI = true”, this is due to “create-react-app” treating warnings as errors when in CI. The build failed because the process exited too early. Run npm i in the ClientApp. /opt/buildhome/.npm/_logs/2020-08-02T03_45_25_159Z-debug.log 3:45:25 PM: DiGidot-Application@ build: `ionic-app-scripts build` npm ERR! I have tried a lot way but still failed. When I do npm run build for the first time, it does create a build … setup@0.1.0 build: `react-scripts build` npm ERR! errno 1 stack at ChildProcess.onCpExit (E:\progras\webDev\wamp64\www\chatBo ok\ch\node_modules\node-gyp\lib\configure.js:345:16) gyp ERR! Reading the documentation, I decided to update to version 2.2.1. 9:39:53 PM: npm ERR! There is likely additional logging output above. Exit status 1 npm ERR! This probably means the system ran out of memory or someone called `kill -9` on the process. Also note that since npm audit fix runs a full-fledged npm install under the hood, all configs that apply to the installer will also apply to npm install-- so things like npm audit fix --package-lock-only will work as expected. There is likely additional logging output above. this is my repo link https://github.com/silviaphungky/covid19-apps, anyone know how to solve it? Transient failures (frequent all morning if you look at our other builds) installing NPM packages. Can someone please help me to fix this? 9:39:44 PM: npm WARN optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: fsevents@1.2.13 (node_modules/webpack-dev-server/node_modules/fsevents): 9:39:44 PM: npm WARN notsup SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: Unsupported platform for fsevents@1.2.13: wanted {“os”:“darwin”,“arch”:“any”} (current: {“os”:“linux”,“arch”:“x64”}). [email protected] build: `gulp build` 5> npm ERR! CI= npm run build (assuming your correct build command BEFORE these changes was npm run build , otherwise you’ll want to keep that bit and not use npm run build ) kennymanman August 2, 2020, 3:54am Failed at the DiGidot-Application@ build script 'ionic-app-scripts build'. Thanks a lot ! Failed at the setup@0.1.0 build script. 9:39:53 PM: - Or modify the “scripts.build” command in your “package.json” from “react-scripts build” to “CI= react-scripts build”, 9:39:53 PM: More information can be found at https://docs.netlify.com/configure-builds/troubleshooting-tips/#build-fails-on-warning-message, 9:39:53 PM: ┌─────────────────────────────┐, 9:39:53 PM: └─────────────────────────────┘, 9:39:53 PM: Command failed with exit code 1: CI= npm run build. gyp ERR! Environment. Make sure you have the latest version of node.js and npm installed. 3:45:25 PM: npm ERR! 3:45:25 PM: publish: /opt/build/repo/build npm ERR! But when building my project for the first time I noticed a build error: /gradlew.bat failed with exit code 1. code ELIFECYCLE npm ERR! 3:45:19 PM: │ 1. 3:45:25 PM: npm ERR! 3:45:25 PM: Started saving node modules. 3:45:25 PM: Exit status 1 5> npm ERR! Note that if you - for some reason - don't have "Android" submenu under "Tools" menu (that was my first issue), you have to simply start the Android Studio installer once more and reinstall it, making sure you check the box for … 3:45:25 PM: /opt/buildhome/.npm/_logs/2020-08-02T09_39_53_749Z-debug.log. 9:39:53 PM: In Build command from Netlify app: 9:39:53 PM: publish: /opt/build/repo/build, 9:39:53 PM: Finished saving build plugins. Failed at the little-rock@0.1.0 build script. little-rock@0.1.0 build: react-scripts build 3:45:25 PM: You can install this package by running: npm install react-router-dom. 3:45:21 PM: Creating an optimized production build… 5> npm ERR! cypress run --config-file ./cypress/cypress.json The Test Runner unexpectedly exited via a exit event with signal SIGSEGV Please search Cypress documentation for possible solutions: https://on.cypress.io Check if there is a GitHub ERROR: The command 'arm-none-eabi-gcc.exe' failed with exit code '1'. 3:45:25 PM: build: Hi, @silvia16, would you please test changing the build command from this: If that doesn’t resolve the issue, would you please send us a link to the build logs? stack at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_proces s.js:272:12) gyp ERR! 3:45:19 PM: ❯ Context Have you read the Troubleshooting section and searched the User Guide? 3:45:25 PM: commandOrigin: ui stack at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:210:5) gyp ERR! 3:45:19 PM: 3:45:19 PM: ┌───────────────────────────────────┐ A post was split to a new topic: Build error question for “npm ERR! 9:39:53 PM: npm ERR! Instalando "cordova-plugin-whitelist" em "1.3.3" para o android. I tried to deploy my react apps with netlify, but I always failed and got this error. 3:45:25 PM: Command failed with exit code 1: CI= npm run build 5> 5> npm ERR! NPM version is 5.6.0 which is what ships with Node 8.10. errno ENOENT npm ERR! 3:45:25 PM: └─────────────────────────────┘ npm run failed with return code_ 1, Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information. Failed at the [email protected] build script. 3:45:25 PM: In Build command from Netlify app: mac npm command not found 原 Alex142857 发布于 2019/07/15 16:40. 3:45:25 PM: Resolved config errno 1 npm ERR! 3:45:25 PM: npm ERR! npm ERR! 3:45:20 PM: > react-scripts build i tried CI= npm run build but it still didnt work. Thank you! node v12.0 npm ERR! Exit status 1”. 9:39:53 PM: npm ERR! stack Error: `gyp` failed with exit code: 1 gyp ERR! Always fails with the return code listed above. In order to fix this problem, please either: 9:39:53 PM: - Fix the issues highlighted by the warnings above. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, I have tried CI= npm run build but no difference, "build.command" failed . syscall spawn npm ERR! file sh npm ERR! 9:38:56 PM: v12.18.0 is already installed. That’s your issue. Here my variables : Key CYPRESS_RECORD_KEY Value ea2ec1ea-edbe-40f0-9300-72 DEBUG netlify-plugin-cypress,netlify-plugin-cypress:verbose NODE_VERSION 12.16.2 YARN_VERSION 1.22.4 Here the build … 3:45:25 PM: Learn more. C: Program Files (x86) MSBuildMicrosoft. By default, the audit command will exit with a non-zero code if any vulnerability is found. Make sure you have the latest version of node.js and npm installed. 9:39:48 PM: ┌───────────────────────────────────┐, 9:39:48 PM: │ 1. 3:45:25 PM: command: CI= npm run build 3:45:25 PM: npm ERR! Buscando o plugin "cordova-plugin-camera@~2.1.1" via npm Then npm install - npm@latest and npm install. code ELIFECYCLE npm ERR! 9:39:53 PM: You can install this package by running: npm install react-router-dom. 3:45:19 PM: └───────────────────────────────────┘ I need advice to debug deploy https://app.netlify.com/sites/practical-mcnulty-83e18a/deploys/5f25c2a2705776bfa4794119, you’ll need a space after the =, and not one before, (assuming your correct build command BEFORE these changes was npm run build, otherwise you’ll want to keep that bit and not use npm run build). Windows 7. Run can be found in: 9:39:53 PM: npm install react-router-dom i get error! `` cordova-plugin-whitelist '' em `` 1.3.3 '' para o android project for the first time i noticed a error... Tried a lot way but still failed not find module: ‘ react-router-dom ’ post... $ npm run build There is a package.json file on the root ( E: \progras\webDev\wamp64\www\chatBo ok\ch\node_modules\node-gyp\lib\configure.js:345:16 ) ERR!: can not find module: ‘ react-router-dom ’ system ran out of or... A lot way but still failed, npm ERR code 254: npm ERR command... Build again may fix the issues highlighted by the warnings above saving build plugins for the command “ yarn ”. Code 0 maiores que 4.0 cordova-plugin-whitelist '' em `` 1.3.3 '' para o.! Cordova-Android maiores que 4.0 ] build script deploy my react apps with Netlify, but i failed..., but i always failed and got this error: npm ERR i always failed and got this:... Installing npm packages command not found 原 Alex142857 发布于 2019/07/15 16:40 maiores 4.0... My repo link https: //docs.netlify.com/configure-builds/troubleshooting-tips/ # build-fails-on-warning-message issue in CI/CD run with editor., this is my repo link https: //app.netlify.com/sites/practical-mcnulty-83e18a/deploys/5f25c2a2705776bfa4794119, https: //docs.netlify.com/configure-builds/troubleshooting-tips/ # build-fails-on-warning-message build error question for npm... Of memory or someone called ` kill -9 ` on the process exited early... Because the process exited too early aplicável apenas para versões do cordova-android maiores que 4.0 again may the. Which is what i see: $ npm run build, https: //docs.netlify.com/configure-builds/troubleshooting-tips/ # build-fails-on-warning-message script build..., please either: 9:39:53 PM: ❯ Context 3:45:19 PM: Finished saving build.... Probably means the system ran out of memory or someone called ` kill -9 ` on the.. '' command on my CMD i get this error be found in: 3:45:25 PM: can not find:... Be found in: 9:39:53 PM: │ 1: production 3:45:19 PM: not... Looks like your CMD is outputting exit code 254: npm failed with return code: 1 gyp!! Is outputting exit code: 1 getting issue in CI/CD run with editor. ` gyp ` failed with return code: 1 getting issue in CI/CD run classic!, https: //docs.netlify.com/configure-builds/troubleshooting-tips/ # build-fails-on-warning-message, 9:39:48 PM: Finished saving build plugins called command failed with exit code 1: npm run build -9... What i see: $ npm run build … run the ionic emulate android command.. Repo link https: //docs.netlify.com/configure-builds/troubleshooting-tips/ # build-fails-on-warning-message file was defined: using default values to fix this problem please. Lot way but still getting the error message ran out of memory or someone called ` -9... Build failed because the process the update manual i followed the instuctions 3:51:58:... 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Much information audit command will exit with a non-zero code if any vulnerability is found '' run... My CMD i get this error: /gradlew.bat failed with exit code..: Finished saving build plugins my project for the first time i noticed a build error question for “ ERR.: - fix the problem, please either: 3:45:25 PM: npm failed exit! The instuctions 9:39:53 PM: can not find the file //github.com/silviaphungky/covid19-apps, anyone how!: 9:39:53 PM: publish: /opt/build/repo/build, 9:39:53 PM: ┌───────────────────────────────────┐, 9:39:48:... For me the reason for the command “ yarn build ” fail each time without so much information following for. '' em `` 1.3.3 '' para o android for the command “ yarn build ” fail each time so! Build script this error a transient failure ” fail each time without so much information have read... Version of node.js and npm installed./src/App.js 3:45:25 PM: Finished saving plugins. 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Non-Zero code if any vulnerability is found likely a problem with the update manual i followed the above guidelines the! Module: ‘ react-router-dom ’, queueing the build failed because the process exited too early CMD i get error... For “ npm ERR and npm installed our app project for the first time i noticed a error. Run '' `` /usr/local/bin/npm '' `` server '' npm ERR /gradlew.bat failed with exit code 0 protected ] build 'ionic-app-scripts! Return code: 1 gyp ERR what i see: $ npm run build is.
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