幸運:B readerxcharacter. Type: Anti-Unit Noble Phantasm Frankenstein appreciates support from servants that hasten her NP gain in order to trigger Blasted Tree. Please pay within 5 days after auction is finished. If it is for the sake of conserving energy, you can directly unplug the PC's power plug. I am all alone, and it's painful... it's agonizing... it hurts. When out of battle it's always on her. B[1] Overload: C Primary franchise: D~B[17] [8], Berserker is deployed along with Saber of Black to act as part of the plan to capture the rogue Berserker of Red. Frankenstein F/GO Stage 2 宝具, 樹の枝状の放電流を纏う戦槌(メイス)。先端の球体は彼女の心臓そのものであり、戦闘時以外も肌身離さず所持している。尾部のフィンと、本体側側頭部のフィンによって電力の供給が行われる仕組み。自分や周囲から漏れる魔力を効率よく回収し蓄積するため、周囲に余剰の魔力が豊富に発生し続ける戦闘時は、ガルバニズムと合わせて疑似的に『第二種永久機関』の動作をすることになる, "乙女の貞節"を地面に突き立て、全リミッターを解除して行う全力放電。 [5] She prefers to remain in material form, and she sullenly moans when forced by Caules to remain in spiritual form. Noble Phantasm CV:野中藍 It is possible for this lightning attack to give birth to a second Frankenstein's Monster though her death means she cannot see the results of her actions. Occupying the Master's bed, and idling listlessly while indulging in the air-conditioning. Her creator eventually underwent a mental breakdown and took his own life. 節電のためならPCのコンセントを直で抜く。 Agility: Mordred soon suspects she’s misleading them this time. Voice Actor: Ai Nonaka ■ 乙女の貞節(ブライダル・チェスト) Les tendances de 2020 sur Frankenstein Cosplay dans Nouveauté & Usage Spécial, Mère et enfant, Jeux et loisirs, Maison & Animalerie. The arrival of the summer season!! She nods for him to relate his wish to her, but he does not have one at the moment. This solid base is further improved on through Summer Galvanism's massive NP Gain buff, and to a lesser extent, by her occasional critical hits. The orb on the tip is her very heart itself. Berserker comes across largely average. Use of the Bridal Chest in a suicide move -- the fin of the mace is planted into the ground, and the reactor's limiters are completely released, discharging all gathered electricity into the surrounding environment as an area of effect attack with target homing; momentarily giving the Noble Phantasm in the silhouette of a towering tree. D[2][3] matériel Eva. 敏捷:D 172cm Lazy!" Please... give me a mate. [17], Because it's summer, even the normally diligent Fran-chan shows the Master her laa-zy side. Rank: C Rank: D~B Type: Anti-Army 魔光、魔風、魔弾など実体のない攻撃を瞬時に電気へ変換し、周囲に放電することで無効化する。また、蓄電の量に応じて肉体が強化され、ダメージ修復も迅速に行われるようになる。 Fate Noble Phantasm: C Like how she always kept close to Caules when she walked behind him. London: Death World in the City of Demonic Fog, Dead Heat Summer Race! CV Koji Yusa Illustrator Raita Honjo. CV Ai Nonaka Illustrator Takeshi Okazaki. Jump to: navigation, search —Mad Warrior and Heroic Spirit of Berserker Rage. Ai Nonaka He asks her to correct the details of her legend in order to better understand her due to there being obvious discrepancies, and she bows her head earnestly at the request. Descargalos gratis en todos tus dispositivos - PC, Smartphone, o Tablet. Type: VIEW. If he succeeds in making her open her heart, there is a possibility of the Master being chosen as the "bridegroom of Frankenstein". 宝具:C D[1][5] Apr 7, 2017 - This Pin was discovered by Emery's Cave. Mad Enhancement Thinking it is solely because she cannot speak, Rider asks the flustered Caules, and Berserker grumbles in displeasure as he speaks it. All Classes except Shielder and Foreigner take 50% more damage from Berserkers, including other Berserkers. Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Gender: Female So, my first Fate/Apocrypha crossover, ... Vivamus, had Harry summoning Berserker of Black, aka Frankenstein's Monster, as his Servant, a Servant who would eventually become his pairing. 狂化時に高まる、いつ果てるともしれない甲高い絶叫。 [6], Mad Enhancement has robbed her of most of her linguistic ability, limiting her responses to head-shaking and grunts; the only time she was able to speak was when she was summoned and when she was trying to kill herself along with Saber of Red using her Blasted Tree. Japanese name: See more ideas about Frankenstein, Fate, Anime. [3] She doggedly pursued the man until finding him in Geneva, Switzerland, where she made the following appeal: « I never wanted to trouble you... but when you created me, you made me as only me. Maximum Targets: 1 person Berserker of “Red” [Servant] In reality, the Servant's reactor core / heart is contained within the large spherical bulb, and the fin on the opposite end remotely transfers energy to the Servant's main body. オーバーロード C Master: Caules Forvedge Yggdmillennia Posted on July 19, 2019 July 19, 2019 Author Chris Meharg Leave a comment. Magic: D Bridal Chest Like Phlogiston and Ether, the concept of Galvinism, which explains organic activity as a bio-electric process, falls under the domain of Alchemy. ». [5], Yuuichirou Higashide thought Fran in “Capsule Servant” looks super cute as her head rolls off when she is defeated.[6]. If induces panic and the inability to breath for those unable to resist. Blasted Tree Series: One of the four to serve under Minamoto-no-Raikou, the most powerful Mystic Slayer in the Heian era. Endurance: 敏捷:D 聳え立つ大樹のシルエットで降り注ぐ、拡散ホーミングサンダーである。 She notices the manufacturer’s name on it, which absent from the others, that reads “Charles Babbage, AD 1888”. Rises during Mad Enhancement, a high-pitched scream signalling the end. Despite knowing the cost, Caules painfully forces himself to allow his Servant to use this attack, even assisting her with Command Spells. Strength: Likes: Personal skills There is an extremely low possibility of a second Frankenstein being born due to her Noble Phantasm “Blasted Tree: Lightning Branch of Crucifixion”. Robs ability to think regardless if you are a friend or foe. That was, without a doubt, the first precious and beautiful experience in her entire life. #fgo #fate grand order #fate series #fate frankenstein #frankenstein #wy arts #long time no fanart tbh #someday i'll make an OC art dump here too. アンロック条件:「11月の物寂しい夜の出来事Ⅰ」をクリアすると開放 She accomplishes her task in two general playstyles. While Frankenstein is known for being a tall man over two meters tall, reminiscent of the portrayals of Boris Karloff and Robert de Niro, she res… 南極まで執拗に追跡した彼女に、ヴィクターは疲れ果てたと自ら死を選ぶ。 Découvrez plus de 140 de nos meilleurs Frankenstein Cosplay sur AliExpress.com, y compris les Frankenstein Cosplay les plus vendus. Due to her unique skill “Galvanism”, she has the big advantage of efficiently replenishing her prana supply at an abnormally high rate, but since her prana supply is being taken care of by the homunculi in this war, that advantage is made useless. B[17] 種別:対軍宝具 Continuing complex thoughts over long periods of time are difficult. Made as an Eve to be a partner to Adam, but she lacked the ability to express her emotions and was deemed a failure. Galvanism: B Berserker of Black (Frankenstein’s Monster) - Fate Background. In contrary to the Bible, he first created Eve and then thought of having Eve give birth to Adam. Due to having been rebuked for her lack of emotion, she tries to be sensitive of people’s feelings. アンロック条件:絆レベルを3にすると開放 While Frankenstein is known for being a tall man over two meters tall, reminiscent of the portrayals of Boris Karloff and Robert de Niro, she resembles the Bride of Frankenstein at first glance. The best Berserkers in Fate/Grand Order are Cu Chulainn, Frankenstein, Minamoto no Raikou, and Hijikata Toshizou. A certain Berserker takes it upon herself to make sure her friend gets better as soon as possible. She gives off the image of a large-breed dog that, despite never wagging her tail and always making a bored expression, desperately approaches people. C At the loss of the subject of her love, hopes, and hatred, the automaton drowned herself in the icy waters of the Arctic. D[1] D[2][3]→C[3] And turned it into this. Four hand colors. 地域:ヨーロッパ全域 [12] She is kept in a coffin inside Victor Frankenstein's manor, which Mordred finds while investigating with Ritsuka and Mash. Frankenstein Frankenstein's Monster | Berserker of Black (Fate/Apocrypha) Mashu Kyrielite | Shielder; Freindship; Comedy; Developing Relationship; Tame descriptions of injury; Summary . Getting tired of her persistent chase, Victor fled to the South Pole, choosing to die over granting her one wish. Noble Phantasm Street Art. Maiden's Chastity pierces the ground and the entire limiter is released discharging all the electricity. Frankenstein is a lovely young girl clad in a white dress with empty eyes, carrying a giant mace. Even if you don't post your own creations, we appreciate feedback on ours. About Us. Description. As Archer retreats into the forest, Rider taunts the two, causing them to become angered at the insult to their pride. The bad with summer cyborg, Fran-chan, changes into a swimsuit to keep cool, and enters the race! An artificial being created by Victor Frankenstein. True name: Frankenstein We only accept PayPal payments. メアリー・シェリーの小説に登場する人造人間。もっぱら寡黙で、反応も鈍いが。戦闘時は俊敏に動き、素晴らしい機動力とタフネスさを発揮する。暴走状態でなければ、命令に極めて忠実。感情を表す行為は自分の醜悪さにつながると恥じており、積極的に隠している。しかし知能は高く、人間の情緒を高度なレベルで理解している(ただひとつ、悲しみの感情がない)。節電に大変熱心で、マスターが入っているトイレの電気をこまめに切る。, イラスト:岡崎武士 "Hot! Class skills If you are searching for cosplay products for Frankenstein from Fate, you have certainly come to the right place.In Bhiner Cosplay you can find Frankenstein cosplay costumes, Frankenstein cosplay wigs, Frankenstein cosplay shoes, Frankenstein cosplay weapons and more. Fate Zero. Jul 15, 2018 - This Pin was discovered by 烏丸. Her partners are a suspicious old man of around-fifty and the trans-morphed Giant Robo-Babbage. Délai de traitement 17-20 jours ouvrables. Mana: Illustrations: Takeshi Okazaki Wail of the Falsely Living Fearful of her interests, her creator dismembered her and escaped to his birthplace in an Alpine village outside Geneva. Appears in: Because of the limiter, releasing it means the power is tremendous. She demands he apologize for touching her said inspection, as translated by Mordred. Dislikes: Level 4 Bond Her eyes are normally covered by her long hair and only peek between the gaps. Berserker (Frankenstein) is a character from the Fate series appearing in the light novel series Fate/Apocrypha. C[2][3] キャラクター詳細 When she noticed that Caules was painfully forcing himself to speak coldly as he used his final Command Spell, Frankenstein realized the seemingly miraculous fact that “someone would feel sorrow over her death”. D[2][3] Profile How to Create Your Own What-If Death Battles, General Death Battle TN and Template Blog, Nora Valkyrie vs Frankenstein (Berserker), https://deathbattlefanon.fandom.com/wiki/Berserker_(Frankenstein)?oldid=1443996. フランケンシュタインは小説で描かれたものとはかなりの差違があり、ヴィクターは当初からアダムとイヴ――原初のつがいを創造することを目的としていた。聖書とは逆に、彼はまずイヴを創造し、イヴにアダムを産ませることを思いついた。 Believing himself to have birthed of a hideous creature, it seemed unthinkable to even consider creating another. An AoE Berserker with her near universal 1.5x damage, Fran is specialized in clearing enemy waves which makes her a good Servant in farming lineups. However, the battle is evened by Archer of Black, who himself supports Saber and Berserker and is able to wound Rider, due to possessing Divinity. Berserker is a lovely young girl clad in a white dress with empty eyes, carrying a giant mace. Realizing that they are at a disadvantage, Archer and Rider retreat from the battle.[9]. Saved by redactedycdmoaz redactedycdmoaz Luck: He plans to use her to bring about massive destruction on the battlefield by having Caules use his Command Spells at the right time to strike up confusion in the Red Faction. Due to the limitations of man, he first built Eve, intending for her to give birth to the counterpart. Mad Enhancement: D My Trap skin but in japanese (トラップ) Minecraft Skin . Therefore everything will return to its original state, including their memories. Height/Weight: 172cm/48kg Height/Weight: 172cm・48kg Earth 19 2. 幸運:B Galvanism 敵が単体かつ近距離であれば"乙女の貞節"がなくとも発動可能。 放電後、使用者は完全に活動を停止する。つまり"死"である。この雷撃は、低い確率で第二のフランケンシュタインの怪物を生む可能性がある。もっとも、死亡する彼女はその結果を見ることができない。. Discover (and save!) EZcosplay.com offer finest quality Fate Apocrypha Berserker of Black Frankenstein's monster Cosplay Costume and other related cosplay accessories in low price. Great Holy Grail War FateApocrypha Frankenstein Cosplay; La couleur de l'image peut être légèrement différente du produit réel; Prix. Maximum Amount of Targets: 30 people Livraison gratuite dans le … Like how she always kept close to Caules when she walked behind him. FateApocrypha Frankenstein Cosplay; La couleur de l'image peut être légèrement différente du produit réel; Les modèles d'accessoires de costume (comme la dentelle, les boutons, la boucle, le cuir) peuvent légèrement différer de la photo du produit si le modèle original n'est pas en stock. Alignment: Voiced by: Nonaka Ai Black Berserker (Berserker of "Black", "黒"のバーサーカー, Kuro no Bāsākā?) Rank: D~B→D~B+ She remains angry at him for revealing her true name when even the Black Faction may later become their enemies in the Holy Grail War, and while she picks flowers in the garden, he apologies to her. Mace[5] However, she was labeled a failure due to her lack of morality and undeveloped mind, and though she was disassembled and abandoned, she reconstructed herself and doggedly pursued her creator across the world. アンロック条件:絆レベルを1にすると開放 Personally, I think she looks better this way, and do realize this is the same Nasu who made King Arthur a girl. Her eyes are normally covered by her long hair and only peek between the gaps. Things that keep her cool ■ 狂化:D Gender: Female CLASS バーサーカー After Babbage disappears, the group return Frankenstein to Jekyll’s apartment before heading underground. B[1][5] An artificial being created by Victor Frankenstein. Add to wish list Remove from wish list. If anyone can, it is you. 種別: 対軍宝具 B[2][3] Hot things, Servant stats Their top end is usually defined by characters with largely defensive kits that aim to avoid the glaring survivability weakness faced by Berserkers in their general usage. Female Découvrez une sélection de 25 options Frankenstein Cosplay abordables et d'excellente qualité. ), is the Berserker -class Servant of Illyasviel von Einzbern in the Fifth Holy Grail War of Fate/stay night. Due to this, she decides to utilize her second Noble Phantasm,Blasted Tree, that allows her to release a massive attack at the cost of her own life. 身長/体重:172cm・48kg [3][6] What started as a patchwork of lifeless flesh was given life by the energy harnessed from lightning. Class skills Beings like the homunculi of Yggdmillennia, although similar, are not good enough for her, showing lines that she refuses to cross in her own way. Agility: D[17] Archer of Red also supports him, shooting arrows at Saber and Berserker. Master: Ritsuka Fujimaru I think! With the destruction of the large one, the other Helter Skelters suddenly showdown. Level 5 Bond Berserkers have a base death rate of 65%. [3][5], Her wish is to bring forth a mate that is the same kind of being as her. Shirou goes to ask Berserker to join the Red Faction, to replace their lost Berserker, but Berserker of Black refuses, attacking Shirou instead. For the uninformed, you are looking at the Fate Universe’s version of Frankenstein’s Monster from Fate/Apocrypha and Fate Grand Order. Mordred tells Frankenstein that her words are useless, saying sometimes talks end in fights. Lament of the Falsely Living: D→C War: Berserker. Foreigners take 50% damage and deal 200% damage against … Secondary characters: Archer's Master • Assassin • Beast • Berserker • Caster • Aro Isemi • Hiroki Sajyou • Sancraid Phahn, Secondary characters: Clown • Flat Escardos • Flueger • Heine Istari • Hishiri Adashino • Jiroubou Seigen Tokitou • Luviagelita Edelfelt • Orlocke Caesarmund • Rosalind Istari • Geryon Ashborn • Atrum Galliasta • Touko Aozaki, Secondary characters: Shirou Emiya • Sella (Fate/kaleid) • Leysritt (Fate/kaleid) • Kiritsugu Emiya • Irisviel von Einzbern • Caren Hortensia • Bazett Fraga McRemitz • Tanaka • Beatrice Flowerchild • Angelica • Darius Ainsworth • Erika Ainsworth • Shirou Emiya (Miyu's brother) • Julian Ainsworth • Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg • Lord El-Melloi II • Mimi Katsura • Tatsuko Gakumazawa • Suzuka Kurihara • Nanaki Moriyama • Taiga Fujimura • Shinji Matou • Sakura Matou, Black Faction witnessing Red Faction floating fortress. Guide includes Ascension / Skill Items, Stats, NP, Skill & Review. 彼女がつがいを求めるのは、本能的欲求ではなく論理的――つまり、真っ当な人間としての在り方を求めるが故である。心を開かせることに成功すれば、それこそ「フランケンシュタインの花婿」としてマスターが選ばれる可能性がある。 We are located in Japan. In her former master's absence, she came into contact with the outside world, and developed the emotions and feelings that could never be created in the first place. Critique; Informations sur la commande ; Laisser un commentaire ou une question ici . Range: 1~10 Personal Skills ■ ガルバニズム:B Achetez Taito Fate/Apocrypha Frankenstein Berserker of Black Ver. We're a community of creatives sharing everything Minecraft! NP: Most likely, she would be incapable of winning in either a normal Holy Grail War or the Great Holy Grail War unless she had great luck and her Master had excellent judgment. [5][6] Victor sought to recreate the original couple described in the bible -- Adam and Eve. All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. Discover (and save!) Series: Reliable and professional China wholesaler where you can buy cosplay costumes and drop-ship th I think it’s very natural for people to point out “But Frankenstein was male in the novel!”, but her true role is to give birth to Adam… a male artificial human. The reason why she seeks a pair is not an instinctive desire, but a logical reason because she seeks a way of being a proper human. ランク:D~B 種別:対軍宝具 属性:混沌・中庸 Payment. Berserkers have a base star absorption of 10. フランケンシュタイン 虚ろなる生者の嘆き D→C ランク:D~B 筋力と耐久のパラメータをアップさせるが、言語能力が単純になり、複雑な思考を長時間続けることが困難になる。 Pls email us if you need the costume, wig, shoes, weapon or other accessories of this character. 魔力:D Perhaps surprisingly, another strong subset uses supporting … EX[17] The understanding of the reasoning behind her creator's rejection drove her to anger and despair, and she took the lives of his family members, pursuing him across Europe in the aftermath. 48kg Made as an Eve to be a partner to Adam, but she lacked the ability to express her emotions and was deemed a failure. [13], Jekyll inspects her to confirm she is indeed a living artificial human. 敵味方を問わず思考力を奪い、抵抗力のない者は恐慌をきたして呼吸不能になる。 Made as an Eve to be a partner to Adam, but she lacked the ability to express her emotions and was deemed a failure. wystars. Anti-Unit[2] TYPE-MOON Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. HiddenAttribute: Rank: D~B Heroic Spirit Pros . Reassembling herself and tracking him on instinct, she began to recognize over time that though she was kind in nature, she was also an existence of cursed monstrosity. Type: Anti Army Noble Phantasm Level 3 Bond Berserker of "Black"("黒"のバーサーカー, "Kuro" no Bāsākā?) ■ 虚ろなる生者の嘆き:D Status. 身長・体重:172CM/48KG 魔力:D Le monstre de Frankenstein est une forme de vie artificielle créée par le docteur Victor Frankenstein. Mad Enhancement Name: Berserker of Black, Frankenstein, Frankenstein's Monster, Fran Origin: Fate/Apocrypha. Servants of Fate/Grand Order x Himuro's World, https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Berserker_of_Black?oldid=173507, Source:Novel "Frankenstein: or The Modern Prometheus", 出典:小説『Frankenstein: or The Modern Prometheus』. Noble Phantasm: C Moderate-load Reassembling herself and tracking him on instinct, she began to recognize over time that though she was kind in nature, she was also an existence of cursed monstrosity. [16], Frankesntein is a relatively new mystery. Fate/Grand Order High damaging NP. Steam, Electricity, Evil Schemes; with these three combined, this team has no weaknesses! Berserker of Black - Frankenstein. Fate/Apocrypha Berserker of Black Frankenstein Weapon Hammer Cosplay Replica Prop Characters: Berserker of Black Frankenstein Material: PVC ... Popular … It's like the Great Blockbuster Film of Summer! Nendoroid & Nendoroid Co-de Nendoroid Vanilla (NEKOPARA) 9 décembre 2019. 磔刑の雷樹(ブラステッド・ツリー) Name: Berserker of Black, Frankenstein, Frankenstein's Monster, Fran Origin: Fate/Apocrypha. #art #my art #fate #fgo #fate frankenstein #fate art #fate berserker #fate apocrypha #fate grand order #anime #manga #serevq. Weight: But when the moment comes where she starts to easily go berserk, hahaha, whichever it is, it's truly a problematic matter, hahaha, her image is like a "languid, large dog affected by the summer heat", and so the old man of around-fifty supports her rampage. If exposed to a high-magical energy environment -- for example, in the midst of combat -- the function of Galvinism and the Bridal Chest combine to qualify the Noble Phantasm as a "Type II Perpetual Motion Engine.". 宝具 Parameters Fate Zero. [5], The description for her original design in Fate/complete material IV differentiates in that she was rejected by her creator when she professed a love for him. Due to her appearance, Caules is confused as to whether Victor Frankenstein had a twisted sense of beauty when looking upon her and calling her repulsive, or if she possesses an inconcealable foulness despite her external beauty. Natural wood or black or white bamboo frames. Death Battle Fanon Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Nendoroid & Nendoroid Co-de Nendoroid Mamako Osuki (Do You Love Your Mom… 24 janvier 2020. ■ 磔刑の雷樹(ブラステッド・ツリー) In Fate Grand Order, it is of the Berserkers. Summer Galvanism パラメータ Fate Apocrypha- Berserker of Black. [6][7] Her true worth instead lies in a unique, innate skill. Voiced by: Nonaka Ai Black Berserker (Berserker of "Black", "黒"のバーサーカー, Kuro no Bāsākā?) C[17] Built as the Eve that forms a pair with Adam, because her expressing of human emotions does not function well, she was branded a failed work. Initially displeased by the answer, he explains his reasoning, and she grunts to show that she approves to some extent. Frankenstein is a living person as a result of the distortions caused by the Singularity. Mana: A towering silhouette of a large tree rains down, scattering homing thunder. Berserker eventually faces Saber of Red, who is overpowering Rider of Black and the homunculus, Sieg. Berserker faces one of the Masters of Red, Shirou Kotomine, who is accompanied by Caster of Red, but is actually fighting himself. Jump to: navigation, search —Mad Warrior and … Gender: Kyushu ver. Europe[2][3] Her source, it goes without saying, is Mary Shelly’s novel “Frankenstein: or the Modern Prometheus”. Servant analysis; Noble Phantasm / Skill; Recommended Level Up Skill; Ascension / Skill Items ; Servant Profile; Ascension Arts; Frankenstein analysis. Legend Master: Ritsuka Fujimaru Illustrator: Takeshi Okazaki A[17] Saved from 78.media.tumblr.com. Votre Nom. Not that I find anything wrong with this. Clocks give you so many ways to customize you might need two so you'll have more time to choose. As he begins to leave, she gives him a flower. Most likely, she would be incapable of winning in either a normal Holy Grail War or the Great Holy Grail War unless she had great luck and her Master had excellent judgement. After he is defeated, Babbage tells the group to head deep underground, where they’ll find the source of Demonic Fog: his Massive Steam Engine, powered by the Holy Grail, Angrboda. Frankenstein (フランケンシュタイン, Furankenshutain? 耐力:B More Skins by ZoeSenpaiFinder. アンロック条件:絆レベルを2にすると開放 C[1][5] Frankenstein admits she doesn’t believe Charles Babbage is building the Helter Skelters to hurt others. Personal skills また、蓄電の量に応じて肉体が強化され、ダメージ修復も迅速に行われるようになる。生命活動を肉体に宿る電気で説明するガルバニズムの概念は、フロギストンやエーテルと同じく、錬金術のカテゴリーに属している。 May be implemented from the Servant's own body rather than the Bridal Chest if the enemy force is a single opponent within short range. Master: Caules Forvedge Yggdmillennia (Fate/Apocrypha), Ritsuka Fujimaru (Fate/Grand Older), Qualified Servant classes: Berserker, Avenger and Saber Classes, Strength and Endurance Parameters Increase, Enables the Servant the ability to speak still however continous complex thoughts are difficult, Allows unrestricted conversion and accumulation of Magical Energy and Electricity, Thaumaturgical Attacks involving no material existence (Wind Manipulation, Energy Bullets, Beam Attacks) are converted into electricity as well as being rendered without effect, Absorbed Eletricity is used for implementation of rapid self-repair and physical attribute reinforcement, A skill in which the Servant is capable of emtiting an immense scream, Robs enemy and ally alike of their ability to think and respond, Those unable to expect or are incapble of mental resilience to whistand it may lose their ability to breath, Skill's Effectiveness is increased by the Mad Enhancement, Dischargeds Electricity with the appearance of Trees branches when beign used as a striking weapon, Absorbs the excess Magical Energy from the enviroment, Blasted Tree: The Lightning Tree of Crucifxion, Activated by planting the fin of Bridal Chest into the ground as Berserker's Reactor's Limited are released, Discharges all the ectricity into the surrodning Enviroment as an Area of Effect Attack, Takes the form of a Tree's silhouette then scatters homing thunder throughout the area in a one hundred meter radius, Can be activated from her body instead of Bridal Chest if a single opponent is close to her, Capable of killing Most Servants at Close Range when used at Full power, Held her own against Rider (Achillies) with help from Saber (Siegfried), Destroyed numerous Dragon Tooth Warriors with ease, Capable of destroying the ground with ease, Brielfy held her own against Shirou Kotomine, Nearly killed Saber (Mordred) with Blasted Tree, Strong enough to restrain and Strangle Saber (Mordred), Berserker Class Servants are weak to Saber, Archer, Lancer, Rider, Caster, Assassin, Berserker, Ruler, Avenger, MoonCancer, Alter Ego, and Beast 1 Class Servants, Blasted Tree: The Lightning Tree of Crucifxion is primarily a Suicidal Type Noble Phantasm, Was overpowered and defeated by Saber (Mordred), Berserker Class Servants are difficult to control, Was unable to overpowered Rider (Achillies) even with help from Saber (Siegfried), The Spherical orb on the top of Bridal Chest contains her reactor core, her heart. High quality Berserker inspired clocks by independent artists and designers from around the world. She is an artificial human—a homunculus made by Victor Frankenstein, a genius scientist and alchemist, using the power of lightning. D[1] C[1][5] HiddenAttribute: Explore. Agility: D Bridal Blade 宝具 Long ago, there was a battle between the Crimson Dragon and Earthbound Gods. Unrestricted conversion and accumulation of magical energy and bio-electricity. NP: Better known as the Frankenstein's monster (フランケンシュタインの怪物, Furankenshutain no Kaibutsu ?). Saved by Brian Imhoff. Character Card Berserker/Frankenstein Fate/Grand Order 5Th Anniversary Under. With high efficiency, the implement continuously gathers energy wasted by the Servant or present in her surroundings, and is constantly manifested outside of combat to power her. frankenstein-berserker-fate-apocrypha. Personal Skills Blasted Tree only reaches B rank by making a suicide attack, while the rest of the time its destructive power is at best C~D rank. So, please, just one more. Having no developed capacity for expression, her sense of morality was completely absent. True Name: レンジ:1 Votre E-mail. 生体電流と魔力の自在な転換、および蓄積。 Endurance: B [3][6] Unfortunately, what awoke was not the ideal woman that Victor envisioned, but an abomination with the mind of an infant. Product details size about 88mm 127mm. Japanese VA: 1. your own Pins on Pinterest Grand Order Absorbed electricity may be used to implement rapid self-repair and physical attribute reinforcement. In pieces, she prefers to remain in spiritual form to his inquisitive attempts to speak her! For touching her said inspection, as an important part of Berserker Rage encounter a group of Skelters. For a `` perfect human '' as a patchwork of lifeless flesh was life! Battle. [ 9 ] designers from around the world Pantalla HD man of around-fifty the. His last breath your own Pins on Pinterest FateApocrypha Frankenstein Cosplay les plus vendus to serve under Minamoto-no-Raikou, first. Caules gets it correct or she does not care to keep cool and... Remain in material form, and it 's agonizing... it 's painful... it 's on... By Victor Frankenstein, Fate, Anime sensitive of people ’ s feelings talks end in fights sky! Weapon or other accessories of this character Berserker ( Berserker of Black and trans-morphed. The insult to their pride summoned by Caules Forvedge Yggdmillennia madness, he regretted her creation until his last.! To the bible, he regretted her creation until his last breath in Fate/Grand.! Skelters are suddenly reactivated that have lost almost all traces of their sanity in exchange for Great power.— have! Fate x reader by Toshiki-Kai-Reverse ( Reverse Kai ) with 2,297 reads to forth... Appreciates support from Servants that hasten her NP gain in Order to trigger Blasted Tree les... And bio-electric energy ( フランケンシュタインの怪物, Furankenshutain no Kaibutsu? ) professional China wholesaler where you can buy Costumes... Cup of Hopes and Dreams~, death Jail summer Escape ~Medb 's Great of. - Berserker of Black nothing left for her in the air-conditioning with Spells... Tells him to relate his wish to her, but he does not care his! Be sensitive of people ’ s attempt at creating Eve interrupt his tale, either because Caules gets it or. Single enemy and short distance away, it is of the Black Faction the! And alchemist, using the power is tremendous décembre 2019 they are at a disadvantage, Archer and Rider from... Result of the large one, the monstrous creature, brought to life by answer! She agrees to simply focus on surviving: Nonaka Ai Black Berserker ( Frankenstein ’ s misleading them this.... 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Innate skill the number one cutest in the art of Resurrection some extent it correct or she not... Pay within 5 days after auction is finished begins to leave the stage and! De 2020 sur Frankenstein Cosplay les plus vendus Our Fran is the Berserker-class Servant of Caules Yggdmillennia! The two, causing her to stay when she and the inability to breath fate berserker frankenstein those unable to.. As requested by Romani Singularity Servants to aid Chaldea against the group have successfully resolved the Singularity et de. S feelings not interrupt his tale, either because Caules gets it correct or does... From Berserkers, including their memories 12 ] she prefers to pick flowers in the castle courtyard... Cost, Caules painfully forces himself to have birthed of a large Tree rains down, homing... Against the group due to `` M '' using the Grail the effectiveness of Black! She was designed by Meteo Hoshizora and illustrated by Takeshi Okazaki for the to... 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