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german infrared heating panels

Diese Website benutzt Cookies für unter anderem Google Analytics. Since almost 100% of the heat created by infrared heaters gets transferred to the room or outdoor environment, this option is an effective, low-cost, efficient heating solution. Join our international Sunnyheat family today. KIASA – 350 Watts - Far Infrared Heating Panel + Remote – Ceiling or Wall Mount Heater - Home or Office Electric Heater - Size 595x595x22mm. We are so confident in our heaters that if we can't heat your home to your desired temperature we will upgrade the heaters free. Check out the features of our iQ heating controls using our interactive picture below. 0151 440 2347. 4.2 out of 5 stars 12. Our infrared space heaters are installed to radiate infrared heat outwards and downwards and will warm people, objects and the building itself within the effective area of each heater. Opti­nal with, Com­pact hea­ter seri­es with infra­red short-wave and splash guard for inten­se instant heat in all shel­te­red out­door are­as. For moun­ting on the wall, under the cei­ling or as flush-moun­ted cei­ling hea­ter in a frame. [wap_items post_type=”wap-items” taxonomy=”wap_cat” category=”Control Option” items=”10″ id=”03″] The amount of maintenance that most infrared heaters require is … All our heaters are built to the highest standards, are energy efficient and maintenance free with long lifetimes. Infrared Wall Heating Panel SUNWAY SWRE 700 with Digital Thermostat. Infrared Radiant Ceiling Panels are a low-cost, high-comfort, energy efficient heating system for your home. Infrared heaters: as good as heat from the sun! So, make It fast and install your desired Infrared Heating panel ASAP. Not only are these wall-mounted radiant panels functional, but they are also a much more elegant and safe way to add supplemental infrared heating to an area than traditional space heaters. App-enabled Solutions The paten­ted hea­ting, coo­ling, light and sound devices pro­vi­de instant heat with infra­red short-wave, plea­sant light effects with LED spot­lights, gre­at sound with Blue­tooth spea­kers and refres­hing tem­pe­ra­tures with coo­ling nozz­les – all in one device Heat is produced by UFO infrared heaters are not affected by wind or air. $20.00 coupon applied at checkout Save $20.00 with coupon. © Herschel Infrared North America LLC 2020, We love this super classy wine bar & their choice of heating! UFO infrared heaters are energy smart; nearly all of energy converted into heat. Infrared Heating provide most powerful, efficient and reliable infrared heating panel in UK. Redwell heaters offer higher energy savings than other infrared heaters and conventional systems. Award-win­ning cli­ma­te solu­ti­on with hea­ting, coo­ling, LED light and Blue­tooth modu­les in any desi­red length, fea­tures and colour for out­door are­as of all sizes. There are minimal maintenance needs for infrared heaters. The cost of infrared heaters. Ele­gant hea­ter seri­es with the hig­hest water pro­tec­tion class in a slim design for all out­door are­as. For a contemporary and stylish look in bathrooms consider our mirror panels or towel heaters, they look stunning and are perfect for helping to reduce damp. For large project and commercial space heating specifications, please contact Herschel or your nearest Herschel dealer. It's been a difficult & different yea…. FREE Shipping. Our popular Select XLS range of frameless panels offer unbeatable performance and a fantastic combination of quality and price, all backed up with a 5 year warranty. hea­ter seri­es also inclu­des long-wave car­bon hea­ters RELAX DARK without any light emis­si­on at all. The hea­ter seri­es is avail­ab­le in dif­fe­rent power ran­ges and colours for wall and cei­ling moun­ting as well as flush-moun­ted cei­ling instal­la­ti­ons with frame. Compared to quartz and halogen heaters which are too hot and intense for most indoor applications, we only offer zero light or warm glow heaters which produce a pleasant and naturally absorbed heat – perfect for keeping people warm for prolonged periods of time. All Herschel iQ controls will ensure you are fully compliant with European Energy Saving legislation (Lot 20). This simple proven technology directly heats people and objects in a room, just like sunshine. Effec­ti­ve: 92% radia­ti­on effi­ci­en­cy! Our heaters are the ideal modern alternative to night storage, electric convection and underfloor heating. 6. Herschel is the global specialist in Infrared heaters & controls for infrared heating. They’re also incredibly easy to install and maintain, and they’ll last you a long time. Specially designed for heating areas within large buildings, our infrared space heaters directly heat areas that require heating, where and where people are working or relaxing. Over 85% of the ener­gy is con­ver­ted to heat. How do infrared heaters work? Sin­ce the ear­ly days, our hea­ters have deve­lo­ped into very effi­ci­ent high-tech sys­tems, used in prac­ti­cal­ly all con­ceiva­ble are­as. Most outdoor heaters are unattractive and produce an uncomfortable glare. The SolaRay Infrared Radiant Heating Panel is a low profile solution for heating any room! Our white panels can be wall or ceiling mounted and are designed to discreetly blend in to any room in the house. The 800W Wexstar Infrared panel heaters are economical to use and an environmentally responsible alternative to 1500W heaters. As a pioneer in the field of short-wave infra­red tech­no­lo­gy, BURDA WTG has the bene­fit of over 25 years of pro­duc­tion expe­ri­ence. 3.000 – 10.000 nm (3 – 10 µ) 965 K – 290 K. Instant heat: 90% of the heat is avail­ab­le in short wave (IRA) wit­hin one second. Infrared light isn't visible because it's beyond the spectrum we see. Our Inspire range of infrared heaters is made in Germany. Our infrared heating panels do not burn fuel and contain no embedded hydrocarbons (unlike heat pumps). Our infrared panel heaters warm rooms very efficiently by gently radiating infrared heat. NOTE: Herschel iQ will only work with Herschel heaters. Until now heating these areas has been difficult. Infrared heating panels are one of the healthiest, most affordable, and stylish ways to keep your home warm. WANGZI Umbrella Patio Heater, 2000W Electric Parasol Heater, Infrared Radiant Heater with 3 Heating Panels for Pergola Or Gazabo. No contact or medium between the two bodies is needed for the energy transfer. Hier klicken um sich auszutragen oder Einstellungen zu ändern. Smart heating The ability to create heated zones can result in significant cost savings when compared to convection heating (fan heaters, air curtains, air conditioning), because hot air cannot be contained within a zone. This means that electric ir heating panels can be placed wherever you wish – either high on the wall or even on the ceiling. Indoors or out­doors, for house­hold, com­mer­cial, indus­try and public envi­ron­ments with per­ma­nent or tem­pora­ry instal­la­ti­ons, from sin­gle units up to mul­ti­ple instal­la­ti­ons. Award-win­ning cli­ma­te solu­ti­on with hea­ting, coo­ling, LED light and Blue­tooth modu­les in any desi­red length, fea­tures and colour for out­door are­as of all sizes. All of our panel heaters are ultra-slim and available in a wide range of finishes designed to complement your décor. Which Control is best for me? Get the Herschel iQ App here: Non App-enabled Solutions Choose from our full range of iQ Controls below. Medi­um and long wave emit­ters (IRB and IRC) requi­re a lead time of up to a maxi­mum of 20 minutes. Each space will need an alternate heat source to keep the room at room temperature when the infrared heaters are not heating a class. Ducoterra far infrared heating panels come in a variety of sizes and power options, all are 2 feet wide, but vary from 2′ x 2′, to 2′ x 6′ and offer wattage ranging from 250 watts to 1000 watts. The first water­pro­of short-wave hea­ter for out­doors with Schott Nex­tre­ma® cer­a­mic-glass. However, electric infrared panels do not require any pipe work for installation, or fuel storage facilities. Unlike other electric heating systems, which warm the surrounding air to heat a room, infrared warms objects and people directly – transferring heat in straight lines from the heater to … Ducoterra offers an industry leading LIFETIME WARRANTY on their SolaRay far infrared radiant heat panels! Optio­nal­ly avail­ab­le with. Far-infrared is the most efficient and healthiest way to heat people and objects. Last order date for dispatches from our warehouse before Christmas is 12pm, 23 December. We measured the rooms and they calculated what we needed, providing different options for the different model of panels. Combine with a 100% renewable energy supplier for 100% CO2 free heating. Medi­um and long wave radia­tors release some of the heat ener­gy to the cir­cu­la­ting air (con­vec­tion heat), Pre­cise: Heat can be direc­ted in any direction, Ver­sa­ti­le: Even par­ti­al are­as can be effec­tively heated, Per­for­mance: Wide power ran­ge up to 18 000 watt, Cus­to­mi­sed: Inten­si­ty adjus­ta­ble from 0 – 100 %, Reli­able: Life span of tubes up to 5,000 h – even with con­stant swit­ching on and off, Secu­re: Shock­pro­of due to use of quartz tubes, Envi­ro­ment:  Hard­ly any emis­si­ons and no oxy­gen consumption, Clean: No pol­lu­ti­on from blasts of air or dust, Burda Worldwide Technologies GmbH Rudolf-Diesel-Straße 18 D-65760 Eschborn, © BURDA Worldwide Technologies GmbH | All Rights Reserved. A German townhouse with electric infrared heating panels (and a wood pellet stove) (occupants experience and energy monitoring results, March 2016) Heating their house with electric infrared heating panels is a success in terms of cost-efficient thermal comfort with a simple and convenient heating … Check out our full range of far infrared, electric heating panels - mirrors, white panels, glass and more! Infrared panels make you feel comfortable faster, without wasting energy to heat the air in a room itself. EFFICIENCY - Minimum energy usage and no maintenance DESIGN - Wide range of beautifully designed heating panels Skip to content. Also avail­ab­le with Somfy io-home­con­trol® function! Mix and match warm glow Sunset heaters for your more exposed areas with our Zero Light range for sheltered and indoor areas. Love life and live outdoors with Herschel’s Infrared Patio Heaters Infrared heating and traditional heating Infrared panels are available in solid fuel, gas and oil options. Click + to show the features of each iQ control below to see how each can suit your needs. The first water­pro­of short-wave hea­ter for out­doors with Schott Nex­tre­ma® cer­a­mic-glass. An infrared heater or heat lamp is a body with a higher temperature which transfers energy to a body with a lower temperature through electromagnetic radiation. For indoor and sheltered outdoor areas our zero light heaters are the perfect choice. Com­pact hea­ter seri­es with infra­red short-wave and splash guard for inten­se instant heat in all shel­te­red out­door are­as. Opti­nal with Blue­tooth inter­face and avail­ab­le with inte­gra­ted LED spots LIGHT & HEAT. These controllers work stand-alone or over the internet via the iQ App. There is a huge range of infrared heaters – so the price really depends on the brand and the look of the panel. Wexstar heaters generate infrared rays that provide comforting warmth using the same principle as the sun. We offer the widest range of energy efficient slimline infrared heating panels for homes, stylish outdoor heaters and high performance commercial heaters. $349.99 $ 349. We guarantee our heaters for up to 10 years. In recent years there has been a huge shift towards indoor spaces that open up into outdoor spaces and entertaining and relaxing outdoors. Infra­red radia­ti­on is a sub-area of the light spec­trum gene­ra­ted by the sun. Infrared Heaters & controls: Discover Herschel's entire range Herschel offers you two ranges of electric panel heaters to choose from. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Cozy Products CL Cozy Legs Flat Panel Radiant Desk Heater. [wap_items post_type=”wap-items” taxonomy=”wap_cat” category=”Non App” items=”10″ id=”03″]. Bitte klicken Sie hier wenn Sie nicht möchten, dass Analytics Ihr Surfverhalten mitverfolgt. BURDA infrared radiant heaters and -systems offer all climate solutions from one single source As a pioneer in the field of short-wave infra­red tech­no­lo­gy, BURDA WTG has the bene­fit of over 25 years of pro­duc­tion expe­ri­ence. Energy Efficiency Class: A+. With traditional convection heat, the air is used as the medium for heat transport. Our control systems allow full App control and compliance with EU energy saving legislation (LOT20). Far Infrared Heating Panel Energy Efficient 5 Year Warranty (330W) Click here to review the full facts … The Inspire range includes White panels, Mirror panels, Picture panels and Glass panel heaters. Where aesthetics are less important such as industrial units, maintenance bays, warehouse packing areas, factories and workshops, our warehouse and industrial heaters are the perfect solution. 99. Infrared heating systems are still a fairly recent addition to the UK market but their efficiency, simplicity and potential to reduce your energy bills makes them well worth considering over a traditional heating system. xxx, High-per­for­mance infra­red hea­ters with short-, medi­um- and long wave in a wide ran­ge of power and colors, Uni­que patio hea­ter TERM2000 with the hig­hest water pro­tec­tion class IP67, Paten­ted hea­ting and coo­ling devices PERFECTCLIME® with eva­po­ra­ti­ve coo­ling for hot days, Infra­red hea­ters with LED spots LIGHT & HEAT for atmo­s­phe­ric lighting, Award-win­ning sys­tem solu­ti­ons BURDA MODULAR for com­bi­ned instant heat with light, sound and cooling, Avail­ab­le as sin­gle or mul­ti­ple device, For wall and cei­ling moun­ting, as flush-moun­ted cei­ling instal­la­ti­on or stan­din­ge hea­ter device, Equip­ped with tubes which emit up to 80 per­cent less red light. Mix & Match Also avail­ab­le with Somfy io-home­con­trol® function! They are silent, maintenance free and easy to install. They are designed and manufactured to last a lifetime and come complete with a 10 year warranty. Infrared heating systems are easier to install than other ‘wet’ convection systems – for instance they run on electricity and don’t need a complex system of pipes or a boiler. Mon-Fri - 9am - 5:30pm & Sat: 9am - 2pm. Ele­gant hea­ter seri­es with the hig­hest water pro­tec­tion class in a slim design for all out­door are­as. Our Inspire range of infrared heaters is made in Germany. This heats the room itself which then retains heat even when the panels are off. Our Herschel iQ control system offers an App-enabled range of options to ensure you manage optimum comfort levels and maximise energy efficiency. Herschel heaters have rapid warm up times, are easy to install, low maintenance, completely silent and built to last. This has all changed and Herschel has specially developed a range of high quality, high performance, stylish infrared patio heaters that are ideal for these situations. UFO infrared heaters heat directly and immediately; when the light hits, warm is felt. Owing to their vary­ing wav­elengths and resul­ting mode of action, a dis­tinc­tion is drawn bet­ween three types of infra­red rays: Infra­red-A, short wave Awar­ded with inter­na­tio­nal design pri­zes 2018/19 such as the RED DOT DESIGN AWARD and the GERMAN DESIGN AWARD. Ducoterra’s SolaRay far infrared radiant ceiling panels offer a low cost, high-comfort, energy-efficient heating system for your home. The hea­ter seri­es is avail­ab­le in dif­fe­rent power ran­ges and colours for wall and cei­ling moun­ting as well as flush-moun­ted cei­ling instal­la­ti­ons with frame. Beautifully finished, they are the highest quality heaters on the market, are designed and manufactured to last a lifetime and come complete with a 10 year warranty. For moun­ting on the wall, under the cei­ling or as flush-moun­ted cei­ling hea­ter in a frame. By continuing to use this website you are agreeing to our use of cookies. For heating areas which are in the public eye such as retail space, halls, large reception areas, bars, restaurants, churches etc, choose heaters from our designer space heater range. JavaScript seems to … You can heat your apartment, country house or office paying 30% less ! We manufacture and supply a wide range of infra-red heaters for all domestic, commercial and outdoor applications. Surya IR Heating Systems provides a wide range of white and image infrared heating panels & panel heaters with 5 year warranty and free shipping within 2-3 days. 360-715-4328 German designed and manufactured Infrared Heating Panels perfect for Hot Yoga Sunnyheat: Australia's leading brand in Infrared Hot Yoga heating panels Have you considered the benefits of infrared heating? Great for bonus rooms and basements where duct-work would take up usable space. Ceiling Mounted Infrared Heaters. Herschel infrared heating panels provided an economical and environmental solution preferable to installing a gas boiler. [iqhub] Radiant heating panels work by using infrared heat to radiate warmth' directly from the panel to the solid objects in the room. All of our panels are specially optimised for UK voltage and are fully tested by TÜV to GS, CE and international electrical Safety Standards. A Ceramic Infrared Heating Panel is a compact and stylish electric thermopanel, made of natural materials, which is the modern alternative to traditional and expensive heating systems. The paten­ted hea­ting, coo­ling, light and sound devices pro­vi­de. By clicking or navigating the site, you agree to allow our collection of information on and off through cookies. Herschel were helpful and efficient throughout the process. Combine with a 100% renewable energy supplier for 100% CO2 free heating. They have integrated receiver technology, making them perfect for DIY or retrofit installations, with simple control through your choice of XLS thermostat. To calculate your heating requirements, use our Calculator page, or for Projects and Commercial estimates please Contact Herschel directly or contact your nearest Herschel dealer. You can even have a heater as a blackboard. 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