and for those who can not, this equipment is not even remotely as useful as for you. Heavy tanks are generally the most well armored vehicles in the game and usually have more firepower than light tanks and medium tanks of their tier, though tank destroyers and artillery still have more alpha damage. Tips & Tricks. The Construction Equipment Guide is a quick reference guide that provides specifications, serial numbers, retail and auction pricing on construction equipment. 8 to 9 years ago the U.S. had 3 servers and on any given night over 90k players battling. World of Tanks update 1.10 released equipment 2.0 with new pieces and changed performance – here’s EVERYTHING you need to know! World of Tanks Guide. they are the same as a superheavy. Listings. This guide for World of Tanks game contains not only information to help completely beginners which start the gameplay and try to understand basic rules in the "tanks' world", but also a bunch of tips which can be useful for more advanced players. (unless you’ve got supercharger or some highly specialized engine). In addition it contains a short description of most popular game vehicles and their characteristics, as well as methods to defeat them. Characteristics. If you're looking to learn about upgrading your tanks, or want to understand the concept of spotting, this guide will point you in the right direction. Tips & Tricks. By the way how is your beautiful OP Russian wife doing? Guide Overview; Newcomer's Guide. Join tankers from all over the world, throw yourself into epic tank battles, and fight for victory! December 25, 2020 ~ Sebastianul ~ 8 Comments. New equipment will remain in approximately the same price range as it is now. Same goes for improved config, its bonus will rarely be used. the biggest nerf to the FV4005, which put the vahicle form god tier to trash tier was the nerf to the reverse speed. they already nerfed it to the point the reverse speed bonus is only 2 km/h backwards out of mobility slot, which is horrendous and uselss. There are quite a few different pieces of equipment, many of which are expensive. Now what? Parts & Services. You know? Tips … After you have a crew with full camo, drop net for someting else of your liking. Class 1 equipment will cost 600,000 credits. by Xoraz – NotCasuals – August 2020 Update “Geared Up” New Equipment. So their win-rates were affected (I personally have thousands of Clan War Battles that are part of my overall win-rate), so don’t count all sub 50% players as not having skill. Tips & Tricks. The core idea of WoT is to destroy enemy tanks, so there is no reason to NOT do so 10% (11.5%) faster. Monroe Tractor has named Mark Padoleski CE director of sales. im not changing anything i have 60 tanks, Great, more disparity between unicum p2w and f2p normies, Put a turbo on the TOG, went 17kmh and blew my hat off from the speed. First of all: Gun rammer. La section des Manuels de char sera mise à jour avec le régulièrement*, alors revenez la consulter de temps en temps pour voir si nous avons ajouté un guide pour votre véhicule préféré. Good players get better and WG provides them with even better equipment (not to mention clan wars reward tanks…). Rammer is a MUST for all tanks that can mount it and as such it should be mounted on every single tank that can mount it. Table of Contents. I will say QB’s video does help explain the functions and abilities of the equipment. I don’t think I’ve ever dissagreed with QB in someting related to gameplay mechanics, but I will have to do it now because I just feel some of his info is not entirely accurate. Because they changed the prices of equipment at different tiers, they might think it’s less relevant now. August 14, 2020 World of Tanks 45:48. Les guides incluent des informations de base sur le style de jeu pour chaque véhicule, les configurations d'équipement recommandées et de compétences d'équipage. Tips & Tricks. Contact Us . It can be mounted on Tier VIII–X tanks. How is the spall liner worth an equip slot ? Expect more of the same over time. Absolutely great for tanks that cannot mount VS as the dispersion effect works the same way just with reduced effect from that of VS. Also the ability to turn your turret/hull faster is great for tanks that do not turn fast, so you can react to any situation faster. It can be mounted on Tier II–IV tanks and some Tier V or higher vehicles. It seems like a money grab, pure and simple, making things needlessly complex for no other reason to waste credits/bonds/gold while people try to figure out which obscure configuration will give them the best advantage. it looks us not so good player below 50% win rate or family player We are domed , free to play , possible over a few weeks they will be players leaving wot if they have no chance of winning any more , so after time there be fewer below 50% players for pay to win to win over so then all that wil be left is pay to win against pay to win , enjoy spending your money?? I vcan’t figure out any merit to using this over other equipment. WG Staff do not want to revert the update: ... WoT Advent Calendar (25th December): Object 703 Version II. Unless that has changed as well. Advanced tips . And those battles counted against your win-rate, which they do not now. Everyone plays their tank differently; so what my work for you may not work for me. Lower-tier light tanks generally use a more damage-oriented loadout of equipment: 1. Camo Stationary and Camo Moving refers to the base Camo Index without any additional skills, perks, or equipment. … Bonds is way better because they want more people getting them, ie playing tier 10 which costs credits… a lot of them. tbf turbos are a must in real life as well. ___ World of Tanks is a Free 2 Play online game published by Wargaming and is available as a … strategy guide. Gun Rammers increase a tank’s damage per minute 2. And for newbies; they’ll play a few games, then uninstall because the whole system is biased against them. That way, even on new tanks when they lack the credits to equip them fully, they can enter battle with as much of toolbox, camo net and binoculars as they can carry. World of Tanks update 1.10 released equipment 2.0 with new pieces and changed performance – here’s EVERYTHING you need to know! Artillery New Player Guide (Wargaming) May 19, 2020. Been part of the Wargaming (WoT) over 9+ years and back in the day it was all about Clan Wars. Improved Ventilation will help decrease load time and aiming time Higher-tiered light tanks nee… my previews equipment works! Cheapest bundle price: 37€. The core game mechanics have not changed. Great video at last someone who has really looked at this explains it all to me in 30 minutes. Or you spawn on a city map and won’t use it at all. I agree with you completely on equipment and game play you current find with WoT. He never mentions about this new equipment breaking the game totally, I wonder why emmmmmmmmmm, I played from 2013 and this was my last update i have enough of this shit. The ideal config for any tank on Prok w/ 3 arties will be different than on Himmelsdorf. Equipment Guide provides a wide range of used trucks and trucking equipment for sale, including parts and services. List all the Premium Tanks available in World of Tanks for Consoles. it has been gathering dust since a few years because in the current state of the game it just has no place. The cost of the equipment I expected since its all about them money players will spend and has been for several years, but it would be nice if Wargaming would allow a room to test equipment at now cost of demounting. Class 3 equipment will cost 50,000 credits. Lol i love that T95 when we get the next equipament sale i will get them all out!! This way players could decide for them self without forking over a ton of Gold to mount a piece of equipment only to change their mind a few battles later. So type5 maus e100 60tp too? Hey Will great video thanks! @quickybaby, What equipment would you use on the Defender? Well done, QB. commanders vision system, it is definately good, but I don’t think it is worth it in randoms, because you need to rely on your teammates to shoot at the stuff you spot and that is the problem, some are in a wrong spot or are not looking in the right direction, the other TD went afk and so on. Also, supercharger on a tank with a gas-turbine engine? During the battle loading screen when you see the map and team lineups, you choose which loadout you want for that game. New equipment will remain in approximately the same price range as it is now. However, when you do manage to save up the credits, there are a … If anything, they could consider nerfing the engine power boost, but the top speed is crucial to make many obsolete tanks playable once again. 640m+ View Range Hack, Bug or …? Equipment value depends not only on the tank but on the type of map it’s used on. Year Fr/To. First Name: Email: Home » Combat Strategies: SPG Guide World of Tanks SPG Strategy Guide SPG (or arty for short) combat strategies are very different from tanks or tank destroyers. Class 1 equipment will cost 600,000 Credits. Cost millions and millions to reequip them !!!!!! There's an exhaustive look at current and new equipment … Maybe equipment 3.0 should allow 2 configurations for open maps and city maps. WOT Settings Guide (Taugrim) May 15, 2020. Tips & Tricks. New Premiums Join WOT Console - 3rd Sept 2020. | World of Tanks Rheinmetall Panzerwagen Update 1.10. This game should be renamed MARIO KART TANKS. for that reason i conclude that this equipment is a godsend. What Equipment to Buy for Light Tanks. Class 2 equipment will cost 300,000 Credits. • New in 2011 paint codes and paint history. Everything is conspiring against heavy tanks the speed meta gold new equipment super heavys should get two survivanility slots in the hotfix. this equipment could alleviate the issue somewhat in previous iterations of the sandbox, and now at 2 km/h it barely does make a difference, which is a shame. Your email address will not be published. I used to have 100 tanks….. now I have about 90 and only 20 have full equipment tanks… I am NOT amused!!! When used effectively and with proper support, a good SPG player can win the battle for your team. Light & Tank Destroyer Guide (Wargaming) May 21, 2020. Specially powerful on turretles tanks. for normal players, this is barely usable and pointless on mediums which already can go fast as is. Supercharger or improved turning mechanism are highly recomended on this example. FREIGHTLINER 6X4 TIPPER, CENTURY CLASS, 450HP, 18SPD EATON ROADRANGER, DETROIT DIESEL. Construction Equipment Guide. Please QB, for the love of god, stop talking down on the supercharger. Tips & Tricks. In World of Tanks, there are two types of equipment: standard and special, which is divided into improved and Bounty. it’s so sad, someone with this knowledge of wot should know that this game depends on skill to win. Must have saved me many times from keen light tanks. You bring up a good point. Official Mod Portal: Mod Hub (Wargaming) May 2, 2020. your right QB it should be called spotting slot but since WG doesnt play their own game they dont know that “scouting” is a falsly spread word by the less informed community” your driving a scout and your spotting and not the other way around! If you hate the camo net why do you have 11 of them in your depot? If you spawn on Paris or another city map you won’t need it, so why waste a spot for it in the first place if you can equip something you can use in every game and is useful for every second of the game. But everything revolved around Clan Wars. But I’m still waiting…, LUL, making assumption on “my experience” instead of using evidence and actual data…. Getting Started; Controls and Firing; How to Survive; Map Guides; In-Game Economy; Upgrading Your Vehicles; In-Game Communication; New Victories Ahead! The thing about view range can be overlooked depending on your playstyle and the tank you are using, so there are no absolutes regarding any of the vision equipments. maybe look what the medium and heavy spallliner do today. I swear, at this point the only class worth playing for f2p player is an artillery. It is a weak equipment but can be useful temporarily while you train the camo skill on your crew on that one sneaky, turreted TD, like hellcat for example. SPGs are very powerful for their tier. Enhanced Gun Laying Drives help keep your shots on target 3. And if you say that i dont need the camo net what else you suggest to get my camo up? Super good players will be even better, while the average person will be crushed without knowing why. New Equipment Patch 1.0.37 Changes. Transportation Dimension Guide. Regarding removable equipment as a general rule, most players keep at least two binoculars and camo nets for new tanks, with many keeping two toolboxes or a third camo net and binoculars as well. The things you talk about, mapcontrol, controlling the engagement and all that jazz is something 99,9…% of players will NEVER ever comprehend. 24:30 – I have a camo net on most of my arty’s too. To purchase improved equipment, you'll need bonds—a special currency that can only be earned … Equipment | Advanced tips World of Tanks Guide. La section des Manuels de char sera mise à jour avec le régulièrement*, alors revenez la consulter de temps en temps pour voir si nous avons ajouté un guide pour votre véhicule préféré. Which takes premium accounts – gold – and real cash to play in consistently. Available only in bundles. It can be mounted on Tier V–VII tanks and some Tier VIII or higher vehicles. if they nerf it any further, it’s completely useless on all tanks. Compare all tanks in detail in the Tank Profiler. It can be mounted on Tier VIII–X tanks. Players dislike the new UI for not being intuitive and the fact that artillery was buffed too much. Tips & Tricks. Dans cette section, vous trouverez des guides utiles pour différents véhicules de World of Tanks. Welcome to World of Tanks! Stab? turbo, camo reduction optic and those stabs are the only usefull modules. Vertical Stabilizer. i don’t give a rats all about if my progetto goes a tiny bit faster. Do you think the improved rotation mechanism would be better for the Super Pershing than a Vert. Both tanks sport solid armor and solid guns for their tiers. I have only recently returned to the game after a 2 year absence (too many illegal mods ruining the game at that time). Check it out here Tank and Weak Spots Analyzer. With the equipment, i can finally play it again. QB, at your skill level all these things make a difference, but not for the majority of the players, they’ll just use your min/max premium experience as an excuse of why they lost the round or why they are at 46% wins with 30k+ games. When you spawn on prokhorovka with 3 artys it won’t make any difference any way. Cost is represented in Gold for an individual tank only with no store additions or promotions. Will it ever come at all? A professional video. Featured Used Trucks & Equipment Listings. I would personnaly say that binocs are only for passive lights tanks and some turreted TDs like the hellcat or the skorpion G. Camo net: QB is somewhat right about this. Tips & Tricks. First Steps as a Beginner (Wargaming) April 17, 2020. Is this update also on console? 0. How to Play Stock Tanks (QuickyBaby) April 20, 2020. Class 2 equipment will cost 300,000 credits. Speaking of Improved Turning Mechanism, or ITM: it is a weaker VS with some very usefull bonuses. I spent my first hour of Saturday instead. This World of Tanks equipment guide will touch on what each piece of equipment in World of Tanks does and whether or not it is worth putting on your tank. With the way aim time and dispersion values are calculated, VS is still the strongest piece of equipment there is. The combo basically allows me to rush and change position like I was a medium, like a mini E 50. Official Mod Portal: Mod Hub (Wargaming) May 2, 2020. best equipment on a Strv.103B to complement a turbo charger? Les guides incluent des informations de base sur le style de jeu pour chaque véhicule, les configurations d'équipement recommandées et de compétences d'équipage. Standard equipment can be purchased for credits. Tips & Tricks. For example, I would bet money you would do better on E100 with extra 10% hitpoints than vents, or as you mentioned, gld on batchat instead of vents, whats the point in improving everything if you cant hit shit on that tank + aiming bit faster reduces exposure time, thus saving hitpoints. Home. Improved hardening looks nice, but why take it over the golden 3: rammer, vents, stab ? Weekends you would see over 100K. Which all comes down to Wargaming making money. 4 months ago. Welcome to the Game Guide for World of Tanks! They will eventually get to the point that it won’t matter they will have made their money. In World of Tanks, picking the right equipment for your Light tank can be a bit tough for new players. World of Tanks Game Guide by La sélection d'une région différente peut affecter le contenu du site web. Search Listings. Especially once you have over 15K battles you have to win at a 75% rate over 1k just to raise your win-rate 1 percentage point. Two new premium tanks are now available; the Chinese Tier X Heavy Tank WZ-111 Qilin, and the UK Tier VIII Medium Tank Centurion Mk. What would be the best loadout for a speedy tog? Hey quicky with the new update to equipment do you think you could do a really detailed video on what you think the best equipment is on some of the tanks in the game it would really help me understand where I could be going wrong with some equipment and that if you didn’t do then that’s okay I just thought I’d give a suggestion on a possible video for the future and for people like me who struggle at times with the game, Your email address will not be published. You and circon are the best CC. Required fields are marked *. I’m just scared that Wargaming won’t release any equipment discounts anymore. About Us. World of Tanks is a Free 2 Play online game published by Wargaming and is available as a free download here: I would disagree about vents, while sure its very good piece of equipment, but on many tanks its just not worth it. Light tanks play a myriad of roles on the battlefield. Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a47ce383f1d7412bca34e4ae680cd970" );document.getElementById("bb21e2457f").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); World of Tanks, Armored Forces, and War Thunder: Ground Forces. As for your 46% with 30k battles, there are some very good players with a 46% – 48% win-rate with 30k+ battles. 15 -18K is a good night? Equipment 2.0 Guide – World of Tanks. Equipment & Loadouts Guide (Wargaming) May 21, 2020. So can someone tell me what should I ne putting on my destroyers? Comment utiliser vos codes bonus et d'invitation, Échange de devises et conversion de ressources. Compare tanks, armor, and packages and in detail including equipment, consumables, weak spots and hit zones That 20% in stabilization works by REDUCING the penalties to the aim bloom, so it is effectively increasing your ability to to aim faster. and that’s coming from a player at 55,5% winrate, so not a scrub at all. Speed Tog is incredible lol. Please PLEASE do not tell WG it’s op, because i like my Maus going every little bit faster. I am using a turbocharger alongside the improved rotation system and bond vents on my E 75 TS. Supercharger is an amazing, borderline OP equipment, but I wouldn’t use it on tanks that are already fast enough. Price Range. Artillery New Player Guide (Wargaming) May 19, 2020. Seriously, it is an ok module on most tanks without mobility slot and only great on very few (incredibly slow) tanks. Silver bonus, XP Bonus, and Crew Bonus are all measured in percent (%). Has she cooked you any delicious food from that region yet? Lower-tiered light tanks are the main aggressors in low-tier matches. An addition to the guide pages and especially for those who like to complain and yet have only themselves to blame. It all ends up on what you feel your tank needs. Time well spent. Simple as that. World of Tank's Lamer's Guide. Des manuels de char pour les véhicules japonais et tchécoslovaques seront bientôt ajoutés. Post Comment. World of Tanks Game Guide. Because if you watch several different CCs videos they all have a different take on what works best for each tank. Poor ”free to play” players, peasant with no money.. just here to write that I’ve not logged into the game since eq2.0 cashgrab kicked in, so not going to watch this video either.. have fun! Until they do this Nope. Bonne lecture, et bonne chance sur le champ de bataille ! Navigate the contents of this guide from the menu below. Some of them are mandatory on some tanks, some are not. I barely miss shots now, only at very long distance. It’s finally here! Like my T-28 prototype? 18. Tips & Tricks. For all the other equipments I think QB was pretty on point. WOT Settings Guide (Taugrim) May 15, 2020. It can be mounted on Tier V–VII tanks and some Tier VIII or higher vehicles. 10 Tips for Beginners (RagingRaptor) May 15, 2020. To find specific equipment load-outs for a certain tank hop over to the tank guide/review section which will cover equipment for specific tanks listed there. 0. However, play style effects what equipment will work best. 10 Year Anniversary Event Possibilities & SuperTest Update August 2, … For the majority of the player base there won’t be any difference if they use bond equip + premium consumables, they’ll just die in the first 2 minutes of the game anyway, or camp a red line in their high tier medium, watching their team die and blame the loss on them. 10 Tips for Beginners (RagingRaptor) May 15, 2020. Guide. QB’s video is informative, and “yes” another Wargaming way to up their profits. Good Clans dominated of course, but the little Clans battled every day. Bonds = for the best players – best players = spend real money = best players pay to win. I’ll take my money elsewhere… And so did 90+% of their player base. General. Equipment. Still destroying the game with every new patch they release. So again, any tank that can mount VS SHOULD use VS. And this whole, very informative discussion of the new modifications available is why I no longer play this game. 5/1 RAAC. World of Tanks is a massively multiplayer online game featuring combat vehicles from the mid-20th century. • 18 types of equipment • Over 200 manufacturers • 1960 and newer equipment • Available in print & online. Guides & Walkthroughs New Guides Popular RPG Action Strategy Adventure YouTube Guides Mobile App. Think of the improved aiming like this: TDs like the Grille 15 cannot use events, I went for binocs, rammer and this unit. If you made it through, then I thank you for taking your time reading my point of view . Next Description of selected tanks Introduction Prev Advanced … So the game relies on new player churn to keep going, because new players will burn out faster and faster due to good getting better gear to pound them to ground. WoT Tank and Weak Spots Analyzer examines vehicle performance, strengths and weaknesses and weak spots in five categories. Click to read more. For the most part your comments are spot on. gz WG you lost another player. Add them to your garage now. World of Tanks XBOX Guide. The “Golden 3” you mentioned has been the major equipment purchases for some time now. Regarding removable equipment as a general rule, most players keep at least two binoculars and camo nets for new tanks, with many keeping two toolboxes or a third camo net and binoculars as well. Are you for real WG?? but with this equipment, it’s finally usable again. TIPPER ONLY OR … Source: QuickyBaby. Game Guide. Obj 140, E-50M, 121 BUFFS | Equipment Tips | WoT 10 Year Anniversary August 7, 2020 | WoT’s New?! Higher-tiered light tanks fulfill more of a support and reconnaissance role in high tier matches. Additional Grousers on Bourrasque isTop Kek. Any given night over 90k players battling YouTube guides Mobile App mediums which already can go fast is. Proper support, a good SPG player can win the battle loading screen you! Shots now, only at very long distance the Construction equipment Guide is a quick reference Guide provides... Contents of this Guide from the mid-20th CENTURY beautiful OP Russian wife doing medium and heavy spallliner do today against!, vous trouverez des guides utiles pour différents véhicules de World of tanks a! – i have a Crew with full camo, drop net for someting else of your liking and spallliner. Roadranger, DETROIT DIESEL two types of equipment: 1 3 servers and on any given night 90k. 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