WELL I WONDER WHAT YOU WOULD DO AFTER 20 YEARS MARRIED TO SOMEONE YOUD PROBABLY JUST BLITHELY DUMP HIM THEN TOO. 3) when I said, I walked for twenty minutes today! Thats such an underhand control technique, as is the not-so-subtle belittling that happens in the guise of help.. Do you believe and trust that the struggling person is doing the best they can within their limitations, and treat them as the expert on their own life? Your dreams for the future have taken a back seat. Not only is that (a) SO VERY NOT COOL, its also (b) likely reminiscent of the very types of behaviors that led to you developing those not good enough feelings in the first place. Maybe Im coming off as too harsh, and if I am I apologize. What can I say to make him want me again? I love it, he doesnt. I struggle mightily. I usually agree with our captain, but this time I see all those scripts as an exercise in trying to change him into a reasonable boyfriend even as hes trying to change you into someone who eats her vegetables. Maybe, if in addition to saying What youre doing isnt helping me, you say, this is what you can do to help, hell be more responsive. He never seemed to understand that these personality traits conflictedor at least, they conflicted in me, for us. Sometimes weve done well when he asks me what I think Im doing. . We both are very logic- and reason-focused people, but hes come to the conclusion that, if she just does these things, I wont have to deal with her being depressed.. Theres nothing logical or reasonable about badgering your partner or dismissing their feelings. Again, voice of experience, you do not want the realization of how stressful he really is to be when youve been thrown back to the bottom of the well. Probably better to stop and say why am I angry about this?. But he was self-centered, and he wanted contradictory things. I generally figure that a persons issues are their own, and what they choose to do (or not) about them is their own decision. It also sounds like massive hyperbole. Because he loves you and wants to see you shine for your own sake? This helps us because it is a concrete thing he can do (yay I am helping someone I love) and actually helps me. I suspect that if she did all those things, his critiques would ramp up x1,000,000 because she is successful and he wants to cut her back down and put her back under his control. All good things. I recognize that it can be really frustrating to coexist with someone elses depression, but the thing is, your boyfriend is not obligated to stay if he cant deal with it. Work. Ok its possible I need a fix of both Buffy and chocolate chip cookies. What it shows is that, really, the storytellers have no idea what your problem works or feels like. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. That looks like progress to me. Usually in the interest of my mental and physical health, but also a little bit because living with someone who has panic attacks can be exhausting especially when they dont always take the best care of themselves (guilty). It is better to be on your own than to have the weight of someone elses expectations on you. He was trying to help in similarly pushy ways. If you like to cook, it might be really awesome if you two discuss the idea of having friends over for dinner a bit more often. I hope you can use some of these scripts to talk to your boyfriend, and that he can truly listen to what you are saying. Yeah and also see direct quote/short version of him. See what happens when you do, how you feel, how he reacts. But then kept sending financial support to his (first) wife, who knew that he was alive and had another family. What does your therapist say about the way your boyfriend tries to continually act as your self-appointed monitor/life coach? Yup. When I was in my early 20s I was a mess. For example, wed be driving home from a fun night out with friends and he would tell me all of the things I had said that *could have* been offensive to someone there. And when he lost a bunch of weight as a side effect of a new medication, suddenly all of his insecurities about it were transferred to passive-aggressively fatshaming me. It could be as simple as saying to him, I noticed you've been distant recently, is there something bothering you? If it were me five years ago, when my self esteem was non-existent, and I were reading this comment thread, my heart would be sinking to my shoes at the very notion of a breakup, because I dont want to be alone for life and who could ever love me again if I screw this up? And then we left my therapists office, and he spent the entire car ride home and the next 8 hours telling me why my therapist was completely useless and how we were going to do things his way or we werent going to do them at all. If you are an academic assigning my posts in your courses, Id appreciate an email with a copy of the relevant syllabus/assignment for my records/CV. When I was unhappy with the way her behaviour impacted me, our living space, or our relationship I saw the fact she wouldnt do the easy, obvious things I told her she ought to as indications that she wasnt actually committed to her claims or our life together. But really nothing in that letter sounds like a happy, healthy time. If Im down in the dumps, a few minutes skipping rope can make me feel better as can a cup of ginger tea instead of reaching for a soda BUT these are temporary fixes and no substitute for dealing with the real issues. After a week or so of adjusting, you can figure out how you feel on your own. It is true that a friend can see me in a ratty sweatshirt with my hair uncombed and know that thats a sign that something is bothering me, but making sure I put on a bright clean shirt and fix my hair, while appreciated, is not going to fix whats wrong over the long haul. He cooks and I cook but we never leave the house. I only do that in ways that SHE has approved, and that weve mutually decided would be comfortable and appropriate for me to do. That is exactly the right way to help, I think. And I have never regretted that decision even once. I might add that my husband wholeheartedly approves of this, and Im sure he does the same thing when Im not around. Does he want you to be happy and comfortable in your own body; or is he looking for A Girlfriend Who Matches The Public Beauty Ideal? It doesnt sound like you two ever consensually negotiated a relationship with unequal roles and a power imbalance, nor does it sound like what you want. But for the rest, I run into a quandary of wanting to help, because it tears me up to see her in the added misery that her self-destructive habits cause her, but not wanting to add to her misery myself by harassing her or taking away her agency to run her own life. My BF was genuinely not a bad guy. When a relationship is 50/50 on decisions (yes, you have equal say!) If you broke up and had to move out of your shared place, where would you go? He says I'm too negative and I have no friends and I'm not self sufficient. Some people need their partner to be less than them so they feel secure. If you are depressed, and your partner likes and loves you, and observes you engaging in self-harming behaviors, and is unable to support you or help you cease those behaviors, theres a real risk they will end the relationship. Sometimes its nice to have a gentle push towards a sincerely held goal, but getting mad at you for not meeting some standards that he made up? theres a bigamist in my family tree too- except he faked his own death. I hope what the various letter writers get out of this sort of advice is perhaps support that what feels uncomfortable and off to them in a way that's hard to describe is actually terrible no good behaviour. I dont even have to duly note your concern or take that under advisement. When men care about a woman, they want to look good and impress her. Anonymous. Most men and women are very different, and relating to someone who is very different from you takes patience. http://fathom.lib.uchicago.edu/1/77777760800/. You know that already because you are experiencing it first hand. Its ok to challenge yourself sometimes and then hang out in your comfortable space! Ill offer help if asked, but otherwise, I try to stay out of itunless an (in)action is directly affecting me, as it was in this case. Bottom line is the conversation . When things improve, can the caretaker let go and not calcify your roles into The Helper and The One Who Needs Help? And its difficult for you to explain this to him, because the Depression Demons are whispering that hes right, so you feel guilty and emotional about it all; so then its Emotional You v Logical Him and things get horrible very quickly. Maybe I can step on fewer landmines by keeping it in mind. Well here are some tips what to do when your boyfriends stop texting. He dropped out of college to focus on being a sound cloud rapper. Yeah, he sounds like the things my Jerkbrain says when Ive drank too much and I feel so gross enough that I just want to get everything out of my stomach. Tell him the reasons why so he can understand. Dynamitochondria, I really have nothing useful to add to that link, except I have been there, and it sucks. He wanted to call the shots. You do most of the calling, talking, buying of gifts, planning dates, visiting, etc. Living in constant stress, even if its a stress youve chosen yourself in the name of self-improvement, isnt good for you. Telling me I am not being logical. Was there a specific moment where things changed, or were they gradual just something small at first but now taking up all of his time so he doesnt have any left for you anymore? What he could and did do that helped me was: 1) shop for food and cook the healthy meals for us himself, and not guilt me when I planned to cook and then. But that makes deliberately exercising seem like Im bowing down to that warped idea of my self-worth. I thought I had some obligation to stay friends. It took me FOREVER to figure out, on my own, that a partner who was contributing nothing to the relationship and refused to take steps that would get him on the path to feeling able to contribute, was not someone I needed in my life. Your boyfriends Exercise more! Im sad because the person I love is sad, and I want them to be happy. The Captain makes some good points about transitioning from one kind of relationship to another, but there are some really worrying bits, here. Because Reasons? Personally, I dont like relationships where I am treated like that. Feelings of shame and guilt. That is some toxic logic there! They are raw cookie dough and you can see the cookie and you want the cookie, but the cookie dough is just not done enough, but you really want that cookie so much and you know how much better it would be if it were finished baking.and so you are mad that they arent doing what it takes to be a cookie. Beloved Human gets it now, and if I send a text saying, X happened, and Im flailing. If he only does that with yours, thats not being logical, thats being a dick. Yeah, this may be coming from a place of already focusing a bit intensely on food and exercise (history of disordered eating and over-exercise here) but to me this sounds like a recipe for mental health disaster. This is sporadic enough that it hasnt become a sticking-point in our relationship (yet! She can call a plumber or locksmith. There will be someone else out there who is willing to make an effort for you. These are pretty direct statements. You've forgotten your dreams. This was more the province of all the callow youths back in college defending obviously indefensible positions for the sake of argument. He is not playing Logick Master, he is just trying to figure out if things make freakin sense. Pick one night per week that you alternate making dinner. The Teaser Trailer For Daisy Jones & The Six Just DroppedHeres Everything We Know So Far, Signs You Lack Self-Love (And How To Develop It), The Best Relationship Advice No One Ever Told You, 6 Things To Stop Doing If You Want To Find Love. Thank you for getting me out of the house!. Somebody who sees the good in you that already is there and currently exists. Its hard not to get triggered into weirdly competitive, self-hating behavior patterns that have to do with weight/appearance. If you have the energy and inclination to push yourself, get on with your bad self, but thats extra credit. 3. Of course you want him to make an effort to wine and dine you; his time, effort, and energy shows he cares about you. He both wanted me to look up to him, admire him, and follow his lead, and for me to be a more confident, assertive person who dressed sexier, partied heartier, and loved to dance. In any case what was most helpful to me when I was trying to decide what to do about my then bf monitoring my exercise and how I acted and what I wore, was look at those things and all the other things we did together (which by that point was not much) and ask if this person seemed to like me. OTOH, healthy eating and exercise are also always promoted as the big pop-cultural panaceas for depression and are indeed helpful tools for some people, sometimes, but unfortunately mesh far too well with the cultural meme that people are only sick (or fat) because theyre lazy, greedy or just Not Trying Hard Enough. I didnt do it for you. He then said that he was only trying to make her into a better person. Do you want to be like my mum, self esteem completely destroyed, fleeing an abusive 30 year relationship from someone who always thought you were not good enough? This boyfriend sounds a little like my mother, and finances have forced me to live with the rents for a bit, so I appreciate the tips and scripts Ive read here. Im sure your partner wants you to be happy and healthy and active, but why? I find that when one person is overly invested in helping someone else, its often an indicator that they have their own issues which theyre trying to feel better about. He says I need to do more, try harder, and not let myself be comfortable., are moreRed Flags. And throughout this time, avoid distractions such as social media. He would say, We really need to work on your sense of adventure and getting you to be more open to new experiences. He always said we, as though this was a joint project. Im also in a place where I need to learn to feel good about myself and yet am in a home environment where I hear waaaay more criticism, scrutiny, and you should/shouldnts instead of support. What did you just say to me? When Dad was having a pity party, I flat out told him that he had driven her away with his constant controlling and put downs. LW you got this. Some of the things the LW mentioned (such as helping with chores) certainly could affect the boyfriend, while there are other things (the LWs exercise and food intake) that do NOT affect the boyfriend. Thank you your reading of his intent is, I think, spot-on! In the most recent invention, a group of university students in China created a kissing device that lets you make out with your partner from across the seas, country, or city. It doesnt matter what a partner is interested in controlling, your food intake, your hairstyle, how much work you do, how much sleep you get; when theyre trying to control you and cannot seem to be redirected, it is time to take the advice of the Doctor. It could be as simple as the fact that neither of you is interested in each other anymore. If you need something short and sweet to say to your BF to stop the mansplaining, and to allow a moment for your brain to get into gear, try this: Thus: Maybe that makes a good benchmark if someones trying to sort out the real from the fake. I cant believe you just did that to me etc etc. This is fine isnt good enough when it comes to relationships, IMO. So if your partner was showing signs of depression themselves, (you know the signs) that would be a reasonable reaction. Tell your boyfriend that you feel scared and rejected when he doesn't call or text, because you're worried he's not interested anymore (if that's how you feel). Or the dark side: You will be fat and I will have to look at how fat you are and that would be terrible for me., My stepmother does this to my dad all the time. Tell Him Why You Don't Like Her. So, think about how much of this does or does not seem to fit. Knowing why he stopped making an effort will help you in making the right decision. And the autocorrect version.). I dont think that his intent upset or control you but a desire for you to do better born from a internal selfishness that it would make his life better or easier. So many hugs to you. With that said, the author adds the context that the dog was originally her ex-boyfriend's, and he had been trying to get his dog back for a while. Then perhaps from there they can move towards leaving. i got a screw driver thing and tried to force the switch witih t; I have a hp 2000 notebook pc and the touch pad and cursor aren`t letting me click on things but the cursor does move? Everything I do in therapy has been trying to build confidence, motivation, and self-respect from within and stop relying exclusively on it externally, and then I go home and grapple with someone telling me that I need to do these things to be better. I told my dude that when I dont eat I get crankier and that I need to eat and i specifically told him that if I try to get out of eating he should provide me with food. It's no secret that men aren't eager to discuss feelings. Like others have mentioned, its super uncool and scary when people use logic and reason as an excuse to ignore other peoples feelings, but when they do that, they also ignore the fact that feelings are real factors that need to be taken into consideration. Would he be badgering you to give up therapy because you dont need it? Not immediately or perfectly, but noticeably and more over time. 2. Weve broken up now and I think its safe to say were both much, much happier. When your brain says ok, Im done exercising today, and instead of that being paired with anticipation of his disapproval, there is just sweet, sweet self-accepting silence. I think Captains advice makes sense because, while getting rid of LWs boyfriend would be (according to many, I read) the logical consequence to his behavior, it is also true that you owe it to yourself to state your boundaries within this relationship, should it only last for one more day. Let your thoughts sit while your jealousy simmers down a little bit. No amount of broccoli is going to make you a better or worse person, and they are not giving out Perfect Most Understanding Trying Hardest Enough Girlfriend awards (and even if they were, itd be a shitty reward, like a 10% off coupon to some restaurant you dont want to go to anyhow, and not a spaceship like we were promised). Flags everywhere! Similarly, with the do more cleaning thing theres plenty of plausible deniability, because living with someone who doesnt pick up after themselves sucks. But when you mention that you wish your partner would eat healthier to be healthier, that's OK. etc.). Logic and reason arent really qualities that describe people. Instead, the predictable (though not inevitable) changes he can make are: 1. He likes the you in his head that he wants to shape you into being. In the former case, dump him and run. All couples fight but if every single argument ever leads only to him feeling like you dont want to work on it, then that is definitely something for the two of you to discuss. When people get all up on how logical and not swayed by petty emotions they are, I always end up thinking about the narrator of Ancillary Justice an AI whos been programmed with emotions because they *allow her to make better decisions*. Probably fish . Youre should-ing all over yourself. Stuart Smalley (aka Sen. Al Franken). You are the boss of you. He is not interested in you. Can I have a word of encouragement when you have a moment?, hell send me a You can do this or I believe in you when he gets the chance, which is all I really need. Aside from that, by telling him that you don't like her will make him see your point of view. They write because stuff is horrible and awful and they cant work out how to fix it (without breaking up). Dont communicate with him except through text/email (if you feel it will be less intense than talking on the phone or in person) or calling each other constantly throughout the day when there are only going to be more fights about who called first and why so much time has passed without either of you initiating contact. My great-grandfather had families in the UK, Germany and Australia, none of whom were aware of each other until Facebook. He used to be the one who cheered you up when you were down, but now he is also always in a bad mood. Do you want my help with remembering to do X? But it still got on my last nerve, and undermined my motivation to develop healthy habits. You SHOULD tell this to your therapist, and any other allies you have. If the title is in your name the vehicle belongs to you and if he refuses to return it and has it you may want to call the police and report it stolen. But I didnt realize just how miserable his misery was making me until it got to the point where I was rolling my eyes at him and dismissing comments (not always out loud, but sometimes) as being stupid or idiotic. It wasnt until a few months of this that I realized just how acutely disrespectful my words and actions were, and it took another few weeks before I finally put together that continuing to live with someone for whom Id lost all respect wasnt doing either one of us any favors. And when everything was totalled up the answer was no. Thats a complicated and unpleasant thing to wrestle with every time you step onto an elliptical. That there is no end in sight, no real goal. Neither of us ever has to do anything because the other is doing it and expects participationonly a prior agreement (or an obvious necessity like bills, housework or cooking) confers obligation. And thats the thing, I guess. Like theyd be SO PERFECT IF THEY DID A B AND C. Unfortunately, the reality is that they are not there. Did you exercise today?Yep, it was great!What did you do?Why are you asking me? So, stop trying to control theirs and focus on what you can controlyour own behavior and responses. This has gotten him in trouble a few times. And if you have depression??? Openly and blatantly. LW, as someone who struggles with depression with a spouse who struggles with depression, heres what concerns me about your letter: Your boyfriend is expecting you to be accountable to a list of tasks hes set, rather than treating you with compassion and helping you help yourself. So I get what it feels like to see your partner unhappy and struggling. Stop the "blame game" and examine your part in disputes or conflict. If I tell him I already did, he tells me that walking doesnt count, that it needs to be more strenuous exercise. Take a step back, and allow the other person to show you what they want. like being unable to control yourself is something to be proud of. The BF sounds like he is familiar territory to you, treating you w/ the disregard & disrespect that as a child you were taught was your due. To be honest, I almost wonder if he said that because he felt he needed to say something (because maybe peanut-butter and chocolate chip sandwiches arent the most common meal and sometimes its hard not to comment on that?) I think this is great advice. Its amazing the first time you realize the difference between actual happiness and just being not-completely-miserable. You might find some helpful scripts for a well-meaning partner in this Captain Awkward post: https://captainawkward.com/2011/11/05/question-130-my-partner-is-depressed-and-i-am-drowning/. Remember that there are always reasons why people do the things they do. This is not a democracy. If you were kind of hiding from them because you were depressed and have shame about how long its been, let it go. I had already tried eight bazillion types of tea. This! My therapist is big on one thing at a time, and if the way I was going to get my paper done on time was by subsisting on the cookies I could reach from my bed, well hey, the papers done! If your boyfriend is receptive to feedback, wants to repair the relationship, and expresses a desire to respect your boundaries, a conversation may be a healthy way for you to find closure or express your hurt. Bliss. Its like, I am going to have a short break from the environment that is making me so unhappy. And its going to be almost impossible to dump him because youre so invested in him but you arent going to get better if he keeps breathing down your neck. If he makes you feel like crap about yourself, then you will feel like no one else will want to be with you. Sure, its better if you are exercising and eating vegetables I guess, but if you dont thats fine youre great anyway. Getting you to be more strenuous exercise of gifts, planning dates, visiting, etc happy healthy. Angry about this? where I am treated like that had already tried bazillion... From them because you dont need it was showing signs of depression themselves boyfriend stopped trying ( know..., and Im sure your partner would eat healthier to be with.! Tips what to do more, try harder, and it sucks to relationships, IMO thats boyfriend stopped trying and! Like no one else will want to be healthier, that & # x27 ; no! 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