Let us know what God is doing in your life. Follow Samuel Smith on Twitter: @IamSamSmith. Shiflett said he was giving Trieber a chance to control the narrative., The ball is in your court now, you have to deal with it. And none of this is in the NT bible. A man who was supposed to be our godly leader and council. North Valley Publications (NVP) is based at Golden State Baptist College, and is affiliated with North Valley Baptist Church. Must one know Christ how does someone know a corpse? That said, all that matters on this issue is that the victim finds healing and the perpetrator is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. This should be a clear message to the FUNDY/EVANGELICAL FRINGE OLD GUARD to cut the crap and do whats right. It was a terrible shock! He also talked about the positive relationship he had with his own previous abuser who groomed him early in his ministry. On this point, I stand with Pastor Shiflett. What, did all our accrued knowledge disappear the moment we walked/ran away from Christianity? We have to do this while also giving perpetrators the opportunity to repent. Santa Clara, California: www.GSBC.edu. In many states, it is crime period to have sex with someone you are over in a position of authority. IFB preachers love exposing the pedophile scandal in the Catholic church. They remain locked in the cycle of self-harm, repeating their begging for forgiveness. Even then, the student "must first obtain special administrative approval in order to attend his home church while enrolled at GSBC." Still, I have to object to the false idea that being saved changes people essentially from sinners to something else. You dont talk to the Perp. The police probably should have handled it because its quite possible that he has hurt her chances of a criminal suit because hes gathered evidence and blasted it over the internet. Review changes Future Students Find helpful information about Golden State Baptist College. This should serve as an example to others, like Dr. Bob Gray Sr.,a fellow Hyles-Anderson alumni (Hey, buddy! My opinions are well known in the IFB community. If any is found, prompt removal will be requested by staff. Sad.Sad for this mans poor wife and children and of course the victims. If you want to lead a revolution against rape culture, you cant have your cake and eat it too. Also as far as what you said about IFB Christians, Im sure there are very many that dont act like Christians, but they are human just like the rest of us. However, the lawyer tried to bargain for a more lenient sentence by arguing that the relationship between Giovanelli and Jackson was consensual.. Copyright 2023 The Life and Times of Bruce Gerencser Powered by Flywheel. Perhaps the fact that this video is so uncharacteristic of fundamentalism is what makes it so noteworthy. www.BBC.edu. If we want to get to the point where accusations of Fundamentalist cover-ups are dismissed on their face - if we truly become blameless in this regard - then we need to make it super abundantly clear that these kinds of crimes will not be tolerated or covered up. IMHO, Bruce is right to say Christianity is a religion like any other. To my knowledge, Shiflett is the only pastor in the whole history of the IFB who had the integrity to come out publicly and get in front of this kind of thing. Trieber about how the staff member who raped two teem age girls, impregnating one of them. History; General Information; . Isnt he now at the new college he founded North Florida Baptist College ? From myself and a handful of other unofficial members of the trail of broken hearts and broken lives the IFB has left behind, we want you to know that were hoping and were watching. This is so important and, quite frankly, could have saved so many of us so much pain had we been aware early on that abusers arent just strangers or bad guys.Theyre more often than not our friends, our family members, our mentors, and those we trust and look up to. Wed love to keep in touch with our alumni! This past Friday, the church family and students enjoyed a wonderful evening at the Fall Festival, hosted by North Valley Baptist Schools. Gives Christians a terrible name. It is for this reason, that I continue to post Black Collar Crime stories, regardless of the threats and abuse hurled my way. Help keep The Christian Post free for everyone by making a one-time donation today. This can cause great discomfort to a church. An Inside Look at Golden State Baptist College. FYI, sexual assaultis nuclear.(Also, youre not a king.). Students must attend North Valley Baptist Church, unless an active member of another "local, fundamental Baptist church" before applying to the school. She said Giovanelli abused his role to get what he wanted from me., He took things from me I could never get back, she said in court. Thank you, Bro. God, the Holy Spirit, prayer, feeling convicted, getting saved none of these things stop predators. There can be such fear where it becomes irrational (Im not going to have them around my kid, even if they have repented and have higher standards for themselves than the law or the parents wouldhave! I do give Shiflett props for speaking up. A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs upanger. Do not take that lightly! Am I imagining things? Acceptance rate by state; Private School Review 244 5th Avenue, # J-229 New York, NY 10001. Home; GSBC.edu; Contact Us; Home; GSBC.edu; Contact Us; November 8, 2021. Why? (Dont worry, we saved them. Engaging in a sexual act, sexual contact, or vaginal sex with a child under 18 who at the time of the sexual activity was a student enrolled in a school where the person was in a position of authority (i.e. Please keep our ministry, the Giovanelli family and all others involved in your prayers. Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience. The Baltimore Sun has an interesting article on the new law: Regardless of the law on the matter, I agree with you that the church should have immediately reported the allegation to law enforcement. Christ came to set people free FROM religion. Threads 1 Messages 2. View their 2022 profile to find tuition cost, acceptance rates, reviews and more. #torture, Stacey Shiflett (@staceyshiflett) May 11, 2018, Most relevant to this issue is his enthusiastic embrace of toxic masculinity.. Out of the hundreds of stories I have posted, only one of the allegations proved to be false. You listened to the victim, took her seriously, and dealt with the situation as best you knew you how. I do give Shiflett credit for one thing: he was willing to publicly call out Cameron Giovanelli, Jack Trieber, and Golden State Baptist College. If a video is removed by Google, it says so. (via Twitter). Arrest, prosecution, and imprisonment do. I know she filed the charges, but I havent heard the outcome. You clearly believe that your faith has helped you to be open and truthful. The second is an extended family connection to a well-known situation. Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson thinks he redeemed himself. Very sad since this really is a disgusting that that hasnt been done. Dating is limited to "church dates" as well as planned activities on or off campus with chaperones. I dont know much about the man or his ministry, but I am thrilled that he went public with the story and hisexperiences. My exact words were, I prefer a surgical strike rather than a nuclear bomb. I preferred dealing with it straight at the heart of the matter and try to minimize the collateral damage because of her trust issues with churches and pastors. Bruce pastored Evangelical churches for twenty-five years in Ohio, Texas, and Michigan. But I feel horrible and try to make it right and change things. Absolutely LOVE that pastor Shiflett took this stand! Give yourself a pat on the back for trying! Its never too late to do better. Attendance at the daily chapel service is required. One would think that by now, with the well-publicized accounts from the past that few would ever make this mistake again. I say let the police handle it. As the family sat in his office he promised that if the family did not press charges of rape against the staff member than the staff member would never come back. Ok first of our Pastor Shiflett is not out to whoever said that Victim blaming is a cultural issue that we all have to face and deal with. Although Giovanelli initially denied the allegations, he pleaded guilty in December to fourth-degree sex offense and second-degree assault charges as part of a plea bargain that resulted in the dropping of sexual abuse of a minor charge. Let the police determine if there were other victims and what case they can bring against him. Shiflett! Huh? Of course, the victim can turn to civil courts for satisfaction. Bruce, your own testimony has condemned you. Just. View photos of our students during services, activities, and more! Golden State Baptist College is privileged to have seasoned men and ladies training the next generation for the . This is exactly why the IFB has such a negative reputation, for decades of dealing with sex crimes in-house, in secret, and without the proper authorities. Giovanelli is still on staff at NVBC. The world was way different. So so sad. There were no allegations of wrongdoing of any nature that involved the ministries of North Valley Baptist Church or Golden State Baptist College. Christians Say the Darnedest Things: Coach Dave Daubenmire Exposes His Racism For All to See, Dr. David Tee Thinks Everyone Who is Not a Christian is an Atheist, Bruce, I Pray You Will Have Your Eyes Opened and the Truth will Guide You, Black Collar Crime: Evangelical Pastor William Tim Smith, Jr. Hey, God has forgiven him and so should we. The pastor and church board never gave a full accounting of the whats and whys of this mans behavior and their culpability in the matter. x. . Carte 20/an. More Info North Valley Publications People who tell the truth deserve praise, as we here have praised the man willing to tell the truth from within the religious cage. as far as Giovanelli not being able to work with children again, i agree, he shouldnt be able to. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fVLn59Ujg-o, Or, you can youtube Response by Pastor Stacey Shiflett to North Valley Baptist Church. Ya nobody wants to be associated with it so I understand the backlash but we have to understand that it is everywhere and we should do our best to expose it. The purpose of GSBC is to train men and women who have a sincere desire to serve the Lord. Please keep our ministry, the Giovanelli family and all others involved in your prayers. With a few significant adjustments, I wish we had more people like him on our side. The students were stunning, and it was an unforgettable night for all involved. The married pastor served at that church from 2004 to 2014, and later became president of Golden State Baptist College in California. This post is about sexual asssault, and you are more worried about someone having a potty mouth? Take your sanctimonious morality policing and shove it where the sun doesnt shine. . Floor leaders perform routine "lights out" checks at 11:00 PM, however if a student is out at work they are allowed to be out as late as 1 AM. Its not even the fact that he messed up! Imagine how much better it might be for sexual abuse victims if their pastors not only listened to them but acted morally, ethically, decently, and responsibly on their behalf. Wednesday, May 16 Trieber announced they received allegations of inappropriate conduct and placed Giovanelli on administrative leave so they could conduct a thorough and honest investigation (which apparently involved zero communication with the actual victim). Click the photo to request information about GSBC. The victims assault may fall under the new statute depending on when the alleged crime was committed. "Our task today is to tell people who no longer know what sin isno longer see themselves as sinners, and no longer have room for these categories that Christ died for sins of which they do not think theyre guilty." People today are so willing to believe anything. Said it accomplished its purpose. Just pray for all involved and if the accused is guilty and can be sent to jail so beit. He instilled things in me that took me years to realize. He regularly praises known rape apologists and accused rapists like Trump and Hannity. The victim sued the church. Youre welcome. Mark your calendar and register now for an unforgettable experience on March 27-28. Steve unless the Perp spills his guts to the Police Officer your contact with him could be construed as interference The repenting for the Perp comes after conviction and jail Any counseling by a Pastor should come from a Pastor totally unconnected to the Church Representing the Church means representing the victim until the allegation is proven untrue or the Perp is convicted and in jail period By going and seeing your friend as a Pastor you are being unfair to the victim If the Perp makes admissions to you it cant be used against him because your a Pastor Thats not fair to the victim and you just put yourself in place of siding with thePerp, Steve are you kidding me you can bring Spiritual disapline before the authoritys can act Thats obstruction Do you hear what your saying You should stay out of it This Pastor who did his own Investigation is dead wrong He could be prosecuted Plus you dont think this guy dumped his hard drives and phones already Im sure their in the San Francisco Bay CHILD PORN ITS A FEDERAL OFFENSE IF THIS GUY CALLED THE COPS THE FEDS WOULD HAVE HANDLED IT AND GOT SEARCH WARRANTS FOR HIS HOME AND OFFICE AND ALL ELECTRONIC DEVISESBingo, Pastors dont think this is a big deal Short of murder this is the worst thing one can do This guy could do 20 plus years maybemore. He clarified his use of the word consensual and shared with me that his investigation was for his own peace of mind since Giovanelli was a friend and the former pastor of Calvary Baptist Church. Money wont heal the wounds, but it sure as hell will make pastors and churches think twice before they bury criminal behavior or allow sexual predators to escape prosecution by moving on to new churches. She mentions the fact in a public post on her facebook page. Why so much outrage over the burning of an LGBT Pride flag? How do you know Christ was radical? When Giovanelli resigned from Golden State Baptist College after the abuse allegation went viral, the chancellor of the college and the pastor of its affiliated church asked the. I can find out as many details I need on this case on the Internet, NVBC did the best they could. He and his wife have six grown children and thirteen grandchildren. 1-888-GSBC-4-ME; info@gsbc.edu; 3520 De La Cruz Blvd. there is no discernment in what you read. If you contact the accused about the allegation you just destroyed that opportunity ie YOU OBSTRUCTED A CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION. You do not get to tell a victim how or when or where to talk about their experience. It is, like all others, built on the Tree of Knowledge Jesus did not come to give knowledge, but life. We should hate the sin that was done to them that they did not ask for. And I commend the man for speaking out the way he did and as far our church burying him has more love and support then ever before! According to the law, we have to report theseproblems; We should investigate. I Did, and He Didnt. Why would Cameron Giovenelli take a high profile position at a Bible college, if he had any doubt about this coming out? Legal scrutiny absolutely is necessary when you uncover criminal activity. Shiflett is out, though he doesnt yet seem to know it. He may never be able to pastor another church again, and Im sure those who he is rebuking will come after him for retribution in some way or shape. I as a christian in turn can decide that I dont want to. Are you interested in Bible College but not sure what step to take next? This is a traumatic event in any event. Also this charge has a statue of limitations of 1 year from the offenses occurrence. Golden State Bible College President on administrative leave over allegations of 'inappropriate conduct' By Jim. There is always the possibility of false accusations which cannot be discounted. . The purpose of Golden State is to train men and women who have a sincere desire to serve the Lord by equipping them with the tools necessary for a fruitful ministry. Just look at Hollywood with the me too movement, and that horrific USA gymnastics team doctor. Please dont let this happen. Yes, some fundamentalists have had a problem with cover-ups. The churchs insurance company paid out a hefty settlement. Click Here GSBC Alumni We'd love to keep in touch with our alumni! On a side note I happen to be an IFB Christian but I hope you will find that I have been quite civil and pleasant even in disagreeing with you. While fundamentalist pastors may feel like they have authority, they do not and their judgments dont mean anything outside of their small circle. In feeling, in allowing myself to feel and to talk about that in my family history (child of preacher) I was finally free to say goodbye to church, to faith, to sin, to all the sick ideas of religious indoctrination. The rest of Triebers statement went something like this: the church and related ministries are blameless, and please pray for our church and the rapist. Golden State Baptist Schools in Bakersfield, California serves 12 students in grades Kindergarten-12. The video was getting reported on Facebook, comment sections were getting disabled, Shiflett was getting pressure from other leaders, and eventually the video and related sermon video were removed from YouTube entirely. Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days areevil. Im not , for many reasons, a fan of IFB beliefs and practices. A couple things people should realize before bashing nvbcs statement is that they had to be very careful about how they worded their statement in order to avoid a potential lawsuit. This action, in most states, is criminal. [2] As such, its degrees and credits earned are not recognized as valid to most potential employers or other educational institutions. I dont have a potty mouth. I just have a larger vocabulary than you. The administration "stand[s] against the destructiveness of para-church organizations", a reference to Christian ministries not operating under the authority of a local church. Return to homepage. If a pastor leaves a church over some sin, and starts another church, the church he left doesnt have the authority to stop him from being a pastor if the new church wants him. Golden State Baptist College (GSBC) is an independent Baptist Bible college in Santa Clara, California, offering bachelor's degrees and master's degree programs in fields related to Christian ministry. United States. When I came out of religion altogether and found the secular crowd, I thought I had finally arrived. I had found sanctuary from all this stuff. Wouldnt it just be easier to say, depraved mankind has a problem withcover-ups? Had to be such a miserable life. How many ministries when someone is caught, the police are properly called and the perpetrator handled by the authorities? Zachary left Golden State for West Coast Baptist College but was shortly thereafter fired from there (I believe in 2014) because they became aware that there were state . What doesnt work here is not religion, but Jesus Christ. Gray says its the man of Godsduty to respond in defense of the accused.. Here I am, an out and proud atheist, feminist, liberal, humanist, activist for religious equality, gay rights, science and sex education, pretty much all the things this guy spends his days condemning and Im sitting here watching his preaching videos on YouTube and getting excited! First Day of Classes 2022. I tried not to get it on the internet. The other sad thing is I have looked at the law in Maryland and because 16 is the age of consent there, the only thing that he could likely be charged with is for him maintaining a relationship with someone under 18 in which he had an authority position over. The Members are the customers. - David Wells. Thursday, May 17 The victim was so upset by Triebers statements that she decided to file an official police report instead of just letting the church handle it. One church I know of had a man who sexually assaulted teen boys twice. It seems Giovanelli needs to wash behind his ears. I just hope they can have closure over what has occurred since I will be surprised if the Maryland DA will charge him with anything. Giovanelli seem like a victim instead of the perp he is. Im not saying that the evidence isnt compelling or that she isnt believed because I believe her, but that doesnt mean that the church can publicakky convict or punish him outside of a court of law. I asked her if she had approached Pastor T. after the service and she said to his face, How could you allow him back again, and then she said that Pastor T. looked at her and said that there was nothing he could do. When faced with the evidence, the determination was made to terminate him, but that doesnt give them the right to say hes guilty over the internet because that could potentially be slander and a defamation suit. "Golden State Baptist College students are expected to go soul winning for a minimum of three hours per week." "Some things are of that nature as to make one's fancy chuckle, while his heart doth ache." There job is to report it. I have a love-hate relationship with Thanksgiving Day. All you know about Jesus is what little is said about him in the gospels and what preachers have been saying about him for the past 2,000 years. God Is Still Good. He lost his job over it and was kicked out of the church. Home; GSBC.edu; Contact Us; Home; GSBC.edu; Contact Us; Category / Academics. Neal, unfortunately . where is the news coverage there is only accusations for months now i dont fall on either side of this becouse there has been no proof you can say he resigned yes he did however that was not an admission of guilt and we dont know why it was done so i ask any updates. It remains to be seen if there is any legal recourse in this matter. Brian, you dont know Christ so you have no idea what you are talking about. Again, Im torn. I am sorry to know that you were so harmed that you fell into addiction and I admire that you share your view in a place like this, not exactly among those of like-mind! Prove it! Keep your own life clean God is the real judge! Today I reported an illegal ballot drop box site that I spotted at a Calvary Chapel church in Chino to my county elections board here. May 29 2018. No idea what you are over in a public post on her facebook page we. 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