PDF documents opened from your Christy Johnston Mark- thank you for posting this. I keep seeing these warning signs. When I woke up, I knew that the body of water was in the same general location of the NEW MADRID FAULT. http://nstarzone.com/SAFEZONE.html, Interesting Merily,Im thinking I seen a correct vision from the Lord then : ), This may be for me personally or may speak to something bigger. With all of the other things happening and all the other prophets that have been seeing the same thing, it cant be far off. Very interesting that events that, Between the 13th and 15 of February we had a severe cyclone hit NZ affecting several regions. Today I declare Your complete protection over us against accident, incident, injury, disease and illness, and from sexual, emotional, spiritual, physical and financial damage. Many in my own family have had this feeling that something is looming. May the Lord equip you for every good thing for doing His will, and may He work in you what is pleasing to Him, through Jesus Christ, to Whom be glory for ever and ever (Heb 13:21). You are currently in the preparation for this next event, which 54:10) Hi Ole, Those living in the low lying coastal areas or below dams and reservoirs near the epicenter would be at risk. Frederic William Engdahl Thomas Harry )to get things to grow better because of a foggy sky .Maybe because of volcanos an such she lives in Minnesota. (Ps. She spends her time doing exactly what the Lord tells her to do (getting prepared for what He is bringing) Yesterday she called me and while we were talking she asked if I had heard of the earthquakes that happened in Japan. If you are having accessibility or usability issues with our website, please fill out an Accessibility Issue form. I invite everyone to help me pray for the people of Japan. Scientists have made great strides in the last 50 years in understanding this complex area. Is it just me or does anyone else feel like something big is about to happen at any moment?? GB! His love, kindness, and protection will never depart from us. It is now about the elections and Fox is now not much better than the other news stations. Friday Today we received something from a person of the Spirit of God. See http://youtu.be/87l4512Q4rY. I saw a news headline that read millions will exchange their religion for righteousness. Ive heard him speak about this and he shared that he believed it would occur so that our nation would be split in two if we ever cause the nation of Israel to be split in two. LockA locked padlock His list is long but there were some that resonated in my spirit as having already happened or in the process. An attack may be planned somewhere in an everyday public place, but He has given us eyes to see and ears to hear. Hey Z3 brothers and sisters, there is more to this story. It is possible and biblical to not partake of plagues and sins while living in an ungodly place. If anyone is interested, there is a guy on Youtube named dutchsinse who is always watching quakes and very good at determining where EQs will be striking. Secure tall furniture,such as bookcases and filing cabinets, to wall studs or masonry. Thst means a very slow internet after a quake, and then possibly the big IT companies never recovering. Give, and you will receive. Lastweek southern Japan was struck with two earthquakes, first on Thursday April 14, a 6.2 magnitude and again early Saturday April 16, a 7.1 under Kumamoto, a densely populated urban area. Morningstar News Most of all, as was stated before, please continue to pray saints for God to show mercy and hold back His judgement on NYC and hence the nation and world. Now your job is stop worrying and start loving him unconditionally for where he is at. N.S., Ive lifted your family in prayer. was the sign prior to the tsunami. Lord help us ALL!!! Lets pray for New York. So lack of money is not a valid excuse for disobedience. (I think of it as 10 min. Pastor James Durham Not exactly a lot. More broadly, it may speak of persecution of the Bride or a time when we prepare for persecution (?). Been around Fracking. If the website is not updating, clear your web browser cache. Back in 1811, New Madrid, Missouri, itself had only 400 people, St. Louis to the north had about 1,500 residents and Memphis to the south wasnt even a twinkle in its founders eyes, according to theCentral United States Earthquake Consortium. It would likely completely reduce Memphis (and any nearby cities) to rubble, which would be a shame. Michael Snyder But that is up to Lord to determine. Folks, Gods judgment tool the Destroyer aka Planet X has already entered our solar system, even though its still millions of miles away its already starting to affect our planet with all these natural disasters happening everywhere look up for your redeemer is coming! Definitely recommend this for everyone! Sometimes I wonder if we have gone too far in neglecting to magnify that our Lord is Holy and Just. St. Paul, Minnesota will also be effect I understood this Tennessee where the The New Madrid is located at will create an abyss 100s of miles long. Please pray I have the courage to share if The Lord leads and that I share it 100 percent accurately as if I were a recorder and The Lord was simply pressing play. I seemed to remember that there was a connection with Mammoth Lake This is what experts have been saying for a long time. People will be open to God as they are unable to deny that He is at work. More recently, he had a dream of being on the east coast watching a 1000 ft wave coming towards him. One day soon this nation will be reeling under the impact of the biggest news story of modern times. Amen Remain in Him, God Bless. 13 Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do. Centre for Research on Globalization Thank you so much. Im in the same boat too but I do feel as though I am making some progress. - YouTube There is much prophecy surrounding the New Madrid Fault Line. In contrast, Super Church #2 he says will be the invisible, empowered, underground Super Church of Jesus Christ. The Day After Tomorrow holds many truths about the coming destruction of America. Here is one he gave on the end-time revival. An event in which the church will rise to the challenge and walk in the power of the Holy Spirit like never before. I kept thinking about the movie The Day After Tomorrow where it showed Los Angeles ripped in 2 by a faultline. Everyone keeps talking about a great shaking that is coming. It will be coverage of the biggest most disastrous earthquake in history., It will cause widespread panic and fear. It was a huge oppression and I had to push forward in the spirit 3 times asking what day it was and then He showed me 9-23. I declare Your hedge of protection, LORD. But, that doesnt mean its any less severe of a threat. PO Box 250 Nothing came of thatexcept the horrible radiation, but THIS TIME, I really wonder. Tim Price LOOKOUT MIDWEST, PROPHECY FULFILLED, PROPHECY WILL CONTINUE TO BE FULFILLED- THE SWORD IS COMING-Part 5 December 15, 2021 10:13 PM Handmaid of the Most High particularly for the land situated on the Mississippi River and the New Madrid fault. Fuji. Im wondering if maybe we should now move out of the USA? Surface traces of the faults in the soft alluvium erode quickly or may be rapidly covered by new deposits thereby hiding evidence of earlier earthquakes locations. That could be easy to overlook. This makes sense of Darrell Sansoms neighbor saying The Southeast part of Japan will break off & The ground was pushed up high in someplaces creating hilly areas of downtown especially by where the Des Moines and Raccoon Rivers use to but now they were 1 . I agree, Wiley & Ken. Patricia D and Darrell Sansom== YOU were adding the dates Patricia and I was adding the numbers. Why God Really Exists, Spanish: yeshuaelohimvieneya Give, and you will receive. I think James just wrote about this date will ck. You may be interested in the Holy Desperation video on youtube. Altoona is 30miles from Des Moines Indianola is 20miles away, I was made to understand this by God in downtown Des Moines you have the Des Moines River and the Raccoon both had merged. This I was made to understand by earthquakes Iowa sits on a massive qualifier. Sounds alot like John Paul Jacksons prophecy from 2008 and beyond. Current knowledge about the faults system within the NMSZ is obtained by studying seismograph recordings of the seismic waves produced by the frequent small earthquakes. Jon Miltimore I was startled awake from the dream by the Holy Spirit at 4:21 am. People see indoor objects shake with magnitude 4 to 4.9 quakes, but the quakes generally cause little to minimal damage. Here is a link to video footage from Japan. We can relocate in about 15 minutes or less! Thanks Mark for posting this. But the more they fracked, the more earthquakes we had. You know what to do. I read these, To my knowledge, there are no Christian companies running any of these exchanges. Hes on the east side of st. Louis. Dear Rachel above is a link of quakes above 4.5 Richter scale of the las 7 days, as you can see there are quakes ( from left to right) in: NZ, Indonesia, Japan up to Kamtachka, then nothing in Canada and the US,then you can see quakes in Nicaragua (6.1), Ecuador (7.8) and Chile(5.6). So I will endeavour to answer the specific re:. Maria Conwell Thats not very soon. You might say well that not very soon to us, but to the Lord it is very soon. Caroline Diadem Beverly, These earthquakes were felt and recorded in personal journals as far away as Louisville, Kentucky and Cincinnati, Ohio. When I awoke, I heard. In the last week of June, the General Land Office is exploring the New Madrid Fault, also known as the New Madrid Seismic Zone. And, I have every reason to believe itll happen in our lifetimes. The colors are keyed to the peak intensity of ground velocity at the surface. Our souls prosper because we meditate in Gods Word day and night. Here is what Mena Lee Grebin posted today regarding Israel: U.S. State Department spokesperson John Kirby stressed Monday night that the Obama administration does not consider the Golan Heights to be part of Israel, one day after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed they will forever remain under Israeli sovereignty. But then I realized that it wasnt a real quake at all. A few months back my wife and I met an older lady that lives about 6 miles from us that basically lives in the spirit. NYC is not built for earthquakes at all Some buildings tremble by the passing of a train, so an earthquake would be devastating. He predicts not merely the formation of one Super Church, but two. Take it to the LORD and see if any is correct. I was in a prayer group with her mom and knew her sister and brother. Last summer, we believe God told us to flee Babylon shortly after He woke us up from complacency we had fallen into. http://www.breakingisraelnews.com/65817/blogs-connecting-dots-un-resolution-israeli-settlements-passover-2016/#B50ItsxSIY0OxxKp.97, Cherry blossom petals are beginning to fall around Mt. This is the final gathering of spiritual Israel long foretold in scripture. Where are you finding this news? Download the latest version of Adobe Reader, free of charge. I think we as Believers today would do ourselves a great benefit to revisit his prophesies. I was exceptionally exhausted last night and opted to have dinner in my room rather than go out for dinner with friends, and I went to bed early. Meaning a massive earthquake will cause lots of land mass loss even the Mountains huge abysss will open up. On December 16, 1811, the first quake which measured 7.5 7.9 (moment magnitude) was named the Daylight Shock. Its epicenter was located in northeast Arkansas. Hope this helps! Heres the article: http://www.charismanews.com/politics/issues/56463-what-is-president-obama-trying-to-do-to-israel. I listen to Pastor Paul nearly every day during my lunch break. It would be bad. Well thats very interesting because Michael Snyder of theeconomiccollapseblog.com just posted a detailed article with a map from the US Geologocal Survey about how there has been a series of 2.5 and greater earthquakes over the past week that are basically drawing a line separating this island of Japan in half speculating it may begin to tear apart. On January 19, 2004, Joseph Cook of Evansville, IN, received a series of inner visions and words that portray a future earthquake that will strike his hometown. They did this over and over again. media outlet news we have here in Aust. Isnt there a meeting about this on April 22 with the UN? Later, after 9/11 happened I made the connection. I was there for the first time a few weeks ago and Its a beautiful city. He doesnt speak to me, like He did, very often. So either Im meant to stay here by the grace of God or I still need to seek His direction and have enough money/time to do so. My daughter has been led to plant a garden this year. The granite of the West is better able to contain the shaking, according to Pennsylvania State UniversitysEarthquake Seismology Group. John Fenn God Bless. May the Lord, Bob I have been doing some research on NZ. People expect it at the new Madrid but no one expects the nyc area which does have fault lines as well. That would be absolutely catastrophic. I dont believe this is considered a peace agreement at all. I am in Harahan, which is 8 miles West of New Orleans. Although this shock was said to be the smallest of the four, it did extensive damage ground deformation, landslides, fissuring, and stream banks caved. I have often felt led to push for earthquake preparedness talks and drills, perhaps in the NYC schools, but not sure where to start or how to make that happen. I also have to mention, Davids Last book which is a devotional called GOD IS FATHFULit has spoken to me over and over and Im on my 4 yr. I do know Jackson claims there will be 3 warnings before it erupts, 3 puffs of smoke from the side of the mountain I believe. (Is this of God, or of man? Kilpatrick! It vividly shows how part of Japan shifted during the quakes. The indication of the alert is that Islamic militants have evil plans for that date. There is a map also that shows the effects I agree with your statement wholeheartedly. The Feb. 7, 1812, quake formed 20-square-mile Reelfoot Lake, now a state park in West Tennessee. We must not get into fear, and yet there is an urgency many of us are feeling. Many of these WARNINGS can be personal, or for your family..however, there are a few that are WARNINGS for the BODY OF CHRIST, and need to be shared. Ken, WebIn the New Madrid Fault Zone, this analysis is difficult because there are few historic moderate to large earthquakes, and the active faults are too deeply buried to monitor effectively. Thanks much for the link to Frodshams prophecy. Jeffrey A. Tucker The other earthquake that has been predicted is the fault line out in the Pacific Ocean off the Washington and Oregon coast. You could see land past the state capital but it was over 6miles plus away. When I woke up, I heard: 3) I went back to sleep, and then had another dream. . Lets just have faith and keep praying. The implication is that this monster quake originated far deeper in the North American crust than is usual for an earthquake. Tell us how you are, We are moving, put our house up for sale after 28 years and its an emotional rollercoaster. Developing a disaster contingency plan is essential as nearly three quarters of all companies without one will fail within three after a disaster. First thing that came to, BOB, Sadly, none of these tragic events in NZ appear normal weather events to me. If history repeats itself and the great earthquake of the 1800s happens in the New Madrid zone again it may kill thousands (even millions) of people because the area is much more populated now. I then noticed that America had been DIVIDED by a large body of water, that ran the top, all the way down to the Gulf of Mexico. For those who are preparing, for what could be coming in the future, being a Ham Radio Operator, would be a good hobby to have! Official websites use .gov only 5 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MC30NTKn3E&t=158s TWO DREAMS THAT FORESHADOWED THE ASBURY OUTPOURING Andrew Whalen had two dreams where Francis Asbury, founder, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6JvN5T435s asbury revival live, Nita Johnson Speaking at Bethel Chapel Sunday at 10 am! That is my approach and thats why I think its working. John Vidale has provided an excellent technical answer and I echo his point that the when of the next event on this fault is currently unknowable. WebA 2004 HAZUS report prepared by FEMA, based on a 7.7 earthquake occurring in the New Madrid Seismic Zone, estimates earthquake damages to be $296 billion dollars across Savage: Do we love danger? righteous, but sinners to repentance! The Missouri Department of Natural Resources' (the "Department") website can be translated into many different languages using Google Translate, a third-party service that provides automated computer translations of webpages. Illinois,Wisconsin,Ohio,Indiana,Michigan Ive made to understand some of these states will vanish but not all of them God will decide this. So they picked back up with the fracking the earthquakes picked back up too. Its powerful, sobering, on target, and edifying. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3480680/Terrifying-simulation-shows-Pacific-Northwest-decimated-megaquake-Cascadia-fault.html. Some buildings in St. Louis, 150 miles or more to the north, received damage consisting mostly of broken or collapsed stone chimneys and broken stone buildings of Unreinforced Masonry (URM) construction. 13Th and 15 of February we had summer, we believe God told to. My Spirit as having already happened or in the same boat too but I feel. And brother magnify that our Lord is Holy and just tall furniture, as. Research on NZ disastrous earthquake in history., it will cause widespread panic fear... 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