The primary purpose of the IRB is to protect the rights and welfare of research subjects. The explanation of risks should be reasonable and should not minimize reported adverse effects. The consent process begins when a potential research subject is initially contacted. A) The Consumer-Patient Radiation Health and Safety Act was designed to protect patients from unnecessary radiation. They may be presented at a conference. B) Modified image receptor holding devices are not currently available for use with handheld x-ray devices. 11. B) White light leaks may be marked with tape or chalk so that they can subsequently be sealed. 10) Which of these statements regarding the competency of operators is false? A) Scatter Protected from physical or psychological harm (including loss of dignity, loss of autonomy, and loss of self-esteem) Protection of privacy and confidentiality. A patient must never be forced to sign a consent form To ensure that all patients properly understand the consent form, always use the same language to explain it. A) 5 years after the date of exposure. Subjects do not have the option to keep their records from being audited/reviewed by FDA. C) provides and updates evidence-based selection criteria guidelines. 13) All of the following are indications for using CBCT during endodontic treatment planning except one. A) from the date that treatment was started. B) Remove original radiographs from mount and place on duplicator, remove duplicating film from the box and place emulsion-side down, close duplicator cover, set time, depress exposure button and process the film. A) In the definitive evaluation method, objects on the buccal surface of the tooth will appear more clear and distinct on the image than objects on the lingual. This process may be useful for studies with separate and distinct, but linked, phases through which the subject may proceed. Which of the following is true about ethical research using animals? A) CBCT with a small FOV B) the dryer was not operating correctly. C) Digitization technique D) Test for darkroom light leaks. Whether the experiment involves a placebo. D) Follow strict protocols to protect oneself during exposures. Subjects, both women and men, need to understand the danger of taking a drug whose effects on the fetus are unknown. 6) Each of the following statements regarding quality assurance of the automatic processor is correct except one. A) The purpose of taking radiographs D) Use of the step-wedge to monitor the developer should occur at the end of each day. What is the exact statement required to be included in informed consent documents? Informed consent means that researchers should tell participants about which of the following before they agree to participate in research? 3) Which of the following statements regarding dental x-ray machine output consistency testing is correct? A person who speaks and understands English, but does not read and write, can be enrolled in a study by "making their mark" on the consent document, when consistent with applicable state law. A.2. When a sponsor submits a study to FDA as part of the initial application for an investigational new drug (IND), FDA has thirty days to review the application and place the study on "hold" if there are any obvious reasons why the proposed study should not be conducted. A) CDs B) Surgical tooth impaction evaluation Draw a ray diagram to find out if this is possible. A) Some radiographs image tooth crowns while others record the entire tooth down to the root. 3. Let's take them again.". Every interaction in a research context is a communication of some sort, and communications can go awry. c) An informed consent requires that the This problem has been solved! A) Keep retake radiographs under three per patient. A) The coin test monitors darkroom safe lighting. B) Chemical ingredients and common name ", 14) Which communication to a patient is contraindicated during radiographic procedures? A) The radiographer should praise the patient for his or her assistance with the procedure. C) Darkroom A) Radiation output consistency in the Counseling Relationship . (b) The foreseeable risks to the subjects are low. If a covered entity obtains or receives a valid Authorization for its use or disclosure of PHI for research, it may use or disclose the PHI for the research, but the use or disclosure must be consistent with the Authorization . C) Fixer Even if the research is exempt from a full review by the IRB, an Exemption Form must be filed and approved by the Department chair and submitted and reviewed by the IRB. The IRB should be aware of who will conduct the consent interview. Our decisions do not influence the lives of other people. B) indefinitely. B) having a consult with a specialist. C) when the patient ceases to be a patient. 1) What does CBCT stand for? A) Small An unexplained statement that the investigator and/or sponsor may withdraw subjects at any time, does not adequately inform the subjects of anticipated circumstances for such withdrawal. B) dimension. While not required by FDA regulations, some IRBs stamp the final copy of the consent document with the approval date. Research involving minors SELDOM qualifies for exempt status. An ethical principle which guarantees the right of all human participants to cease taking part in research at any time. Which ethical principle is this a glossary definition of? highly motivated people tend to focus on their goals and may unintentionally overlook other implications or aspects of their work and. D) In an uncomfortable discussion, avoid eye contact with the patient. If specific statements cannot be made (e.g., each case is likely to require a different response), the subjects should be informed where further information may be obtained. The consent document must explain whether there is compensation available in case of injury but must not waive or appear to waive the rights of the subject or release or appear to release those conducting the study from liability for negligence. D) Cone beam correlational time, 2) All of the following describe oral conditions for the prescription of CBCT relating to Standard of Care except one? An objective review of research is necessary because. Why do batteries go dead, but fuel cells do not? 13. 12) A step-wedge is a device of layered metal steps of varying thickness used to C) Unless required by law, personnel monitoring devices should be discouraged. For studies that are subject to the requirements of the FDA regulations, the informed consent documents should meet the requirements of 21 CFR 50.20 and contain the information required by each of the eight basic elements of 21 CFR 50.25(a), and each of the six elements of 21 CFR 50.25(b) that is appropriate to the study. An unexplained statement that the subject will be asked to submit to tests prior to withdrawal, does not adequately inform the subjects why the tests are necessary for the subject's welfare. D) Sagittal, 10) Which of the following planes describes a transverse plane that divides anatomy into an upper and lower section? Declaration of Helsinki - adopted in 1964 . A) Dental x-ray machine output test Are risks greater than minimal risk*? Investigators may consider and the IRB may require additional safeguards for these populations. B) Appropriate filter color C) A coin is placed on top of the unwrapped film for 10 minutes. Which of the following statements about Milgrams obedience-to-authority studies is (are) true? A) Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) T . Any substantive changes to the document made by an IRB must be submitted to FDA (by the sponsor) for review and approval. What are their responsibilities in this case? The independent variable. B) Safelight evaluation A) A dental radiographic normalizing and monitoring device can be used to monitor the developer. B) Axial respect the privacy interests of research participants Are the provisions for protecting privacy adequate? designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge (An essential consideration is whether it is the intention of the investigator to contribute to generalizable knowledge). The IRB should ensure that the informed consent document properly translates complex scientific concepts into simple concepts that the typical subject can read and comprehend. 5. Statements such as, "you may not participate in this research study if you are a woman who could become pregnant" should not routinely be included in informed consent documents. C) both the original dentist who prescribed the radiographs and a new dentist if the patient leaves the original practice. C) The statement is correct, but the reason is not. C) They must know when to prescribe dental radiographs. A.2.a. `+a - A) "In case you are pregnant." Informed consent documents should describe any compensation or medical treatments that will be provided if injury occurs. D) test the strength of processing chemicals. 5) Each of the following statements regarding informed consent is correct except one. D) Sagittal plane, 7) What FOV classification for CBCT would be indicated for localizing the lower right arch? The procedures subjects will encounter should be outlined in the consent document, or an explanation of the procedures, such as a treatment chart, may be attached to and referenced in the consent document. Ethical considerations are only relevant in experimental research. A) "I know this is an uncomfortable procedure, so I'll be as quick as possible." A) is regulated by individual state laws, which may vary. The following criteria are often considered by Institutional Review Boards for the Protection of Human Subjects: *minimal risk means that the probability and magnitude of harm or discomfort anticipated in the research are no greater in and of themselves from those ordinarily encountered in daily life or during the performance of routine physical or psychological examination or tests. An investigator shall seek such consent only under circumstances that provide the prospective subject or the representative sufficient opportunity to consider whether or not to participate and that minimize the possibility of coercion or undue influence. D) It uses a step-wedge. Wording such as: "will be your responsibility or that of your third-party payor" has been erroneously interpreted by some subjects to mean the insurance company is required to pay. Five Requirements Based on Beneficence, use procedures that present the least risk to participants consistent with answering the scientific question [TY14.6]. The IRB should be aware that this element includes a description not only of the benefits to the subject, but to "others" as well. The goal of psychological research is often to measure statistical uncertainty and reduce methodological uncertainty. B) Once a year When clinical investigators conduct a study for submission to FDA, they agree to allow FDA access to the study records. C) Coronal Statements that test articles are safe or statements that the safety has been established in other studies, are not appropriate when the purpose of the study includes determination of safety. D) After the first permanent molars erupt, 19) Which of the following best responds to this patient question: "Why do you use a lead apron when exposing my radiographs?" Which one is the exception? The benefits of the research often lie in the importance of the knowledge to be gained. D) Intensifying screens should be cleaned daily with solutions recommended by the manufacturer. D) dental implants. B) "This is an easy procedure, but I need you to help by slowly closing." A) A true test of the safelight uses a film preexposed to a small amount of radiation. FDA guidance on the inclusion of women in clinical trials [58 FR 39406] now gives IRBs broader discretion to encourage the entry of a wide range of individuals into the early phases of clinical trials. 4) Each of the following statements regarding communication is correct except one. Which one is the exception? Explanation: The statement which is false regarding errors in the informed consent process is: An informed consent requires that the patient should be oriented times The orientation of concern for 3 times is not needed and is unnecessary. Details of any deception. E) Neither the statement nor the reason is correct. D) test the strength of processing chemicals. B) The patient Although a single contact might be able to fulfill this requirement, IRBs should consider requiring that the person(s) named for questions about research subjects' rights not be part of the research team as this may tend to inhibit subjects from reporting concerns and discovering possible problems. Note: Exempt and expedited studies that are not DoJ-funded or subject to FDA regulations must complete a short study status report every year. B) Multiple images that are identical in density and contrast indicate a failed test. Is the process for obtaining consent appropriate? The IRB review system is designed to provide an independent, objective review of research involving human subjects so that the privilege of conducting human subjects research may be maintained. B) They must be competent in exposing, processing, and mounting dental radiographs. 7. B) Consultation with other professionals B) Both the statement and reason are correct but not related. Thus, what may be a socially sensitive issue or topic at one time or place may not be so at another time or place. A) the water level too high. The principle of respect recognizes the capacity and rights of all individuals to . A) Disinfectant C) Quality assurance includes both quality control techniques and quality administration procedures. We fully adhere to its Code of Conduct and to its Best Practice Guidelines. Each university that receives federal funds (and most do) must have an Institutional Review Board (IRB) that reviews all research conducted at the university. Which one is the exception? A Certificate of Confidentiality protects sensitive information provided by research subjects from civil, criminal, or administrative subpoena. [TY14.3], 4. C) evaluate tube head stability. The publicizing of the Public Health Service Syphilis Study at Tuskeegee (1932-1971) led to the establishment of the National Research Act of 1974 which created a national commission that ultimately issued the Belmont Report (1979). 9) Which of these statements is false? The goal of psychological research is often to minimize statistical uncertainty and create methodological uncertainty. True b. 13) To give informed consent, each of the following must be explained to the patient except one. Only scientists should decide what is ethical or not about research. This second person writing style also helps to communicate that there is a choice to be made by the prospective subject. %%EOF Risks in research participation are specific to time, situation, and culture. D) Establish a written quality assurance system for radiographic equipment. 14) Legally, radiographs are the property of A) Legal cases Everyone today accepts that Milgrams research was ethical. It must ensure that discomfort to animals is minimized and harm only occurs where essential. As with other required elements, the consent document should contain sufficient information to ensure an informed decision. 10) Each of the following is a safety protocol standard except one. In the case of non-English speaking subjects, this would be the translated document. B) Flat panel detector client consent. See the response to #47 in the Frequently Asked Questions section of these Information Sheets. Certificates of Confidentiality may be granted for studies collecting information that, if disclosed, could have adverse consequences for subjects or damage their financial standing, employability, insurability, or reputation. Heightened Awareness of Problems with Unethical Research. endstream endobj startxref D. An informed decision requires enough reliable information for appropriate judgments. D) repeating requests several times to greater facilitate comprehension. Which one is the exception? B) Identify problems as soon as image quality is compromised. A) Caries detection C) An additional radiograph would be required to determine the buccal or lingual location of the impacted retained primary root tip. D) Ethics are laws and regulations pertaining to the behavior of the health care professional. Investigational New Drug Applications (IND) submitted to FDA are not required to contain a copy of the consent document. D) radiation health and safety. Job Position: "EFT POS Field Technician /" Deadline of application: 15.03.2023 Company: "MELLON Albania-Kosovo Branch" MELLON Albania-Kosovo Branch , a member of MELLON Group of Companies, is looking for qualified candidates in the following position: EFT/POS Field Technician - Technical Department About the team We are MELLON Albania-Kosovo Branch, a member of MELLON Group of . A) Speak to the patient in lay terms about the risks and benefits of exposing radiographs. B) Axial A) When a wall mounted unit is unavailable The fundamental ethical principles est. C) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) A) three-surfaced composites. B) To apply the tube-shift method, two radiographs are needed. D) Streaking, 17) Which of the following describes radiolucent distortion surrounding the dense radiopaque appearance of the metal object on an image? A) Waters A) Professional rules of conduct are called a "code of ethics." C) reconstruction. B) The fastest film speed currently available should be used for all radiographs. C) Reverse towne projection Overly optimistic representations are misleading and violate FDA regulations concerning the promotion of investigational drugs [21 CFR 312.7] or investigational devices [21 CFR 812.7(d)] as well as the requirement to minimize the possibility of coercion or undue influence [21 CFR 50.20]. Anything that is likely to affect the participants' decision to participate in the research. 20) Which extraoral radiographic image is used to examine fractures of the condylar neck? A) Lateral cephalometric D) 15,000, 2) Which of these is not a method of localization? Married minors may sign their own consent for treatment Any adult over 18 years of age may sign his or her own 13. Subjects might think that, because the IRB had approved the research, there is no need to evaluate the study for themselves to determine whether or not they should participate. Although an investigator may not recruit subjects to participate in a research study before the IRB reviews and approves the study, an investigator may query potential subjects to determine if an adequate number of potentially eligible subjects is available. 8) Which of the following is not a goal of the dental radiographer? 15) Effective verbal communication begins with The informed consent regulations [21 CFR 50.25 (a)(5)] require the consent document to include a statement that notes the possibility that FDA may inspect the records. If the IRB determines that the numbers of subjects in a study is material to the subjects' decision to participate, the informed consent document should state the approximate number of subjects involved in the study. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the official website and that any information you provide is encrypted and transmitted securely. D) "Your radiographs are too dark but we corrected the problem. If relevant animal data are available, however, the significance should be explained to potential subjects. D) When using handheld x-ray devices, the operator must take a position behind the device. Risks in social and behavioral sciences generally fall into three categories (in rare circumstances the risk may be physical such as a study of victims of domestic violence who may become the victims of retaliatory violence): When assessing risk associated with participation in a research study, there are two distinct elements of risk that need to be considered. Statements such as: "will be the responsibility of you or your insurance company" or "compensation is not available," could appear to relieve the sponsor or investigator of liability for negligence, see 21 CFR 50.20. It should be clear whether the phases are steps in one study or separate but interrelated studies. _f^j=g;so=1,r 7M=f\].T v Ensuring that in the research process individual participants cannot be identified. B) is not required in all states if one has accredited training. Let's take them again. A) Definitive evaluation method Nuremberg Code - one of the 1st developed in response to Nazi atrocities in 1949. D) They must be informed of how and why quality control tests are to be performed. To enable a rational choice about participating in the research study, subjects should be aware of the full range of options available to them. C) This won't hurt a bit." B) Modified image receptor holding devices are not currently available for use with handheld x-ray devices. This element requires that subjects be informed that they may decline to participate or to discontinue participation at any time without penalty or loss of benefits. A) A dental radiographic normalizing and monitoring device can be used to monitor the developer. To explain to you why they wish to leave so that you can conduct debriefing. a. Research conducted in established or commonly accepted educational settings, involving normal educational practices. A) the statute of limitations. The consent form should document the method used for communication with the prospective subject and the specific means by which the prospective subject communicated agreement to participate in the study. 4) The federal Consumer-Patient Radiation Health and Safety Act C) An undistorted image of the coin For IND studies, the IRB should assure that the clinical investigator submits the investigator's brochure (when one exists) with the other study materials for review. A) It should be performed by a qualified expert only. Which of the following is true regarding the impacted retained primary root tip? D) Image receptor holding devices and rectangular collimation used to reduce radiation exposure. D) all of the above occur. B) Right-angle method Use of first person may be interpreted as presumption of subject consent, i.e., the subject has no choice. B) Allow the patient to choose who he or she wants to expose the radiographs. If FDA does not place the study on hold within the thirty day period, the study may begin (with IRB approval). B) from the date that treatment was completed. Sample or draft consent documents may be developed by a sponsor or cooperative study group. A) Another dentist C) Evaluation of oral pathologic lesions D) Reduce the occurrence of retake radiographs. D) How the radiographs will be taken. 8. Decisions about research ethics are always a matter of personal choice. In studies that also evaluate the effectiveness of the test article, consent documents should include that purpose, but should not contain claims of effectiveness. B) a new dentist if the patient leaves the original practice. A) Speak to the patient in lay terms about the risks and benefits of exposing radiographs. Subjects are not in a position to judge whether the information provided is complete. Ethics are not a major issue because participants are not deceived. 15) It is imperative that an image receptor positioner with an alignment guide be used with handheld x-ray devices because the operator must take a position in front of the unit. Investigators should carefully consider the ethical/legal ramifications of enrolling subjects when a language barrier exists. A. Three Basic Ethical Principles Outlined in the Belmont Report, Respect for Persons (Treat individuals as autonomous human beings, capable of making their own decisions and choices, and do not use people as a means to an end) Anything that is likely to affect the participants decision to participate in the research. D) the patient. Standard language is typically developed for those elements that deal with confidentiality, compensation, answers to questions, and the voluntary nature of participation. Which one is the exception? C) standards protocol. It is as important for the subject to know why an individual should be contacted as it is for the subject to know whom to contact. gather data from procedures or activities that are already being performed for non-research reasons Before sharing sensitive information, make sure you're on a federal government site. 20) The legal right of the patient to refuse radiographs is a form of C) "I always gag on the back ones, so I understand your apprehension." Which one is the exception? 1) Each of the following plays a role in gaining patient confidence and cooperation except one. The DHHS regulations are often referred to as 45 CFR 46. D) "Breathe through your nose.". The investigator remains ultimately responsible, even when delegating the task of obtaining informed consent to another individual knowledgeable about the research. [TY14.5] The hypotheses. B) Body movements C) A failed test should prompt the operator to check the solutions, the water supply, and the film dryer. Which one is the exception? A person who can understand and comprehend spoken English, but is physically unable to talk or write, can be entered into a study if they are competent and able to indicate approval or disapproval by other means. C) Large To report you to the institutional ethics committee. When determined to be appropriate by the Institutional Review Board (IRB), subjects must be provided with one or more of the following additional elements of information during the informed consent process (see 45 CFR 46.116(b)):. They have been criticized for putting participants at risk of harm. A) Quality assurance is defined as a series of tests to ensure that the radiographic system is functioning properly and that the radiographs produced are of an acceptable level of quality. D) Ethics are laws and regulations pertaining to the behavior of the health care professional. Risks will differ according to the subject population. -patient must voluntarily give consent. 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