Multiplayer game, answer a few random questions or rebus. STEP 3: On selecting the discord server in which you want to add the Mudae bot it will ask you to authorize the required permissions to the bot. $togglekakerasnipe 0: (default value, no restriction) Any kakera rolled can be sniped by anyone. $randomimg 1: Images are random for ALL your rolls. $tuarrange: Customize the informations displayed with $timersup. This command can be overridden with individual users' $limroul. Arrange the order of the categories for your $tu command. Everything is added to your current amounts and nothing is removed from both servers. Change the embed color (side line) of your like list. Type $rolls to use them. Elisa Mueller - Elisa Mueller was born in Kansas City, Missouri, to a mother who taught reading and a father who taught film. $fnp $ to also search by character name. Use $disabledel ($dd) to autodelete your $disable message. $kakera: Buy kakera badges to unlock bonuses. This will copy your harem from another server (adding all the characters to your current harem, EXCEPT already claimed characters, custom characters and characters from the series Azur Lane, Arknights and Mahjong Soul). $rollsleft: Change where the '2 rolls left' message is displayed. For global permissions of all commands, use $restrict or $channeldisable instead. To remove all notes, use $noteremoveall, To search in a specific series, separate the series and the search with = ($fn = ). Having Mudae on your server has a straightforward purpose. Mudae also provides some degree of moderation and you can play games like waifu, catch . If you want to apply the effects for the whole day, add fullday after the command (can be combined with lock). $klresetall: completely reset without refund all kakeraloots. Today, Mudae has more than 65,000 "waifus" and "husbandos" who are available for marriage and divorce, and they can be found all over the place. For frequently asked questions, especially those which cannot be answered by a single command, see FAQs. Second instances ($channelinstance) can't be set to the default mode for regular servers. Mudae Bot has a collection of over 50000 different characters from different anime and video games and almost all of them have very detailed stats and descriptions (which really makes you wonder where the creators dedication comes from). Give kakera (from kakera scraps) to someone. $top: Top 1000 characters. These effects are only applied during high traffic hours. Before you could even do this, you will need to give your bot the permissions it needs. This command allows you to view your harem or your marriage list where you will see a list of all the characters that you have married. Note that you can just use $limroul 1 1 1 1 to be safe with your lowest limits. She made it to help other people. Sigue jugando Mudae y obtendrs ms claves de forma natural. $imab for the bundle list of the series. This will show you all the things that you can do using the Mudae bot. The bot allows you to play games with a large number of people and provides you the features to play as roulette. Add a custom character for your server (1000 max). Characters disabled from your rolls ($disable, $togglewestern) are indicated with . Completely disable western animanga characters for your rolls. Trades and gifts are not affected by the custom limit (they still cannot exceed the hard limit of 8100). Don't add any bots yet. 8815f3e16df42d19cec510b1ce51b5de7244175ff9fe58d57a9e01f2485890e275d9c48223ad10d6d1c269bab390a02d180ee85fde6e342c6b2e4b2166cba2cf. This command is used to change the default image of a particular character. The list which will have the most popular points with the 15 wides will be the most popular on the server. There are many types of multiplayer games available as well as many other unlimited options for entertainment and fun. In Gamemode 1, it will show your overlap limit at the top; in Gamemode 2, it will show your pool limits (which are reached using $limroul). $channelhelp: Display this help on the channel. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. $ima $ for multiple series. $destroy: Restart the kakera tower with a refund of the invested kakera. Also displays the total amount of characters. $w This is the second of the three basic commands. Sort by series: $fnall $, Alphabetical sort: $fnall abc$ or $fnall reverse$, Alphabetical sort per series: $fnall abc$$, To not include notes containing certain words, add -- in front of each term to disable. It has around 50000 anime and game characters that members of a Discord server can claim and customize. Your list of Soulmates (any characters you've earned at least 10 keys on in any server). After this, you can check your harem again and there that particular character will show up with that custom description. This kind of roll will not reward keys or the gold key bonus (if you roll your own character). The receiving server must have invited Mudae for the first time within one month. When you have clicked on the invite link you will be redirected onto the discord where it will ask you to select the discord server in which you want to add the Mudae bot. $togglekakerasnipe 1: (partial restriction) Kakera rolled from $mk can't be sniped for 8 seconds. Mudae's default prefix is "$". Choose what should be private about your wished characters. Add -- in front of a text to exclude it from the search. $channeldeny: (admin) Disable some commands in the current channel. If you have already claimed one recently then it shows how much time is left (the cooldown) before you can claim a new character. ; Go to the website containing the Mudae bot. Wish for an entire series. To remove one image: $ai remove $ , To remove all of them for a character: $ai removeall , To swap an image: $ai swap $ $ . ($ai), $fullresetnoteimg: remove all image notes. $waifu: Random waifu. Use $noun, $adverb, $adject, $vrb in your sentences to add a random word. It doesn't bypass the commands $togglehentai, $togglehorror or $serverdisable. The user can use this command to roll for and marry any random character from any anime or game that is rolled. $join: Link to join Mudae on her server and get more infos. Or $resetalias for their $alias / $resetimg for their $changeimg, $fullreset: (admin) List of full reset commands (aliases, images, wishes, disablelists, embedcolors, keys). Use $antidisablelist ($adl) to see your list of antidisabled characters, Use $antienable ($ae) to remove characters from your $antidisablelist (or $aeall for all), Use $antidisabledel ($add) to autodelete your $ad command, You can enable specific characters or series with $antidisable, You can disable specific series with $disable (the same amount of characters are enabled if you go below the limits mentioned above). $badgevalue: (admin) Change the base value of some kakera badges. Use $tsk id to display user IDs. To add another role, use the command again. $myid: Get your user/server Discord full ID. Swap the main name for an available alias. In order to view a particular character from your harem, you can use the $im command followed by the name of the character to view their image along with their basic info like their name, which anime or game they are from, how much kakera that particular character is worth, as well as how many times they have been claimed and how many likes they have gained. Change the spawn rarity of already claimed characters. $asl: Change the alias of one of your Soulmates for your Soulmate list. This command will give you the amount of kakera you have on another server (after conversion of the badges and towers) as well as your kakeraloot stuff (refunded if you already have loots on the new server). You must have claimed the character or be an admin of the server. Enable/disable the different means of collecting kakera, or turn the system off entirely. $bitesthedust scrap: Divorce all the characters of each player in the server; divorced characters give their kakera value to the server kakera scraps. $rollsleft 3: The message 2 ROLLS LEFT doesn't appear anymore. For multiple characters or series, separate them with a $. $imq+ (or $imq- ) to only search for names containing a part starting (or ending) exactly by your request. w (waifu), h (husbando), wh (both genders), w= (waifu without both genders), h= (husbando without both genders), g (game), g- (animanga), gg- (both), g= (game only), g-= (animanga only), a (series list), a+ (series names), b (series bundles), p (character search if you type some text), s (DM). allgames: side games of Mudae (quiz, teas, pokeduel, jankenpon), allother: all side commands of Mudae ($quotimage, $42ball, $fate). Most of the commands have aliases. $pokeduel @User: Starts a pokduel (useless random game). After using this command, everyone with this role ID CAN'T USE the commands specified. Mudae should now be in your server. This feature is unlimited if both the gifter and the receiver spent 8000 kakera on badges (and with this, unlocked multi-trading). $nis , $nip and $nin are also available. Discord is home to many entertaining bots and mods. With the $namecustom or $nc command, further names can be inserted. $randomimg 3: Images are only random for your rolls of CLAIMED characters. $colorsl: Change the embed color (side line) of your $sl. $kakeraremoveall: remove a certain amount of kakera from all users. $togglesnipe 0: (default value, no restriction) Any character rolled can be sniped by anyone. If a character with the same name is introduced to the bot, aliases might need to be changed using this command. allpokeslot: all Pokslot related commands. $randomimg 5: Images are random for all your rolls EXCEPT for the characters from your harem. It shows how many times you can use the gacha to roll for a new character. Syntax to swap: $cr swap $ , Syntax to reset all your emojis (default emojis will be used again): $cr reset, See your customized list with $kakerareact list, Reset a color to its default value with $kakerareact reset. They're one of the easiest ways to build an online community for a brand, service, or hobby. Unlock the full potential of your character and earn more rewards! if you want to return the list instead of one character. Also, you can roll specifically anime ($wa) or game ($wg) female characters to marry to. You can roll up to 10 at a time ($kl 10). Link to join Mudae on her server Mudae World and get more information. Bots can also respond to messages sent by members of the group. $setpermission alias charowner => users can change a spoiler alias for characters they own. $servlimroul: (mode 2, admin) Disable the less popular characters. Divorce all the characters and clean the wishes of someone. $cleanuser: (admin) Reset harem and wishes from a user. Use $channelallow to enable them again (undo). $42ball : Answers to your yes or no questions. When you have a small server, it's great because Mudae has a spawning system that doesn't have a lot of characters. Hide the emoji indicating a character is disabled (for $im/$mmi). The probability to spawn a kakera under a claimed character depends on how many claimed characters you spawn on average, so this command won't help you to get a lot more of kakera reactions. To claim any other character, the user has to manually add any emoji. 6. $marryexchange: Exchange characters with the mentioned player. Wishseries aren't considered as wishes for this command. $husbandos ($h): Just one of the basic Mudae commands. Time left before you can react again to a kakera. Change the secondary alias to whatever text you want. React with before 30s. To remove the secondary alias, leave the text portion blank. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. $togglereact 1: reactions and buttons are never automatically added under the rolls of characters. .zklaml-1whqzut{display:inline-block;vertical-align:middle;line-height:100%;top:2px;position:relative;}.zklaml-1whqzut svg{fill:#000;}.zklaml-1mmyqhz{padding:0 8px;top:4px;position:relative;}.zklaml-1mmyqhz svg{fill:#626262;}.zklaml-pr0334{font-family:adobe-garamond-pro,serif;font-weight:400;font-style:normal;font-variant-numeric:lining-nums;line-height:1.45;overflow-wrap:break-word;color:black;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;display:inline-block;cursor:pointer;font-variant:all-small-caps;color:#626262;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;font-family:sans-serif;font-size:16px;}.zklaml-pr0334:hover{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}.zklaml-pr0334:hover{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;color:#000;}EntertainmentReviews. $fullresetdisable: clean the disabled lists of all users. This will show you all the things that you can do using the Mudae bot. $likepos : insert a character at a specific position (and move down others). She moved to New York City and worked for Entertainment Weekly magazine for ten years, visiting film sets all over the world. Follow the steps below to add the Mudae bot on your discord server-. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Additionally, all available slash commands may be viewed by typing /. DMs an embed with a command list (just like this article). How to Add Bots to Discord Server (Mobile) List of divorced characters by moderation commands ($bitesthedust, $forcedivorce, $cleanuser). $allow to remove a denied command for a role (undo). See the category FLAGS LIST below to know how to filter your harem and other lists! Add a custom image for an existing character. Example: $mmwr only displays your waifus (flag w) and how they are ranked (flag r). Upvote Mudae on and collect rolls resets. ake sure you go through the permission that you are going to authorize, also you can update this permission from the bot setting in discord. To get the Discord full ID, enable the developer mode in your Discord settings (appearance/behavior) then right click on their icon. $vote: Help Mudae to entertain mankind and get a free rolls reset. You must include a place for the character's name as and a place for the user's name as . if you want to return the list instead of one series. $rollsleft 0: The message 2 ROLLS LEFT appears below the image. Discord servers are great for websites, internet personalities, and more. Divorce half of the harem of everyone in your server. $randomimg cust 2: INSTEAD of displaying a random image, a custom image is displayed if there is any. When you have added the Mudae bot on the discord server then the users can start making waifus and husbandos appear in the chat room. $fn $ to search multiple texts. List of floors for the kakera tower: spend kakera and unlock more perks. The Very First Thing In The Tutorial On "How To Use Mudae Bot Discord" Is That You Have To Invite The Bot To The Discord Server. Also apart from the waifus/husbandos gaming mod, there are 5 mini-games on the bot. Using this command on the currently set alias will show the list of aliases (like $alist). Sort by harem flag: $sm$mm (Examples: $sm$mmr, $sm$mmw re:zero, $sm$fnw note). This will prevent the character or the series from rolling for the whole server (limited to 1000 characters). Please remember that the $search ($s) or /commandsearch commands can be used to look up every command as well. 1. This cannot be overridden, and these characters cannot be viewed at all. For those people, who love watching anime and playing games, the Mudae bot is surely a divine addition to this list of Discord bots. $togglesilent 0: (default value) When using a disabled command, the bot will send a message to tell you how the command is disabled. $settimer: (admin) Change the number of seconds during which you can claim a character. The 9 million or so discord servers that it is part of make up a lot of what I say. $favarena: Define your favorite choice for the waifu arena. Multiplayer games, compete for waifus / husbandos, catch pokmon and other weird stuff. Use $adc or $aec to specify a character in the case a series shares the same name. The transfer is limited to 10 million kakera. In Gamemode 2, when you disable a series, the same amount of disabled characters are enabled (you can't go below the limits mentioned by $limroul), Options: d (details), v (vanilla), s (DM). $ly to like without confirm if you have at least 10 characters in your likelist. $likeremove : remove a character. Step 2 - Now, you can select in which server you want to add Mudae Bot and after selecting click on continue. Note that you will still need to use $ when separating characters, series, etc. $selfreset: List of personal full reset commands. It stands for marry. $ql is used to load your list. $bitesthedust requiem: Divorce all the characters of each player in the server; divorced characters give their kakera value to their owner. $togglereact: (admin) Change the automatic addition of hearts under the rolls. Use one of the syntaxes below to change how the bot answers when using a command disabled by $channelrestrict, $channeldeny, $restrict or $deny. Congratulations you have successfully added the Mudae bot on your discord server !! It also allows users to catch pokemons and play other multiplayer games, etc. This bot has close to 40,000 different combinations of husbandos and waifus that you can look for with the Mudae commands, so you can find them. ($ni). You gather all the characters you wish to wed and compete with your friends to have the most attractive harem. This command also works for series and games as well by using $ima [anime/game]. $alias2: Change the secondary alias to whatever text you want. Gaming mod, there are many types of multiplayer games, etc with a $ selecting click on.. For websites, internet personalities, and these characters can not be overridden, and these characters can not viewed... Random questions or rebus the steps below to know how to filter your harem turn the system entirely. Must have claimed the character or the gold key bonus ( mudae bot tips you want completely reset without all! 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